Gamers Thread

I finished Dead Space on Medium, now playing it on Hard. A great game, but not as fun on second play through, just like most shooters. Still good, though.
The funny thing is that I started the first game on Easy, but upon traversing the 11th Chapter, the difficulty suddenly escalated to Medium. Supposedly,it's a glitch in the game's save system on the PC. If you click "continue" one time too many to load the last saved game, it resumes play from a higher difficulty setting. Weird.
Reminiscent of Shadow of the Colossus, with more emphasis on story and platforming than epic boss fights.

ugh, speaking of that game, what a hunk of crap it turned out to be. Noone needs to ever bother past the first or second colossus, and the landscape is too linear for what it's made out to seem like.

Haven't played a PoP since I think 'Warrior Within'.......and the movie is going to suck.
Anyone play Ico, which was the game the developers made before Shadow? It was fucking brilliant. It had an absolutely amazing atmosphere. More so than almost any game I have played. It was fun as hell too. unfortunately I never owned it. I rented it once, and then it just dissapeared and I never saw it in stores again. I guess it didn't sell well.

Edit: After bringing this up i had to go look on ebay. I bought a bundle deal of Ico and Shadow. Very excited to play both. There are unopened copies of Ico going for $100 on ebay.

Both Ico and Shadow made the list of top 25 ps2 games and Ico made #6 on Ign's list of top 100 games ever.
I don't have a PS2, though I had access to one briefly and during this time I played some Shadow of the Colossus. I must say it is fairly overrated actually, it's really boring between the boss fights, which are awesome.
For starters, the game is too sluggish, and the world is a barren wasteland, supposedly awe-inspiring and crushing in its vastness and solitude, but really just dull and samey. Granted, I've only gotten to the second boss, but he wasn't radically different from the first one to keep me interested in progressing further, and from what I've heard, all you do is battle these giants.
Speaking of atmospheric games, i just started playing Grim Fandango again. One of the greatest games ever made, all categories imo. I finished it like 7-8 years ago and now i don't remember shit.
I've been thinking about a few things i hope will be improved in Assassins Creed 2 to make it a better assassin game. First i think they should make open fighting much harder, it shouldn't be a very big option to do so because sometimes it kinda took away the whole point of sneaking in the first game since you basically could take on hordes of enemies without dying. On the other hand they should make the AI's worse at pursuing you, they shouldn't be able to run, jump and climb as good as you since that would make you feel more special, as it is now it really doesn't matter how much buildings you leap between because they're always after you until you're able to hide. Last they should vary the missions a bit more, maybe throw in some horseback fighting, missions where you have to steal something or maybe poision food or something like that.
I love that game. Absolutely everything about it is amazing, especially the dialogue.
No game feels as rewarding when you make it to the next part as Grim Fandango. It also has an unmatched feeling of cozyness, kinda like a Tintin or Spirou magazine.
Shadow of the Colossus was fucking amazing. Just the shear size and magnitude of all the boss fights was amazing. I didn't really enjoy the trips to the boss fight, but once you got there it was all completely worth it. Great game, imo.
Ico is actually supposed to be related to the SOTC storyline in some form or fashion. Apparently there's supposed to be a game in development by the same people that reveals more about the overall storyline.
I never had the chance to pick Ico up.. considering it's rarity... but eventually I plan to buy it and play through it, as I've heard nothing but great things.

As for PoP, the previous trilogy was my personal favorite series of the previous console generation.. every game was amazing. Warrior Within was the best due to it's far superior combat system, but still having the best platforming of any game in history. Also, the Dahaka chases were pretty epic.
The new one has gotten better with each area/level... they've started to add more of the classic Prince platforming elements, and the last boss I fought was actually challenging.
I'm starting to like the fact that you can't actually die. There are so many times that you fall off because you didn't hit A at the right time. Without the implementation of time control, the game would be unplayable if not for this system. And besides, you do basically die, you just don't have to sit through a "game over" and loading screen. Still nowhere near the previous ones, but the game has gotten a lot better... great atmosphere as well.
God Of War is superior to Prince Of Persia in most aspects in my opinion. I just feels meatier, better stories, atmosphere, more varied gameplay, better battles. The only thing which is better with PoP is probably the puzzles.
God Of War is superior to Prince Of Persia in most aspects in my opinion. I just feels meatier, better stories, atmosphere, more varied gameplay, better battles. The only thing which is better with PoP is probably the puzzles.

I love GoW as well, and the combat is far better than PoP, but the platforming isn't even in the same league. I also prefer the story and atmosphere over GoW.
GoW is a close second (along with the 2 FF games from the previous generation), but I prefer PoP.
Can't fucking wait for GoW 3, though. It's going to be amazing on the new consoles.
Wow, that really fucking sucks. You can pick it up for 20 bucks or so right now.
I've been trying to beat the first one on god mode. It's really fucking hard. I made it all the way to the part where you have to fight all of the clones of yourself, and I'm pretty sure it's physically impossible. Every time I do good and don't die, my family dies. It's completely insane. I've tried it at least 25 times... jesus, I can't imagine what the final battle with Ares will be like... it was hard enough on normal.
I borrowed Shadow of the Colossus from a friend and it reminded me so much of the ICO demo that I played a few years prior that I looked it up on wikipedia and was surprised to learn that it was intentional, as their stories are connected. After playing SotC for a while, I bought both games on eBay for like $20 each and love them both. I can understand how people could get bored with them, but the isolation and loneliness is an essential part of the atmosphere of the games. Also, the soundtrack, particularly for SotC was incredible! I even downloaded them so that I can listen to them whenever I want :headbang:
Ico is actually supposed to be related to the SOTC storyline in some form or fashion. Apparently there's supposed to be a game in development by the same people that reveals more about the overall storyline.
I never had the chance to pick Ico up.. considering it's rarity... but eventually I plan to buy it and play through it, as I've heard nothing but great things.
The further you get in SotC, the more Wander's health is depleted. You may not notice your first time playing the game because it's such a gradual process, but his hair slowly turns from dark brown to white, his shoulders begin to sag, his skin gets more veiny and he grows horns. This is because 1/16th of Dormin's essence is trapped in each idol, and a mortal can only destroy the idols by killing the colossi, which are their living embodiments. Also, the mortal must wield that specific sword, as it is necessary to locate the colossi, find their weak points and kill them (you can damage them with arrows, but only the sword can kill them). Anyway, the more idols you smash, the more Dormin's spirit is freed and he is gradually more able to transform you into a host for his own spirit. At the end of the game, a bunch of major shit goes down between Dormin (in Wander's host body) and the group of shamans who've been tracking Wander throughout the game and after they cast some spell locking Dormin in the temple again, Wander's body is somehow transformed into a baby, but it retains the horns. As was the deal between Wander and Dormin, Mono is resurrected, but she basically just finds herself in a temple with a horse and a baby with no idea about anything that's happened. Then the game ends with her riding the horse out of the forbidden land and carrying the baby, presumably to a safer place.

ICO was released first, but it is actually the sequel to SotC, taking place several hundred years later. From what I gather, baby Wander grows up, possibly with no recollection of the events of SotC, and is the first of a series of cursed horned children. The story of ICO states that in every generation, a horned boy is born and he is blamed by his superstitious society for anything that goes wrong. Whether or not the birth and life of the horned child are actually responsible for any of it (through the work of any remnants of Dormin's spirit?) is not specified, but never-the-less, the society looks forward to the good luck that will be brought by the sacrifice of the child on his twelfth birthday. Basically, the entire game begins when ICO accidentally escapes from his sacrificial tomb and finds that girl, Yorda.

I'm definitely looking forward to the release of the third game though, because there are a lot of questions that have (intentionally) been left unanswered, such as whether or not Yorda and Mono are related, or if Mono is the Queen who wishes to possess Yorda, what is the relevance of the horned boys to the story of the Queen and Yorda, and is the sword in the cave at the base of the castle in ICO in any way related to the sword used by Wander in SotC?

My personal suspicion is that Mono goes back to Dormin's temple later in her life to figure out what happened and Dormin either tricks her, or makes a deal with her to do something for him/her/it, so that together they can become the Queen, allowing her to live eternally by possessing others, while Dormin can live outside of the temple and that Dormin somehow needs to tap into a missing part of himself that is trapped within the horned boy genotype in order to make everything fall into place. I really hope this isn't the case though, because if it were all that simple and I was able to predict it so easily, that would ruin the story for me.