Beat Crysis: Warhead.
Crysis is really at it's best when it just puts you in a forest and tells you to kill Koreans. Warhead seems to get that, more or less. That said, I would have liked more CQB stuff; considering they give you powerful hand to hand attacks, the ability to use human shields, and dual handguns, SMGs, and shotguns, it's kind of weird that the easiest and most logical way to play is to just go around cloaking and then uncloaking to pop some guy in the head with a silenced assault rifle. There's some stuff in a mine, but that's kind of lame. The aliens remain un-enjoyable to fight. The incendiary ammo for the FYI was cool, but I would have liked to see more stuff like that, and more weapons would have been cool. Making the SCAR usable all the way through was a really fucking good call, though. The nano-suited enemies still seem underdeveloped; you fight maybe three in Warhead, and in Crysis their main use is simply as extra-tough enemies. They have the same powers you do; I'd like to have encounters with them be more like encounters with dark jedi in the Jedi Knight series, where it's seriously badass, and you're evenly matched so victory feels like an accomplishment. Also, more varied environments would be nice but whatever. No tank or VTOL level is a major plus. I still think the powers could use a little tweaking. I'm probably the only person on here who played Crysis, so I'll stop now.