Gamers Thread

BFBC 2 > MW 2

Call of Duty 4 is amazing, Modern Warfare 2 sucks a lot. I much rather play Bad Company 2 in fact I sold my MW 2 and still play COD 4. But Fuck shooters for now It's all about MLB 10 The Show and God Of War 1, 2 and 3.
STALKER: Clear Sky is sucking me the fuck in. I absolutely love the sense of desperation in the gun fights, when you have to figure out enemy positions while adjusting yours and scrambling with your inventory to patch up wounds and heal. Apparently they let you hotkey health packs and bandages in Call of Pripyat. While that would make it easier to play, I suspect it'll remove a lot of that desperation, which is so awesome. Hotkey anti-rads, though, is an excellent move.

I have one problem, though, which is that enemies fucking see through bushes and shit. Creeping around a hedgerow to open up on some bandits with a shotgun from close range seems like a good idea and makes you feel like a badass...until halfway along they spot you, and open up with accurate fire while you can't see them.
I have one problem, though, which is that enemies fucking see through bushes and shit. Creeping around a hedgerow to open up on some bandits with a shotgun from close range seems like a good idea and makes you feel like a badass...until halfway along they spot you, and open up with accurate fire while you can't see them.

This always annoys me. I finished playing through the single player of Bad Company 2, and the one thing I was thinking about through the entire thing was how the enemies only shot at me and not the rest of the team.
It's a custom map, kinda like a mix of payload and capture point. You pretty much go on a ship, wait for it to get to one of the points and then capture it.

It was pretty fun, but it was also pretty glitchy.
Some of the custom maps aren't too bad. Garbage day is pretty much a proto KOTH, but the capture in seconds.
This always annoys me. I finished playing through the single player of Bad Company 2, and the one thing I was thinking about through the entire thing was how the enemies only shot at me and not the rest of the team.

Not to mention your team barelly kills anyone during the playthrough lol...
I beat Uncharted 2 couple months ago and it was great but I liked Metal Gear Solid 4 better for ultimate single player for PS3 but Uncharted 2 rules as well. I am going to buy God of War III and Heavy Rain soon. My friend beat Heavy Rain 3 times and loves it, he liked it I take it? I'm also looking forward to Socom 4, 3D Game Dot Heroes and Splinter Cell Conviction.
I beat Heavy Rain about a week ago. Occasional screen tears and sub-par voice acting kinda get in the way. But this is a phenomenal experience that I recommend to everyone who isn't confined to "If its not a FPS I don't want to play it." I haven't played it again yet cause I feel like it will impact my play style since I already know the vital details of the ending.
Respecced my hunter to Survival even though I'm only level 76. I am having so much more fun killing things now!

I finally feel as if I am actually killing them and not just my pet!

I do miss having bestial wrath and a few other abilities, but mostly I like it!
I finally got Assassin's Creed 2 the other day and I'm really enjoying it. So much better than the first game. The only thing that really bothers me is that you can't replay story missions without restarting the game, as I'd really like to go back to the Catacombs in Florence.