Gamers Thread

A few years ago I took a computer class in HS and it was bullshit more or less but the computers were on a server so we all installed UT (since they could run it) and played it all class. Fucking epic. I dominated, too.
Haha, towards the end of my computer class last year, during the end of the year when the other school left(which was 95% of the class)me and three other kids just did some updates around the school, moved some shit, and then for the rest of the class we played a mix of original Halo and UT. Shit was so much fun.
So I tried Jericho, and it's incredibly fucking awful. It reminds me a bit of Painkiller, only incredibly shitty and overwrought.
During the end of 11th grade there was nothing to do but sit around in most classes so my friends and I went to the computer classes and hung around playing Halo and stuff online, it was pretty fun.
Frankly, I'm finding Dead Space boring...At first dismemberment was a really cool mechanic, the monsters were downright freaky, and the atmosphere and pacing were effective. Now it's completely predictable (they even reuse the "monster playing dead" thing), dismemberment has started to get boring, and the lack of variation in monsters is becoming questionable; if everyone was mutating, why did they mutate into fucking identical monstrosities? Basically, variety is the spice of life.
got Bayonetta, it's fun as hell, like God of War with boobs. the "cutscenes" are crap, but the gameplay is phenomenal. just beat Fortitudo, which was epic as fuck... dodging his fireballs and dragon heads to activate witch-time, rebuilding the bridge with the hourglass thingy, comboing and doing torture and climax moves... very engaging (and frustrating cuz i died a lot). thanks Darkbliss :D !
I don't think so, it's a glitch though. You go to console and type build 2 x

x being a number you didn't type before, from 1-99

But they did fuck with Pyro, making back burner even shittier, and making his damage in general less. Although his reflected rockets are now mini crited.
No problem.
It gets better with each chapter.

the "cutscenes" are actually pretty entertaining when Bayonetta's just being a slut or killing angels, i only wish the dialogue/story parts had all been fully animated instead of the awkward film reel thing.

the fight with Jeanne in the rain as the ground was breaking up was cool shit!

man, i die in this game a lot more than in GoW3 and this is normal setting.
Yes, Normal is no cakewalk. It's a pretty unforgiving game. You need to master witch time and other evasive techniques. Buy all techniques at the store; there are also some highly useful accessories on sale, and with each ascending difficulty level starting from Normal, you get access to new stuff.
Also, if you're already playing on Normal, you should find and complete all Alfheim portals that are scattered throughout the game(battle challenges), since they are much harder to complete on higher difficulties. Completing all portals will unlock something cool. In fact, there are plenty of unlockables to be found, which is why I keep coming back to this game.Well that, and the awesome combat.
Just got a GTA 4 and GTA Chinatown Wars guide for free at Gamestop. They pennied awhile ago, but they were still there, and the guy said to just take 'em.
So the new Halo Reach Beta is pretty fun. I gotta say though, I really hope there is a playlist for DMR starts only. Perks are fun and all but I don't think they would work well for competitive gameplay.
Just watched the Far Cry movie. Uwe Boll is awesome. This one was more or less what I hoped, dumb and violent and fun. There were a couple problems, though. First, Jack Carver was a classic American Big Dumb Hero, and he's been changed into a sniveling German bastard. Secondly, there's loads of random gore. Not a real problem, just weird. Thirdly, there's an amusing scene with the world's oldest mercenary. Dude was old and feeble and it's just weird that they cast him. Anyhow.
Budget-wise this actually did pretty well. The only points at which it was really obvious they were on a limited budget were at the very beginning when there's a whale watch that's clearly on a lake, and again with some of the mercenaries who just don't look the part.
There were some impressive parts, though; there's a damn solid parkour sequence and while the script has some really horrible parts, it's frequently quite good in a tongue-in-cheek way. The last line was particularly amusing; "He's German; they're emotional."
Mathiäs;9067363 said:
So the new Halo Reach Beta is pretty fun. I gotta say though, I really hope there is a playlist for DMR starts only. Perks are fun and all but I don't think they would work well for competitive gameplay.

No offense, but the classes are fucking stupid...everyone is using that Cloaking class which makes the game so damn stupid...and Armor Lock don't even get me started on that. The only good one is the Jetpack & Runner. Those 2 classes are well balanced IMO. but the other two, seriously get rid of that shit, or atleast make a weapon or equipment to counter it or something.

The gameplay is fun though, I'd have to say FFA Headhunter is fucking fun as hell. Can't wait to play some 8 v 8 games in INVASION
Halo is overrated imo. Maybe it's because I never played the original Xbox games and I never really got to appreciate the series as a whole but I just didn't enjoy Halo 3. With the exception of a few characters, the voice acting was laughable and the scripted animations looked terrible for a next-gen game. The plot was just cookiecutter sci-fi and didn't really do anything new. The enemies, with the possible exception of the flood, were pretty boring as well. I can't understand all the fanboys' obsession with Masterchief. He just didn't seem like a very interesting character. I do think the Multiplayer is quite fun though. I don't have Xbox Live yet, although I may be getting it this month, but I played it on split-screen with my friends a few times and fairly enjoyed it.

I am quite interested in Halo Reach though. I like the dark, gritty theme that Bungie are applying to it as I prefer my games like this. This is one of the main reasons I would choose a game like Gears of War over Halo. The massive battles seem pretty awesome as well. My little brother will probably end up getting it anyway so I'll find out then.