Game of Thrones / A Song of Ice and Fire

I received my copy of books today started reading. As far as I read, I can say that TV adaption is well done, but books are more in detail which is great for me.
Just watched the first episode; not really seeing why everyone is raving about it so far. Got episodes two and three set to record this sunday. Can't be arsed downloading them so I'll just watch them as they air them on tv here.
Besides being awesome, this show makes me remember how much I miss having a doggeh.


Initiate hugs.
Watched the second episode yesterday, it's starting to seem worth all the fuss.

Who else thinks that Geoffrey has that kind of faces that you'd like to slap over and over again?. Me and Tyrion do.

Yeah, he looks kind of annoying, plus his character is just that... But you gotta give it to him, the lad's acting is pretty good.

Oh, and your new sig is awesome once again. :lol:
Amazing stuff! I finished the first season today. I haven't read the books but I'm seriously thinking about it.

On the bad side, I easily loose the track with all the fucking families and names. The season finished too soon and I missed more action. The episodes seem to be about character presentation and it tastes like soap opera sometimes. In any case, it never gets boring and it always finds a way to surprise you.

Hope that 2nd season come soon.:hotjump:
Currently grinding through "A Dance with Dragons" and it's freakin' awesome!

(not sure what the proper text colour is to match with the background, any help would be appreciated) Hilight to read the text below....

I don't want to give anything away, but I'm curious if I'm the only one here with the theory about Jon Snow's real parents... I just don't buy that Ned Stark is his dad.... My theory is he's the child of Lyanna Stark (Ned's dead sister) and Rheagar Targaryen, and by rights, the real heir to the Iron Throne. I'm betting the whole "Song of Ice and Fire" is Jon's story.
Currently grinding through "A Dance with Dragons" and it's freakin' awesome!

(not sure what the proper text colour is to match with the background, any help would be appreciated) Hilight to read the text below....

That's actually a theory that's been circulating for years. Martin has been pretty much mum on the whole thing the entire time

It's a definite possibility but since there's a chance there could still be another 2 books after this one it may be a while before we find out
I've only watched about 1.5 episodes so far, but I definitely agree. It made my fucking head hurt trying to keep up with everyone.

Same here, but it'll get easier as you'll get to know the characters.

Just saw the third episode and I'm officially hooked.
Same here, but it'll get easier as you'll get to know the characters.

Just saw the third episode and I'm officially hooked.

Good to know, because the show really is really well done. It was just a bit exhausting. I took me a while to watch that much because I kept rewinding to try to figure out wtf was going on.