Funny Thread

Originally posted by Icarus

After much soul searching spawny decided jar jar wouldnt be so bad after all...especially after a few beers so he started on his journey to.......

The death Star where an unknown bounty hunter had taken Jar Jar captive.It was also reported that there would be a party held at Naboo in celebration of his dispearance.Ahhh decisions decions.....
Originally posted by Icarus

After much soul searching spawny decided jar jar wouldnt be so bad after all...especially after a few beers so he started on his journey to.......

the back of his Mr. Whippy van where...
Originally posted by JonBonJovi

The death Star where an unknown bounty hunter had taken Jar Jar captive.It was also reported that there would be a party held at Naboo in celebration of his dispearance.Ahhh decisions decions.....

what could spawny do? He decided the answer might come to him from iced earth. He got in contact with Jon Schaffer with his super duper sock phone and jon told him to....
Originally posted by Icarus

what could spawny do? He decided the answer might come to him from iced earth. He got in contact with Jon Schaffer with his super duper sock phone and jon told him to....

forget that looser Jar Jar. As he also informed him that his band was playing at the party so he must be there otherwise the droids will come for him. At this....
Originally posted by JonBonJovi

forget that looser Jar Jar. As he also informed him that his band was playing at the party so he must be there otherwise the droids will come for him. At this....

thought he better get his arse to the party to talk to jon! At the party he found jon and started to talk about how great kiss is when suddenly he felt a tremor in the force coming from.....
Originally posted by Icarus

thought he better get his arse to the party to talk to jon! At the party he found jon and started to talk about how great kiss is when suddenly he felt a tremor in the force coming from.....

the direction of where a woman whose back was turned to him.He wondered who she was as she seemed to have an aura about her that was very calming yet....
Originally posted by JonBonJovi

the direction of where a woman whose back was turned to him.He wondered who she was as she seemed to have an aura about her that was very calming yet....

at the same time very arousing! Spawny moved to the couch to sit down a minute until things calmed down when with woman suddenly pulled out a blaster and aimed it at.....
Originally posted by JonBonJovi

Spawny tried to leap behind the tree next to him whilst yelling for the woman to stop. He then realised that it was all in vain as the tree really was a ....

large rolled up magazine. Spawny cursef himself for mistaking a magazine for a tree. So he quickly ran away from the woman and ducked behind the couch where......
Originally posted by JonBonJovi

Yoda was totally ignored y all that had gathered at the party. Yoda turned to him and said..... germany must go you.....there taught by metal master hansi kursh will you.
At that spawny lept from behind the couch ignoring the woman and ran outside to his metal flying fortress....
Originally posted by Icarus germany must go you.....there taught by metal master hansi kursh will you.
At that spawny lept from behind the couch ignoring the woman and ran outside to his metal flying fortress....
inside he found The Trooper looking rather pleased with himself. Spawny tried to ignore him as he set the speed to beyond belief mode. As tha metal machine took of he turned to The Trooper and said...