Gamers Thread

I enjoyed the time-stopped turn-based styles of before.
Particularly X.
Though I don't particularly dislike the XII system, it's just not as good as before. I will still buy XIII at the midnight release... is there a release date, yet?
They're saying 2010 for the north american version. They're finishing the japanese ps3 version first, than working on the NA versions.
One of the cool things about the FFXII system was that buffs were actually really useful, if not totally essential. Normally you wouldn't ever bother to use any of them other than haste in the other games, and even then, only during bosses. The gambit system encouraged you to use spells, but the spell lag totally blew. Still, the game is heavily skewed towards melee combat over magic. Summons are worthless in the game, unlike others where you could basically kill bosses just with one summon. Like there was no reason in XII to have a spellcaster other than for buffing/healing.
I Loved FF12... the only thing that pissed me off is Japan got the totally superior 'International Version' and no US or europe version. The International Version let you control Espers like characters, had 1-2 better weapons of each type, you only had to go 1 zone away to respawn treasures, and there are 12 license boards representing 12 different classes, so every character doesn't end up being the same.

One of the cool things about the FFXII system was that buffs were actually really useful, if not totally essential. Normally you wouldn't ever bother to use any of them other than haste in the other games, and even then, only during bosses. The gambit system encouraged you to use spells, but the spell lag totally blew. Still, the game is heavily skewed towards melee combat over magic. Summons are worthless in the game, unlike others where you could basically kill bosses just with one summon. Like there was no reason in XII to have a spellcaster other than for buffing/healing.

They fixed the spell lag too, which sucked but if you use the right gambits its still pretty awesome. Oh yeah and a 100 level survival mode, and a hyper speed mode for when you're just running long distances

Biggest problem with FF12 was lack of good characters.
James Hetfield and Fran are good characters
I also thought the leveling system was awesome in that any character can be anything.

Also, the combat system has a certain resemblance to the first Dungeon Siege game in that when you use gambits effectively all you do is move the party close to a group of monsters, watch them kill the monsters, intervene when something goes wrong, and keep going. The difference is that with FFXII that's how it's supposed to work and what makes it fun, while in Dungeon Siege it turns the game into a movie.
FFXII wasn't about the characters. It was about the history of that country, unlike X or VIII or even VII, it was less necessary for character development because the overall story was great and that was the primary focus of the game, not how Vaan wanted to be a sky pirate, or whatever.
Also, I found spells to be quite useful, if you had the right gambits. As in Fire-weak and what not. The gambits were fun, but once you figured out a solid system, that was it... especially if you were skilled with quickenings. Figuring out the perfect gambit system was the ultimate strategy to beat all of the bosses. That's why I like X and prior's system... every boss was worth a new strategy, and every battle was different.
I disagree with your assessment. It could be argued that every Final Fantasy has revolved somewhat or mainly around the history of the country/continent the characters inhabit (different parts of) and how they all come together, sometimes against odds, to accomplish things bigger than themselves. To have a good story, you need good characters with good developments and interesting personalities that drive the story along. Vaan is a piece of shit random street urchin (he is cool in FFTA2 though, I'll give him that), his sidekick is just some random girl...etc. Basch is like the only cool one. Balthier too, but he is also just sort of random.

And before you say it, no I didn't beat the game...I got a bit overwhelmed like halfway through it and returned it to my friend. But I shouldn't have to get very far in the game to be immersed by good storylines driven by solid characters with believable attitudes/personalities...something to get attached to. Didn't feel this with 12.
And before you say it, no I didn't beat the game...I got a bit overwhelmed like halfway through it and returned it to my friend. But I shouldn't have to get very far in the game to be immersed by good storylines driven by solid characters with believable attitudes/personalities...something to get attached to. Didn't feel this with 12.
From what I've heard, you didn't miss much, and it just got worse as you went along.
From what I've heard, you didn't miss much, and it just got worse as you went along.

There are the people who think this, and the people that like a challenge. I'll admit I didn't play this game for the storyline, which I didn't think was that bad, but it's definitely no Chrono Trigger or Xenogears or Starocean or FF6. As for the challenge part
there's a decent amount of difficult enemies in the game(mostly espers and marks) and I love the challenge, just one more reason for me to hate them for not putting out the Int Version over here.

Best party imo is James Hetfield, Fran and Ashe... going up against Yiazmat 50 million HP.
I'm gonna come out and say that for some reason neither Tidus nor Vaan ever really bothered me. Balthier is definitely pretty lame "Let's put Han Solo in this game, but then not let him be awesome all the time." Overall I would say FF12's biggest problem is not a bad plot but a lack of one. There's a lot of excuses for traveling, but not a whole lot of real story since the beginning of the game. It's like they wanted to put you in a sandbox, but then forgot to give you toys.

Also, in FFX I just leveled up my characters a lot so in boss fights I just hasted everybody and kicked the dude's ass; there were a few exceptions like the jello boss in that forest (cool boss btw) or the one who you have to use reflect on because he heals or a couple others, but most you can just whack a lot. The final battle consisted of a lot of whacking, as did the four boss battles in the 10 minutes prior to the final battle...I think if FF12 had more variety in boss abilities instead of just "here's a new ridiculous gigantic monster, go hit it for a while" and also less boss battles because there's honestly just too fucking many it would be better.
I'm gonna come out and say that for some reason neither Tidus nor Vaan ever really bothered me. Balthier is definitely pretty lame "Let's put Han Solo in this game, but then not let him be awesome all the time." Overall I would say FF12's biggest problem is not a bad plot but a lack of one. There's a lot of excuses for traveling, but not a whole lot of real story since the beginning of the game. It's like they wanted to put you in a sandbox, but then forgot to give you toys.

Also, in FFX I just leveled up my characters a lot so in boss fights I just hasted everybody and kicked the dude's ass; there were a few exceptions like the jello boss in that forest (cool boss btw) or the one who you have to use reflect on because he heals or a couple others, but most you can just whack a lot. The final battle consisted of a lot of whacking, as did the four boss battles in the 10 minutes prior to the final battle...I think if FF12 had more variety in boss abilities instead of just "here's a new ridiculous gigantic monster, go hit it for a while" and also less boss battles because there's honestly just too fucking many it would be better.

Ok I can understand the need for more variety in boss battles, I'm all for that, but I think they did pretty good considering that they were using a totally new combat system. Also there are bosses in 12 where you should use reflect or ranged weapons or magic as opposed to just hitting it over and over, some of the bosses actually seal off ability types and become immune to certain types of damage at times, and plenty have the "Do I kill the horde of small fucks or focus on the main boss" thing going on. FF12 really isn't bad.

I mostly play rpgs for the challenge, if there happens to be a great story in there too, then that's awesome. If it's been a while since you played FF7, go back and try beating it with no/minimal random battles, it really adds a sense of urgency to the boss fights. (By minimal I mean just kill for enemy skill)
I disagree with your assessment. It could be argued that every Final Fantasy has revolved somewhat or mainly around the history of the country/continent the characters inhabit (different parts of) and how they all come together, sometimes against odds, to accomplish things bigger than themselves. To have a good story, you need good characters with good developments and interesting personalities that drive the story along. Vaan is a piece of shit random street urchin (he is cool in FFTA2 though, I'll give him that), his sidekick is just some random girl...etc. Basch is like the only cool one. Balthier too, but he is also just sort of random.

And before you say it, no I didn't beat the game...I got a bit overwhelmed like halfway through it and returned it to my friend. But I shouldn't have to get very far in the game to be immersed by good storylines driven by solid characters with believable attitudes/personalities...something to get attached to. Didn't feel this with 12.
See, they try to not beat you over the head for once, and no one got it. Does it create such massive cognitive dissonance if the person you start the game with is not actually the main character? Ashe is the main character, followed by Basch. Vaan is kind of a hanger-on, like "you" (the gamer). It was an interesting concept, to encourage the gamer to view the main people from a bit of a distance, in order to add a bit more of moral ambiguity to the story. Of course, it was ultimately a failed effort, as no one understood at all. I'm not saying it's the best story in a FF, but I'd rather see an attempt at originality rather than "save the world from ambiguous external force".
The only time I played a FF game was when I played a demo of 7 when it came with a playstation mag. I thought it was gay and haven't played a FF game since then.

The games I'm looking forward to are Heavy Rain, Prototype, God of War III, Gran Turismo 5, Mass Effect 2

Can't base a game on a demo man. If you actually play through the whole thing, it's an amazing fucking game. Probably the best I've ever played, and I'm not even that big of a Final Fantasy game, even though I will be picking up Final Fantasy XIII next year :p

So.....who's picking up Guitar Hero: Metallica tommorrow?