Gamers Thread

Well there has to be something to balance out the potency of the sentries, I just think it's slightly ridiculous that anyone would complain about how easily they can go down when they wreck absolutely everything near them while they're up.
Well there has to be something to balance out the potency of the sentries, I just think it's slightly ridiculous that anyone would complain about how easily they can go down when they wreck absolutely everything near them while they're up.

I wasn't so much complaining as emphasizing how much I like the Gunslinger as it removes that high maintenance aspect of the class. Basic Engineer was fun in it's own way, but the annoyance of having your lvl 3 sentry blown up just wasn't worth the power the class brought IMO.

I'm enjoying my cheap quick deploy ghetto sentry very much!
I may start playing TF2. I've had The Orange Box for ages and love Half Life 2 and Portal but I haven't played it since I got Xbox Live.
Fuck me!!...Demon's Souls is an unforgiving game.Am trying to take down a boss atm The Old Hero,it's a damn good game,but it fucking pisses you off sometimes,dying at stupid times like falling off ledges and having to start the lvl from scratch,annoying but damn addictive.

Haha, picked up this today. Not the best racing game ever, but still lots of fun. Also got a great death metal soundtrack.
Get it for the PC.

Yeah, Steam basically ignores TF2 on the 360, and there haven't been any updates at all (unless that changed recently).

My computer isn't really built for gaming. The only PC games I currently own are Doom 3 and Silent Hill 2.

BTW, how much do you think I could make on ebay if I sold all my original Xbox games. I haven't counted them but I think I may have up to one hundred of them.
Well you'll still have some fun I think.
Although you won't get any

On the topic of Valve, you guys excited for Portal 2?
I'm asking for recommendations. I want an RPG that will run on a laptop that will completely destroy my social life and occupy my mind.
Just how good is your laptop, because if it's half decent in this time and age I'd recommend Dragon Age: Origins or Mass Effect 1/2.

Otherwise, I'd go or classics like Deus Ex, Baldur's Gate II, Neverwinter Nights, Icewind Dale, Star Wars: KOTOR, etc.

edit: I've been having dreams about World of Warcraft. What the fuck.
"Half-decent" = ME2? Wtf? It's not a gaming laptop, it's for school shit. It can run Rogue Trooper decently and that's pushing it. The old D&D games sound like a good suggestion. Along those lines I should check out Planescape: Torment as well. I hope this stuff can run on Windows 7.
I wish my Baldur's Gate CDs would materialise somewhere so I could play it again. I miss that game so much. :(
Now's a good time. I recently built one that runs Just Cause 2 with all settings maxed on a 21" monitor perfectly for about $1000, but if you really know your stuff when it comes to tech you could probably do even better.
I'm considering buying Dragon Age:Origins for the ps3.Has anyone played both Demon's Souls and Dragon Age:Origins,i'm interested in how they compare.Demon's Souls is superb but is not a game that's played lightly(it's damn unforgiving and is visually dark and not good for daytime play).