Gamers Thread

got my first guitar hero game ever, Guitar Hero: Metallica and am lovin it! i have a newfound appreciation for the band.

Currently playing:
The Sam and Max episodic adventure-awesomeness!(got all three seasons)
Started Bayonetta on the last difficulty level
Finishing Wipeout3 HD on the PS3

Started playing The Whispered World(PC)- a really cool point n'click fantasy adventure with a nice cartoonish art style. Kinda reminds me of Discworld.

Started Braid.
Beat Just Cause 2's main story. And yet I've only completed 39% of the game. This shit is just too big, especially when you consider that everything is pretty samey after a while.
Started Bayonetta on the last difficulty level
you're insane! some enemies are so cheap (they can escape your combo but you cant escape theirs, and thus lose half your health) i want to throw my controller through the tv!

but i agree it's the best action game yet, more epic boss battles and much cooler combat than GoW, although GoW is more polished and brutal. im re-playing normal to replace all the stone statues of last playthrough and fap to her new costume, lol.

GH: Metallica is pretty damn fun, I enjoyed the game a lot. It'd be cool if theres a Megadeth one or something in the future.
yes it has a great selection of songs and the tabs are well-done and satisfying to play. there should be a metal-only guitar hero.
I'm sure it would be terrible to average.

Although, Brutal Legends did have a good soundtrack,and quite a few people thought that would be bad as far as music goes.

And GH M is pretty good as well.

They should make a Judas Priest or Iron Maiden GH.
For me the fun of guitar hero was exploring stuff I hadn't heard and playing different styles. All the specialized versions and DLC have ruined it for me.
DLC? on Rock Band is incredible...1000s of songs, tuns of Metal.

I started playing FARCRY 2 again and I am impressed by this game. The world is huge and it really feels like anything can happen. I love getting lost and running into Guard Posts and taking them all out...Or park a couple yards away and sneak in at night. The missions are all really fun too. Great game if you want a Fallout 3 without the RPG elements.
The missions?

Oh, right. There's one where you kill a bunch of guys, then kill one guy, and one where you kill a bunch of guys, then blow something up.

Excellent game, though.
I played a lot of video games over my vacation. OK not a lot but I played Guitar Hero Legends of Rock and Final Fantasy XIII.

Conclusions: Snow is hot and I suck at GH. I can barely beat some songs on Hard. But I don't own it so I think that may be acceptable?
you're insane! some enemies are so cheap (they can escape your combo but you cant escape theirs, and thus lose half your health) i want to throw my controller through the tv!

but i agree it's the best action game yet, more epic boss battles and much cooler combat than GoW, although GoW is more polished and brutal. im re-playing normal to replace all the stone statues of last playthrough and fap to her new costume, lol.
Have you unlocked the lost chapter called Angel Slayer? It's a lot of fun!
DarkBliss should be a spokesperson for Bayonetta, you've mentioned it at least once on every page of this thread for the past 2 months
I finally got MW2 last week. Feels a lot different to MW1, dunno if I like the graphics as much, some of the maps are epic though. Plenty of cool changes as well.
I finally got MW2 last week. Feels a lot different to MW1, dunno if I like the graphics as much, some of the maps are epic though. Plenty of cool changes as well.

The only thing good is the Campaign IMO...Infinity Ward needs to fucking change the Engine to the game, it's always the same style of gameplay and graphics, and we don't need a new fucking Call Of Duty game every year. Cause it's just a copy and paste from the last game.

They need to spend more time on making there games like Battlefield Bad Company (I know what most of you will say about BFBC2, IT'S TOO SLOW OF A GAME, well I'd rather it be slow and as real as anything then have people spray bullets all over the fucking place, with dumb killstreaks "oh hey let's drop a sentry gun"). Maybe then it would be actually worth 70$.

But whatever.

On a side note Battlefield Bad Company 2 has an update for pc and consoles coming out tomorrow:

Console Update:

The AKs74u now has more felt recoil when aiming
The G3, VSS, and all Semi-Automatic rifles now settle slightly faster between shots when aiming
The PKM, Type 88LMG, G3, An94, and 40mm shotgun have returned to their former glory
Increased the damage of the MG3 to bring it in line with the rest of the LMGs
Fixed a bug where the Saiga12 with slugs would do too much damage at long range
Fixed a bug where the SVU would do too little damage at long range
Fixed a bug where M95 rounds would not kill armored targets with headshots
Slightly increased the damage of the UZI at long range

PC Update (Not sure if Consoles are getting this, cause I heard it mentioned that both updates are for pc and consoles):

Increased the base range of all Automatic and Semiautomatic weapons for more consistent close range combat.
Slightly increased the damage of Semiautomatic rifles over long range for more consistent damage output.

Increased the zoomed burst accuracy of LMGs and decreased LMG accuracy when moving to reduce LMG run and gun.
Decreased the base damage of the M60 and XM8 LMGs to bring them in line with the other LMG damage values.
Decreased the damage of the PKM over long range to balance it with other LMGs.
Increased the base damage of the Type88 LMG to balance it with other LMGs.

Slightly reduced the base damage of the M16 and G3 to balance the increased range.
Slightly increased the damage of the AEK971, F2000, AN94, and AUG over long range to balance them with other Assault Rifles.

Reduced the lethal blast range of the 40mm grenade and M2CG to highlight their role as a secondary weapon against infantry.
Slightly Reduced the max range of the 40mm shotgun to balance it with other shotguns.
Slightly increased the base damage of shotgun rounds and reduced their range to clarify ideal shotgun combat distance.

Reduced the base damage of the PP2000 to balance the increased range.
Increased the damage of the 9A91 over long range to balance its lower magazine size.

Increased the damage and range of the M9, M93 pistols to make them more desirable as a secondary weapon.
Increased the range of the MP443 pistol to make it more desirable as a secondary weapon.
Increased the damage of the MP412 over long range to balance its low rate of fire.
Slightly reduced the rate of fire of the M1911 pistol to balance it with other pistols.

Increased the repair and overheat speeds of the Power Tool. Now overheats sooner but repairs the same amount before overheating.
Increased the maximum number of Motion Sensors that can be carried from 2 to 3 and increased the speed which new sensors are acquired from ammo boxes.
Significantly increased the speed of the Tracer Dart projectile to make it more effective against airborne targets.
Increased the reload time of the Mortar Strike and reduced the damage it does to heavily armored vehicles.
Decreased the range of Bolt Action Sniper and Pump Shotgun Slug rounds when using Magnum Ammo for better Kit Balance, especially in Hardcore.
Slightly increased the Health of soldiers in Hardcore for better Kit Balance.

Increased the benefit from the Medkit Heal specialization to make it more desirable as a Specialization.
Decrea the benefit from Vehicle Reload Speed to balance it against other Vehicle Specializations.
Sligh decreased the benefit from accuracy specializations to balance the changes to range and accuracy tweaks.

Fixed a bug where the BMD3 would take extra damage to the front armor.
Reduced the explosive damage from Attack Helicopter cannons.
Increased the damage of AA guns against all targets. The AA gun should be much more effective against infantry on Port Valdez.
Been thrashing out the Starcraft 2 Beta testing with my friends. I'm so rusty at the game it's not funny. Can't wait until the single player game gets out, it's going to be awesome.

Protoss Void Rays are fucking overpowered and their Colossus is worthless.
Zerg Roaches are amazing units and with proper planning and management, their Queens make the Zerg quite possibly the most powerful race.
Terran's Marauders are quite possibly the best power to size ratio, their Thors are not.

Great game, be good to get myself improving on it :D :kickass: