Gamers Thread

I think im the only one who loved 8, it honestly was awesome. I loved being able to max out on the best spells by just drawing to 100 and then junctioning the right GFs to the right people and maxing them out.

I beat Final Fantasy 4 the other day, it wasn't bad, wasn't that hard but not bad. FF3 is quite gay though, I hate the combat system and how the jobs work. I also bought the new Valkyrie Profile for the DS and its so easy and then it has an impossible battle, kind of weird. Not a conventional RPG at all, more like FF Tactics =/

I thought VIII was fantastic from top to bottom. I like how the storyline wasn't just laid out there, but it took some thought to figure out what was actually going on.
You obviously haven't fought any other players. Or done any dungeons and/or raids. In fact, you're probably still level 10.

In fact, I had 2 level 80's and a level 73 but got bored of the game a couple months ago and stopped playing.
I remember how challenging FFXII was for me at first and couldn't figure out how my brother was doing so well. Then I realized that he had set the action to stop whenever he accessed his action menu, while I was allowing enemies to continue to attack while I was frantically navigating through my magicks, items, etc.
You could even have it all be real time? Wow.
That would suck so much before you get gambits. With gambits now I honestly would be okay but then again I haven't played that game since...fuck. Probably over the summer maybe? Not sure.
I'll beat it some day. I spent a long time doing random side quests is the thing. Only...sidequesting isn't much fun in FF games the way it is in, say, the elder scrolls games.
You could even have it all be real time? Wow.
That would suck so much before you get gambits. With gambits now I honestly would be okay but then again I haven't played that game since...fuck. Probably over the summer maybe? Not sure.
I'll beat it some day. I spent a long time doing random side quests is the thing. Only...sidequesting isn't much fun in FF games the way it is in, say, the elder scrolls games.
Yeah, I didn't even know that it wasn't the default. The game became so much easier after I figured it out, but by then I was already really far south on the map and had been using auto attack and heal gambits on all my characters for a while.
Been having a lot of fun with Sim City 3000 for the last few days :D

@ WoW conversation: WoW is the most rediculously dumbed down MMO that I ever tried. Sure PVP can be difficult, but the game play itself is made catered to the lowest common denominator.

I played EQ1 religiously from 2001-2004, did the heavy raiding thing for half of that time. Starting in early 2004 it started becoming slightly more "forgiving", but no-where near the cakewalk WoW is. The raiding in EQ1 was far superior to anything I saw in WoW.
In fact, I had 2 level 80's and a level 73 but got bored of the game a couple months ago and stopped playing.

Right. Even if you're telling the truth, all that proves is you can level a character, it doesn't prove you can do anything else that actually matters.

actually PVE is all RNG really, while PVP would make a good arguement for requiring skill

No, no it isn't. It takes skill and good preparation to coordinate a big group of players to be able to kill bosses, and on an individual level it takes skill to know what the best abilities are and when the best time is to use them, and also of course to know how to gear your character. On top of complex ability rotations, you also have to be aware of what's going on around you so you don't die and so you don't cause other people to die.

Admittedly these new level 80 entry raids are easy (for good players), but back in the previous expansion, and further back to the original content, raid content was extremely challenging. The hardest raid before both expansions came out was only seen, and further only actually fully completed, but less than 5% of the total population of players. That's how challenging it was. Saying PvE takes minimal skill is a completely false statement.ång I didn't get there by mashing my face into the keyboard and hoping for the best.

[/nerd rage]
I raided every instance in 60 and did most of the 70 instances, pve is a joke >_>

'being aware' :lol: watch out for the CT_Raid spam in the middle of your screen that says 'move mother fucker'? come on now..

rogue complex ability rotation? maybe if your a hunter..
It's hard to balance difficulty in games, especially ones with lots of skills and strategies, even more so in mmos. That being said, I grew up on Wizardry, Final Fantasy, Dragon Warrior, and Dungeons and Dragons.. so I much prefer games that are difficult. That goes for other types of games as well.. I guess you could say I prefer to be really good at a game and still have to use all of that knowledge to beat it.
how would you like me to prove it? =/

Armory profile or screenshot or something? If your opinion is going to be worth anything to me I'd at least like to know you actually completed Ahn'Qiraj 40 and the old Naxxramas.
itt I become nerded out.
Nerded out.
Come on.

At least my fantasy game is more interactive and has PRETTY FLASHY COLORS, unlike your DnD. Having to use your imagination? HAH! Only retards and poor people engage in such tomfoolery.