Gamers Thread

Bioshock isn't really an RPG, it has a decent story but the RPG element is so lightly sprinkled on you may not even notice it. I'd consider it more of a story-driven FPS. Anyways, I'd really recommend you get Morrowind (Game of the Year Edition) for the original Xbox. I believe if you have an internet connection you can download some sort of patch to play it on your 360. Oblivion is alright, it sacrifices some things for basic combat upgrades and pretty graphics. It really lacks some freedom that Morrowind has. I have Mass Effect but I have yet to get into it but I've also heard good things about it. That's about all I can recommend at the moment.

I know Bioshock isn't a RPG...I don't mind first person shooters if they're good (I just prefer to play them on a computer than on a console). I was just trying to include some pointers for others to suggest some games. :)
Bioshock isn't really an RPG, it has a decent story but the RPG element is so lightly sprinkled on you may not even notice it. I'd consider it more of a story-driven FPS. Anyways, I'd really recommend you get Morrowind (Game of the Year Edition) for the original Xbox. I believe if you have an internet connection you can download some sort of patch to play it on your 360. Oblivion is alright, it sacrifices some things for basic combat upgrades and pretty graphics. It really lacks some freedom that Morrowind has. I have Mass Effect but I have yet to get into it but I've also heard good things about it. That's about all I can recommend at the moment.

I'd highly recommend getting Morrowind on PC rather than Xbox for the sake of mods.
I know Bioshock isn't a RPG...I don't mind first person shooters if they're good (I just prefer to play them on a computer than on a console). I was just trying to include some pointers for others to suggest some games. :)

Top Ten 360 Games:

1) Oblivion + Shivering Isles
2) Fallout 3
3) Forza 2
4) BioShock
5) The Orange Box
6) Soul Calibur 4
7) PES: 2009
8) Civilisation Revolutions
9) Halo 3
10) Left4Dead

Do not buy Mass Effect. It's like watching a really awful ST:TNG episode, except with more awful dialogue.
I think not, tbh. I thought that the character balance was much better done in 4 than 3.

Also: Gears of War is space invaders. It's pretty space invaders, but space invaders nether the less.

Dodge left to right behind barriers while waves of bad guys advance at you.

In fact, less compelling than Space Invaders...
I'm getting a 360 with Mass Effect, Tony Hawk Revolution 8 (I heard this sucks but it's probably fun enough, whatev, it's free), Mass Effect and SCIV for xmas. Opinions seem really really divided on Mass Effect, but most of my friends dig it.
Also: Gears of War is space invaders. It's pretty space invaders, but space invaders nether the less.

Dodge left to right behind barriers while waves of bad guys advance at you.

In fact, less compelling than Space Invaders...

Good thing I got the first 1 used and very cheap. After playing it a little I agree with your assessment.

I think I'm goign to sell the second one without even opening the box.

Thank you for the suggestions.
I'm getting a 360 with Mass Effect, Tony Hawk Revolution 8 (I heard this sucks but it's probably fun enough, whatev, it's free), Mass Effect and SCIV for xmas. Opinions seem really really divided on Mass Effect, but most of my friends dig it.

How can it be bad, it's from the same guys who did KOTOR
Good thing I got the first 1 used and very cheap. After playing it a little I agree on your assessment.

I think I'm goign to sell the second one without even opening the box.

Thank you for the suggestions.

No probs Ben.

@V5 : Mass Effect - Imagine that Gladiator is a space film. Strip away the first third, and the last third.

Now, stretch the middle section out into infinity, and throw arbitary "conversations" into every FUCKING QUEST. Want action ? Have some half-assed luke-warm GRAW:2 with grainier graphics. Drive to the next part of the mission in a dreadful third person buggy section. All quests follow the "walk 3 miles for the next ten minutes of dialogue" routine.

I gave it four hours before I gave up. Four hours I should sue Bioware for.
If I were buying An XBOX 360, I'd get the latest Burnout title first. An awesome action racer. I've never actually played this latest one, but based on previous installments, can Criterion do any wrong with this baby?
Why did they decide to cap the level at 20 in Fallout3? Just when I thought that plowing through all those boring quests would yield me some interesting perks, no, I'm restricted to one per game. There's nothing mutually exclusive or particularly overpowering about any of those abilities: why, for instance, can't I have all locations automatically revealed on the map, and have my action points replenished upon killing a target in VATS? Lame.
What the hell Sony are you guys retarded? I just got the idea to pop in NHL 07 in my ps3, turns out it ain't "compatible with ps2 games". Ok, then for what damn reason is it compatible with ps1 games? It makes no sense. I'd rather see it was compatible with ps2 games than fucking ps1 games you gooks.