Funny Thread

Originally posted by Icarus
A giant fingerless glove! THe glove then proceeded to play air guitar with the boys from warrant. Then the fingerless glove approached.....

The micrphone and asked the crowd if they thought 80's metal was here to stay.The crowd yelled "Fuck Yeah". Too which jedi masters Lord Tim, Dirk Edguy and Xena decided their work here was done. So they turned to help Spawny on his mission..
Originally posted by JonBonJovi

The micrphone and asked the crowd if they thought 80's metal was here to stay.The crowd yelled "Fuck Yeah". Too which jedi masters Lord Tim, Dirk Edguy and Xena decided their work here was done. So they turned to help Spawny on his mission..

Oh well have the bunny approach the mic.
Originally posted by The Trooper
to blow up this inflatable Xena which he seemed to have trouble doing because...

It had been made from indistructable plastic and had been blown up by the Rock God himself.Xena was very pissed that there had been a blow up doll made of her yet the Copyright and permission had not been run by her 1st so she...
Originally posted by JonBonJovi

It had been made from indistructable plastic and had been blown up by the Rock God himself.Xena was very pissed that there had been a blow up doll made of her yet the Copyright and permission had not been run by her 1st so she...

got Dio in the G string to cause some trouble at the copyright office. meanwhile spawny was on his was to tracking down hansi when he slipped a huge pile of.....
Originally posted by Icarus

got Dio in the G string to cause some trouble at the copyright office. meanwhile spawny was on his was to tracking down hansi when he slipped a huge pile of.....

Spiderman comics that had been foolishly left on the ground by Tobias Sammet and UDO.As he fell he hit his head on....
Originally posted by JonBonJovi

Spiderman comics that had been foolishly left on the ground by Tobias Sammet and UDO.As he fell he hit his head on....

Bobby rocks drum kit which extended out 5 metres in each direction. Spawny quickly got back up and started to see double. Suddenly 2 janicks appearing and were twin soloing and screwing up one of adrians great solos. Spawny suggested to janick that adrian should do his own solos on hallowed and sanctuary and not double up on the trooper and the evil that men do when suddenly....
Originally posted by Icarus

Bobby rocks drum kit which extended out 5 metres in each direction. Spawny quickly got back up and started to see double. Suddenly 2 janicks appearing and were twin soloing and screwing up one of adrians great solos. Spawny suggested to janick that adrian should do his own solos on hallowed and sanctuary and not double up on the trooper and the evil that men do when suddenly....
Out of the corner of his eye he spied Steve Ravic comming up to them yelling...
Originally posted by The Trooper
because dolls which look like Lord Tim would sell so much better. Steve tended to agree because...

then he could market this under his Metal Warriors so much better and it also could be sold as a tour souviner a la the replacement for the tour shirt.Upon hearing this The Trooper exclaimed....