funny pictures thread!

Meanwhile where Caleb lives...


There was a fucking CAR where that hole is yesterday morning. Some yahoo driving 190km/h (in a 60km/h zone) hit a flower bed and went sailing through the air into this building. lmao!
:lol:! well to be fair once you get on a canadian road it goes on forever, it's worth speeding just to get it all out of the way

also i love how the windows appear intact. windows are expensive
No man this was a relatively short road with a lot of houses and turns on it. It was late but the driver would definitely need to use both lanes to make all the turns at that speed. The flower bed he hit was actually on a "V" split (road splits off in two directions) at the end of the road. :lol: Apparently he could not decide which direction to take so he just pulled a Dukes of Hazard instead.