Gamers Thread

So I stayed up way too late last night playing Mass Effect 2. I absolutely love it. Imported my ME1 character and have been enjoying the way the game reacts to what you did in the first one. Everything just seems so much slicker, and I reckon the performance on my laptop is better than the first one (which is weird).

Combat is great fun - I'm playing infiltrator so my main tactic is to stealth, sprint to a flanking position and then snipe people to death. Headshots are extremely satisfying in this game.

Only downside is the stupid resource gathering on the planets. If they're gonna force us to grind endless planets for resources they could've made it into a more interesting minigame...

The story isn't quite as compelling as ME1 so far - I'm enjoying running round the galaxy recruiting my team though. I think they needed to put someone like Saren in, so at least you've got an "archenemy" guy to focus on.

9/10 so far
^i downloaded one and got bored.

GoW3 was over too fast :( i wish they had made it longer
^i downloaded one and got bored.

GoW3 was over too fast :( i wish they had made it longer

Good. Now get Bayonneta. It's far more replayable.
Not only is it long, but it's quite challenging starting from the Normal difficulty. The combat is absolutely terrific.
I actually replay some levels just for fun, even though I haven't completed the game yet on all difficulty levels. And the game does vary the enemies quite a bit depending on the difficulty you've selected.
The story isn't quite as compelling as ME1 so far - I'm enjoying running round the galaxy recruiting my team though. I think they needed to put someone like Saren in, so at least you've got an "archenemy" guy to focus on.

9/10 so far

You won't say that when you reach the end of the game. if you haven't already lol...
The new Splinter Cell game is very Meh for those of you that were interested.

Really? I thought it was the best Splinter Cell game out of all 5.

The Campaign is fucking fun as hell, definitely some replay value to it. Co-Op Campaign is pretty awesome aswell. And the multiplayer modes are extremelly satisfying. Not to mention the weekly free DLC that comes out each week.

2nd best game of the year for me.
Splinter Cell - Great Game
Pandora Tomorrow - Not as Good
Chaos Theory - One of my favorite games of all time
Double Agent - Atrocious
Conviction - Wouldn't know. I waited years for this game and saw the reviews and lost interest fast.
I changed my post to review each one. Naaa But I liked Splinter Cell cuz it was hard as hell and stealthy...The new one looks like an action shooter.

I'm also not a big fan of coop based games. I don't want to pay 60 bucks for a 5 hour campaign and never play coop. They ruined res evil 5 also with that coop shit.
Mass Effect II came very quickly, played it earlier today. Haven't had time to really digest the changes from the first game, but one thing's for sure: the shoot-outs are fucking awesome. Intense, hugging cover and popping out to shoot, but not too fast so you can use the squad controls (simple but effective) to good effect. 80% twitch, 20% strategy, and 95% fun. I noticed that Krogans are nowhere near as scary, though.
After years of on/off playing Heroes III, exhausting every type of gameplay, I think I've finally drained the last drop of fun from it.
I still play Heroes V. HOMM is timeless. I'm eagerly looking forward to the next installment whenever it's released.

Also,Disciples III is on the horizon; should be very cool.
Mass Effect II came very quickly, played it earlier today. Haven't had time to really digest the changes from the first game, but one thing's for sure: the shoot-outs are fucking awesome. Intense, hugging cover and popping out to shoot, but not too fast so you can use the squad controls (simple but effective) to good effect. 80% twitch, 20% strategy, and 95% fun. I noticed that Krogans are nowhere near as scary, though.

Play the game on insane difficulty, and the Krogans are mad tough lol...
Play the game on insane difficulty, and the Krogans are mad tough lol...
I feel like you and I enjoy entirely different things in games. You seem to view them as challenges, whereas I see them as entertainment similar to a movie or a book. If I encounter no difficulty in beating a game but that makes sense because my character is supposed to be a total badass, I'm good with that, and if a game is extremely challenging but it makes sense in context I'm good with that too. For this reason, I really liked Crysis, because if you acted like a badass (i.e. sneaking around quietly killing dudes, followed by a short burst of intense action) it wasn't too hard, but if you acted like a moron (i.e. run in, try to shoot everything that moves) you died real fast.
I feel like you and I enjoy entirely different things in games. You seem to view them as challenges, whereas I see them as entertainment similar to a movie or a book. If I encounter no difficulty in beating a game but that makes sense because my character is supposed to be a total badass, I'm good with that, and if a game is extremely challenging but it makes sense in context I'm good with that too. For this reason, I really liked Crysis, because if you acted like a badass (i.e. sneaking around quietly killing dudes, followed by a short burst of intense action) it wasn't too hard, but if you acted like a moron (i.e. run in, try to shoot everything that moves) you died real fast.

Yeah I totally agree.
Personally prefer challenges because they yield a slight sense of accomplishment....for you games.