Gamers Thread

Yesterday I got Darksiders for xbox360, didn't try it yet. At least the story looks cool, any of you guys know if it's any good? I was also interested in Dante's Inferno, but didn't buy it.
I heard a lot of good things about Darksiders. Gonna download the demo first.Currently downloading the demo to Heavy Rain to see what the fuss is all about.

I also got Crysis for a steal. It's pretty good I guess. I've expected better.
Yesterday I got Darksiders for xbox360, didn't try it yet. At least the story looks cool, any of you guys know if it's any good? I was also interested in Dante's Inferno, but didn't buy it.

Darksiders is fucking awesome. It's like a mix of God of War & Zelda

Hack & Slash as you do Dungeons/Puzzles, seriously fun, and the dialogues are awesome. Horseman War is a fucking badass. As is every character in the game. Mark Hamil does the guy that follows you through the game aswell.

10/10 for me.
Well, the demo for Heavy Rain is really nice. The game is a bit too controller-dependent, as you constantly need to input button sequences to make things happen, or shake the controller in different directions, but the atmosphere and visuals are awesome.
It really does help to immerse you the world though. The only thing is even though it has 7 alternate endings I didn't really have a desire to play it over again.
Darksiders is fucking awesome. It's like a mix of God of War & Zelda

Hack & Slash as you do Dungeons/Puzzles, seriously fun, and the dialogues are awesome. Horseman War is a fucking badass. As is every character in the game. Mark Hamil does the guy that follows you through the game aswell.

10/10 for me.

Started playing last night and it's pretty good, some sick moves. Yeah, it reminds me a lot of God of War.
It really does help to immerse you the world though. The only thing is even though it has 7 alternate endings I didn't really have a desire to play it over again.

Me neither. Actually once you've finished it once you're just as well off looking up the different endings on youtube.
Yay. Hopefully, it's gonna be on par with Bayonetta,or at least as good as the original, but I have my doubts.
Then again, Bayonetta is a cross between God of War and Devil May Cry, so it's not exactly the same style.
Yeah, I'm worried about the whole "action horror" thing. As long as Visceral divides horror scenes and action scenes accordingly, it should be amazing.
Beat Mass Effect 2. Very, very, very fucking good. If Mass Effect 3 improves over ME2 as much as ME2 improved over ME1, it'll definitely edge out Diablo II for bestest game ever.

The rest of this post will be a mix of gushing and minor critiques relevant only to people who have played the game and have too much free time.

The combat overhaul was fantastic. Great shooting. I would have liked a slightly greater emphasis on squad tactics, since all the mechanics are there for flanking maneuvers and stuff, but other than that, everything's great. I'm not so enthusiastic about the changes to the classes and powers. In ME1 biotic powers were like "you get one shot and then it probably won't recharge for the rest of the fight but that power is really something;" in ME2 the powers recharge crazy fast and don't do shit. Combined with the inability of ME2 characters to use all types of weapons, I initially chose to reincarnate my Shepard as a biotic user because I spent most of ME1 wishing I had more biotics at my disposal, but much to my dismay I discovered I couldn't use assault rifles and the biotics were crap. I'm okay with the new set-up, it's just annoying that they made a major change and then expect you to make a decision at the very beginning with no warning of the change and the decision is irreversible.

The graphics are way sexier. Shit looks good. One problem, though; the pre-rendered cutscenes look like ass because they're at a lower resolution. Thanks, guys.

The whole thing is well-acted and well-written. All the characters are at least moderately interesting, although some of them are not well-developed at all (Thane, Samara). I felt the story in both games was a bit of a weakness, in that it was cool and well-written but not at all suited to the free-roaming structure of the game. Hopefully in ME3 this will be addressed.

Another big improvement was more populated areas. Specifically, 3 medium sized ones as opposed to one, but it makes a big difference. Hopefully ME3 will expand on this. Having every mission have it's own area with a unique layout as opposed to the identical bases in ME1 also made the whole world feel much bigger.

The vehicle sections were terrible in ME1; atrocious physics, terrible graphics, absurd landscapes, and completely unfun. Eliminating them was a very good choice.

Okay, the coolest thing about the game. I played with my character from ME1. I played a female character (because if I'm gonna be looking at an ass in tight spandex for 20 hours, it should at least be a female ass). I'm not a hardcore roleplayer, but if the writing's good I can get into it. In the first game I tended towards the neutral option but in the second I felt it was fitting that Shepard be more forceful, in either direction. I felt like I had a lot of control over the path my character took, and yet I also felt like my character had a distinct personality and all the options that I took or could take were consistent with that personality. I think Bioware did an amazing job in that respect, and even if a lot of people don't realize this they will find themselves getting attached to their characters.

I can't fucking wait for ME3.
A few years ago I took a computer class in HS and it was bullshit more or less but the computers were on a server so we all installed UT (since they could run it) and played it all class. Fucking epic. I dominated, too.
Gonna go on a mini rant about Madden 10:

So I discovered the "Ultimate Madden Team" feature, it plays like a trading card game, getting "packs" with NFL players for your team. There are boosters, the cards are good for so many games and you have to have contract renewel cards etc etc.

Well #1: You start out with basement quality everything and you have to either play/win games to get points to buy more "packs", or spend real cash to get more "packs".

After trying to just play to start with I quickly noticed that the computer was ridiculously cheating to make sure I did not win ( I play on All-Madden always and don't have hardly any problem playing in any other area of Madden on this difficulty). Game winning drives always killed by dropped wide open passes, fumbles, etc. 3rd down miracle runs/passes by the CPU, etc. On game after game while in Ultimate Team mode.

Then, as the "contracts" on my cards began to ran out, i went to use my "contract renewel" cards, and 1 contract renewel card was supposed to be good for renewing several of the shitty player cards, but they only renewed one. W T F. So it doesn't even seem to work as intended.

My impression so far is they make it look like it will work without spending money on Micrsoft Points, but in practice it won't. So while it is in theory a cool idea, it's twisted just into way to make EA/MS more money. Fucking lame.