Funny Thread


Carrying on the story........

In the batcave where, looking at the tv he sees Tommy Lee Jones pronounce that "we have a fugitive", this worries Spawny, as he has had a long day and is very tired and emotional, so he lies down to have a sleep when.........
... through the door bursts the Australian Wrestling Federation's tag team of the year, The Brothers Of Schtool, dressed in their tight brown lycra outfits with toilet emblems on the front!

Wielding their mighty toilet plungers of Schteel, they strike down the power hungry Robin and carry Spawny off to their hidden anus cave of turds! This is where...
Spawny begins to think he is going to be in serious trouble, and he would be, BUT along comes someone to save him, and when they reveal themselves, its.........!
LT and Stu, who rip their masks off to reveal that they were the Brothers Of Schtool all along! Spawny wasn't saved at all! MWUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

After tying Spawny up in their gigantic Commode prison cell, The Brothers Of Schtool notice that...
Spawny is using the force and emitting the foulest of foul odours from his arse! It seems halford has given spawns arse super powers! WIth his new weapon and a keen knowledge of fiberous foods spawny beings his attack on.....
... the very fabric of existence that we all hold dear!

It was then that Governor Tarkin (back from the grave) uses a stolen transporter from the USS Enterprise (E) to beam Spawny aboard the new Death Star to use his ass as the most feared weapon in all the galaxy!

As the Death Star begins its slow journey to whatever planet fuckin' Jar Jar Binx is on, it became obvious that...
EVERYONE! He is going to make the whole world pay now for what they did to him, He brings down the UN and several small dictatorships before moving on to the USA and decimating it, then takes out Hawaii and a few other small places noone cares about, and then.........
Originally posted by The Trooper
one of the helicopters from M*A*S*H bringing wounded to receive some tender loving care from Rob Halford, but unfortunately...

The Brothers OF Shtool had placed a homing device upon Spawny, so he would spontaniously combust if Rob came any where near him. So with a big loud bang....