Gamers Thread

Yes Assassins Creed is awesome when at it's best, can get a bit repetitive but as a whole it's fucking cool. I hope the second will take place in Edo period Japan (please please please please)
Are you playing it on a console or on the PC? I know many PC gamers were heavily disappointed in the ported version, because of the lackluster controls. I enjoyed my first play through a lot more than I thought I would. Put on your headphones, turn off the lights and immerse yourself.
Are you playing it on a console or on the PC? I know many PC gamers were heavily disappointed in the ported version, because of the lackluster controls. I enjoyed my first play through a lot more than I thought I would. Put on your headphones, turn off the lights and immerse yourself.

I'm playing it on 360. Controls are perfect. I think this is a really great game but, i'm not really tense while playing it. Even at night.. I think it's because the game is too easy. Although, there was a part in the game where you are locked in a room waiting for it to decontaminate and the lights all go off, and like 3 demon/monsters crawl in. That was pretty scary and i hope there are more parts like this.
Ah, it was harder for me to handle , even on Easy because of the control scheme on the PC version. Maybe that's where part of the tension came from, ha.
It's quite an oversight on the developers' part to stick the PC crowd with poor controls in a game that rewards pinpoint accuracy. Oh, well.. It's much tougher on Hard, and I rely on Stasis a lot, but since I'm familiar with most of the scripted scares, it's not as fun. But yea, there are plenty of them throughout the game.
reached the whole point of no return part of fallout three, where you can complete the final main quest if you choose. im level sixteen but im obviously going to run around and complete all the sidequests and reach the experience cap first.

i hated this game at first, just because i tried to play it like oblivion and got frustrated when all my weapons were always broken and i never had any money. then at some point i figured out that for rougly half the game is supposed to be about survival. now in hindsight i would have to say that its a fucking awesome game. bethesda is the shit
Ah, it was harder for me to handle , even on Easy because of the control scheme on the PC version. Maybe that's where part of the tension came from, ha.
It's quite an oversight on the developers' part to stick the PC crowd with poor controls in a game that rewards pinpoint accuracy. Oh, well.. It's much tougher on Hard, and I rely on Stasis a lot, but since I'm familiar with most of the scripted scares, it's not as fun. But yea, there are plenty of them throughout the game.

That sucks about the controls. For the 360, they are really good. I couldn't ask for better controls, this is what makes the game enjoyable for me anyway. I really do like this game, it has great atmosphere. Are the boss fights any good?

reached the whole point of no return part of fallout three, where you can complete the final main quest if you choose. im level sixteen but im obviously going to run around and complete all the sidequests and reach the experience cap first.

i hated this game at first, just because i tried to play it like oblivion and got frustrated when all my weapons were always broken and i never had any money. then at some point i figured out that for rougly half the game is supposed to be about survival. now in hindsight i would have to say that its a fucking awesome game. bethesda is the shit

Fallout 3 is awesome. The game is def. a grower. Like you, i did not like it at first. This game is very fucking difficult. For me it was anyway. I would always run out of ammo and get my ass handed to me by those super mutants. The side quests are pretty good, honestly its not really a short game but it's so fucking good that it seriously feels like it. I wish there was more side quests.. In oblivion there was so many, here not so much. This is a really great game, probably my favorite game of the year but the ending is pretty bad.
That sucks about the controls. For the 360, they are really good. I couldn't ask for better controls, this is what makes the game enjoyable for me anyway. I really do like this game, it has great atmosphere. Are the boss fights any good?

There are only a few boss fights and they aren't all that challenging. The first one was a bit tough for me, but in hindsight he isn't, if you know what weapons to use and don't run out of ammo. The end-game boss was surprisingly easy( despite having to to play through the final levels on a higher difficulty setting due to an odd bug).
That trailer was so stupid I was expecting it to turn into a rick roll. Then I laughed when the next one that I watched actually was a rick roll.
Where did you get all that story from? I had made a few of those connections, but that's pretty intense, man...
I did notice the guy in SOTC start to look different, though.
Some of it is on wikipedia and some of it is in the game manuals.
Yes Assassins Creed is awesome when at it's best, can get a bit repetitive but as a whole it's fucking cool. I hope the second will take place in Edo period Japan (please please please please)
The prevailing thought is that it will be set in the French Revolution.
After playing it for only a short period of time, I began to fantasize about a Japanese themed version. I would love so much to play the part of a ninja sneaking into one of those massive samurai fortresses. The French Revolution would be cool too, just not as much in my opinion.

EDIT: I would also love to play a Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon / Hero / House of Flying Daggers type game.
In regards to all the Assassin's Creed talk, was I the only one who actually thought this game was completely pointless? The controls were over simplified, the combat was a joke, and the actual game left me bored before I finished it. I hated the idea that holding 2 buttons down at once could allow me to do everything for the free running. To me, it felt like I was just watching the same pretty animation rerun 4000 times as I just scaled walls and began leaping from building to building without even having to think or even move my right hand. Maybe this was the appeal of the game, but in all honesty, I found it to be shallow and boring.

Also, about Mirror's Edge. Don't bother buying this, I played it at a friends house and we beat it in about 5 hours without ever actually picking up a gun. If you grab a gun and are fairly capable at timing your buttons you should be able to breeze through this game in 3-4 hours.

anyone here ever play mass effect? now that games the shit

I actually own the game and have only played it a couple hours, I normally get bored playing single player games because I find them to be incredibly easy. Is it really worth playing? I hear it's amazing but I typically don't mesh too well with the future settings in RPGs. I guess I could give it another shot some time.