Funny Thread

"I think you are mistaken Mr. Ravic, Xena dolls would sell much better as she is so much more of a looker" but Tim ran into the room...
So we all ran for the door and followed Tim only to see the real Xena outside who had taken off her lycra skirt and was wearing nothing but a Cinderella crop top...
Originally posted by The Trooper
So we all ran for the door and followed Tim only to see the real Xena outside who had taken off her lycra skirt and was wearing nothing but a Cinderella crop top...

she was singing away off key and all,whilst shaking her booty.Everybody had gathered around yelling for her too take it all of but.....
The Trooper didn't because he went home to go to bed (I am going to bed now hahaha, goodnight everyone). Everyone else though continued yellihng for her to take it all off but...
"I have taught LT all I know about dressing like an 80s metal head, his training is now complete! Now I must let him go and form the 80s hair band he so desires to form!"

As he was walking away from the mighty battle ground that was Wacken, LT saw...
Originally posted by Lord Tim
"I have taught LT all I know about dressing like an 80s metal head, his training is now complete! Now I must let him go and form the 80s hair band he so desires to form!"

As he was walking away from the mighty battle ground that was Wacken, LT saw...

Stu and Dakk trying to pry open what looked to be.....
"Come, brother Stu! We must use our mighty Schtool powers and break this lock with only the power of our bowels of fire and death!"

Farting simulaneous streams of molten METAL (!!!!!), the lock shattered into a million pieces! It was then that Stevo noticed...
Originally posted by Lord Tim
"Come, brother Stu! We must use our mighty Schtool powers and break this lock with only the power of our bowels of fire and death!"

Farting simulaneous streams of molten METAL (!!!!!), the lock shattered into a million pieces! It was then that Stevo noticed...

that through them doing this that they made all of what was inside be destroyed. It was at this point that he flew into a rage that no one had ever thought possible.There was only one thing that could be doen about this....
Originally posted by JonBonJovi

that through them doing this that they made all of what was inside be destroyed. It was at this point that he flew into a rage that no one had ever thought possible.There was only one thing that could be doen about this....

And that was to send Spawny home, because he was looking very bewildered and confused (as usual) about how all this happened and how he ended up in Wacken when all he wanted to do was go to bed, so everyone.........
fought over who would call up his mummy to come and pick him up to take him home so he could have his cookies and hot milk, finish reading his Spiderman and go to bed, but this was not to be because...
Originally posted by The Trooper
fought over who would call up his mummy to come and pick him up to take him home so he could have his cookies and hot milk, finish reading his Spiderman and go to bed, but this was not to be because...

...when everyone got to spawny's house they found him in bed with none other than the Bus Woman! But there was something strange about her - something not quite right. She had...
a bulge in her pants. Without waking her, her pants were slowly taken down only to reveal that she was not "Bus Woman", she was "Bus Man"!! In the tradition of Scooby Doo, we took off her mask and she was none other than...