Gamers Thread

Terrible week of Warsong Gulch in WoW. Played at least a dozen of them throughout the week, all losses. Alliance morons run to their slaughter midfield in groups of 2-3 while one giant horde group demolishes them. Different game, same results all week. Finally got a win yesterday :erk:
Terrible week of Warsong Gulch in WoW. Played at least a dozen of them throughout the week, all losses. Alliance morons run to their slaughter midfield in groups of 2-3 while one giant horde group demolishes them. Different game, same results all week. Finally got a win yesterday :erk:

Oh hai! What server are you on?
I soloed alot of the 4 player quests when Burning Crusade just came out, I remember kiting that lava hound in Shadowmoon Valley for about 45 minutes before they decided it was a good idea to put a leash on it. I stopped playing WoW a long time ago because it was getting in the way of alot of things, and after farming BT and doing Sunwell in a relatively high end raiding guild it got pretty repetitive
I kinda miss WoW sometimes, but only the original game, BC came out before I felt I was finished with the original and I never got the same feeling with the new places and skills, etc. :(
I kinda miss WoW sometimes, but only the original game, BC came out before I felt I was finished with the original and I never got the same feeling with the new places and skills, etc. :(

I remember when I just bought the game and I was following an old guildy take me from Darkshore to Ironforge and Stormwind, the scenery was fucking amazing and beautiful. It lost it's feel of adventuring and exploring once BC came out, I got to 70 in a few days powering through the levels.
I soloed alot of the 4 player quests when Burning Crusade just came out, I remember kiting that lava hound in Shadowmoon Valley for about 45 minutes before they decided it was a good idea to put a leash on it. I stopped playing WoW a long time ago because it was getting in the way of alot of things, and after farming BT and doing Sunwell in a relatively high end raiding guild it got pretty repetitive

Well this one dude is literally impossible to kite because he can fight while on his mount and is immune to slowing effects.
why? is it just like every other battlefield game?

My thoughts on the game:

The Campaign is fucking amazing, but the story to it is kind of bland, MW2's Campaign takes the Campaign Battle.

The Dialogues to the characters are fucking hilarious, just the small talk involved as your going across the game makes you fucking lol'd hard.

And Multiplayer, the Glorious Multiplayer fucking blows Modern Failware's multiplayer out of the sky...The variety of things you can do in every game is endless. Not to mention all the weapons you can use. No laggy games, Dedicated servers, no fags exploiting the game like MW2, no glitches.

Plus the physics of the bullets are amazing, Sniping someone across map isn't simple...It's not point and's calculate your shot for the bullet to hit then shoot. It's not like MW2 where you see blood coming out when the shot doesn't actually hit.
I didn't like the demo that much, but I'm so sick of MW2 that I'm probably going to rent it and see if I can get into it.
Dude, people were glitching MW2 like 2 days after it came out.

And the sniping part of BC2 was something I really hated in the demo. It seemed stupidly easy, yet I couldn't consistently get kills for some reason.
well dude no one's glitching the game because it hasnt been out for more than a month :lol:

4 days since it's release no glitches...And to tell you the truth there wasn't any glitches in the 1st game. Not any that I know of anyways.

And The Sniping is easy if the target isn't really moving fast...but if he is moving fast you basically have to predict the path he's going for your shot to hit. That's the fun part of sniping in this game. It's basically the most realistic bullet physics in a game that I have ever seen.

I like the chaos around you when everyone is close to each other, explosions are going off in your face, bullets are flying. You have no idea what the fuck is going on. Makes for some hilarious shit at times.

I took the enemy Humvee at one point and these guys we're trying to go under the building to arm the crate...and I fucking ran over this guy right at the entrance...everyone who was in that room fucking blasted laughing. Cause the funny part was A: they see some guy get ran the fuck over & B: The thing exploded blocking off the only way to get in lol...

Mathiäs;8941946 said:
Dude, people were glitching MW2 like 2 days after it came out.

And the sniping part of BC2 was something I really hated in the demo. It seemed stupidly easy, yet I couldn't consistently get kills for some reason.

It took me a while to get into the game too trust me. Play like 3 hours nonstop and you'll probably enjoy it. It's fun as hell.
how different is it compared to old battlefields? Is it still ridiculous sized maps and vehicles that are just gay? it's only 50 bucks and im sorta thinking about just doing it but 1942 and all that crap 5-6 years ago were really terrible shooters
BF1942 was the greatest online shooter ever?! Only topped by BF2 IMO
Battlefield 1942 was fun for a while, to play with your friends while drunk as you drove the aircraft carrier out of bounds and laughed as everyone bailed out, but it's not that great overall.

Then again, multiplayer in general is overrated and for Battle.Net/Halo Online/Runescape-playing poser fags.
Anyone else interested in Just Cause 2? Looks pretty cool from the previews.

Okay, so I played the demo. Nice graphics and shit. You really can do all sorts of crazy-bollocks shit with fairly little difficulty. Thing is the stunts seem way more fun that the shooting. Also, the controls require you to be fairly precise. I'll probably have more fun with it once I've played for more than 30 minutes. Will definitely try it when it comes out.