Gamers Thread

Someone recommend some N64 games. I never bought it since I hated the controller. I've played Goldeneye on multiplayer a few times but is the single player good? I downloaded an emulator and am currently playing Ocarina of Time. The only other games I have are Majora's Mask, Perfect Dark, and Super Mario 64.

Turok Evolution (way ahead of its time)
Killer Instinct
Mario Kart 64
Rush (2nd one)
Donkey Kong
Dead Space! Wait until it's getting dark, turn all the lights off and have the volume up. It's amazing. Or... Left 4 Dead. That game is soooo ridiculously fun.

left 4 dead is a great game..

I played it so much and misplaced the disks for my other games though, so now I'm kind of burnt out on it.

Still fun though.
I've been playing a ton of Tecmo Super Bowl, have an updated roster to reflect last season. So far I ran the Saints through a Super Bowl. Played as the Packers, got pissed off at Ryan Grant fumbling 1/10 carries I give him, so I reset my season and am currently undefeated as the Ravens.

Won the division 14-0 :3

#1 ranked defense, but 21st ranked offense, though I do have the #4 passing attack in the league >_>
I could never enjoy playing a sports game. Not even if Maria Ozawa was sucking my cock.
Sports Games are ususally lame.
I remember some shitty baseball game I had for gamecube... Allstar baseball 2002 maybe? That I figured out and on normal settings win every game 20 or 30 to 1 or 2 every single time and have 10+K's every game.

(although the game pissed me off because when you were winning big... the computer would just randomly hit a home run or two off of pitches no where near the strike zone)

Something along the lines of 200 home runs in a "quarter" season with a power hitter... and batting in the .900s with contact hitters.
Blades Of Steel for the NES was the shit, even today I think it's more satisfying to play than the new hockey games. It's so basic, but addicting as hell when you play against a friend.
Just picked up Left4Dead on Friday. Been playing it hours a day since. Really, a great complement for Team Fortress 2. One as a complete gory killfest, and another for tactical multiplayer.

It's also gotten me back into zombie movies. I've since watched 28 Days Later, Shaun of the Dead and downloaded some miniseries called "Dead Set"
Oddly some of those NES sports games were more balanced than those that came later. Baseball Stars and TSB still compare favorably to anything that came after them, imo.

though just about anyone could play as the chargers, raiders, giants or bucs and OWN in TSB.

Marrion Butts had MAD speed, Bo Jackson was impossible to take down, Lawrence Taylor sacks EVERYTHING in his way, and Wayne Haddix could intercept any pass EVER.
I'll rephrase that, even though that was some nice bonus information. How far have you come in the game?


I'm about 65% on the first castle still, just uncovering lots of secret areas. Just got my gravity boots, soul of bat and form of mist. I'm actually searching around for the sword familiar at the moment.

I still think it's one of the most well thought out games ever made. They just don't make games like this anymore.
Yeah it's so huge with so much secret stuff to find. My favourite thing is when you get the harm-addition to your mist form, you can just fly through shit and it will die. It's really fun to play with Richter after you've beat the inverted castle too imo, with all his special moves. The only flaw the game has is that it's too easy, they could've made some of the enemies take more damage.
Oh and my serious favourite games are probably Zelda: A link to the past and Chrono trigger.

I play them on my old GBA when I can find it on or emulate the consoles on a linux based hand held I own.
Yeah, agreed. Some of the bosses are no brainers and just take a few hits before exploding. Can't wait to see what the inverted castle is like.

With the Xbox 360 at my girlfriend's place, I've been picking up Diablo II again. Level 14 Necromancer at the moment.
I'm so totally getting the new Harry Potter game.
Not sure if i should get it for Wii or PS3 though.

inb4 360
So now that I'm getting a nicer computer, are there any good games in the past year that came out for the computer that I should get?