Gamers Thread

Resident Evil 4 and Code Veronica are being updated and bundled for the 360 and PS3. I'll probably pick this up, seeing as I've never played Code Veronica and only own RE4 for the wii, which I rarely use.
Who said that? :lol: I'd say the original campaign takes more like 45-55 hours and the expansion takes about 25-30 hours. That's about how much it took when I first finished them. It was 10 ago though, so I'm not that sure, but for a normal gamer they can't possibly take even 100 hours combined. They could be long as fuck though, since Shadows of Amn is the best game ever made :goggly:

Read it in a couple reviews...I thought it sounded pretty insane, tbh. Might take another crack at it over the summer.
getting a new comp next week exclusively for gaming (this one is ok but is all cluttered up cuz i use it for everything and a lot of the hardware is old) so i'm going to spend my spring break finally finishing up all the games i have on maxxxxx settings and being totally ready for any new games coming out.

check this beast ($1,300):
650w power supply
intel i5 quad core 3.1 ghz
4 gb ram (will update this summer)
radeon hd 6950 2gb
1 tb hd
23" 1080p monitor (my current is a 16 or 18 so the difference is going to be ridiculous)
new mouse and keyboard that are actually nice as compared to my stock dell bullshit

i can play a good amount of games on my comp now but they stutter and slowdown if i put it on max high settings so it's a bummer because of the fact that the games are so fun yet limited. with my new beast comp it'll only have games and movies on it so it will be performing at 100% with amazing hardware and i'll finish fallout 3 +all dlc, new vegas, mass effect 2 new dlc, just cause 2, the witcher, crysis 2 (gotta buy it) and then just waiting for all the new games fuck yeahhh
That looks like a beast man, definitely upgrade that ram though. Other than that, the specs look awesome!

I'm running Crysis 2 at 1900x1080 at very high settings and it's going at 60 fps constantly and I don't have a computer that awesome. I might upgrade my graphics card later in the year though.
If you want to play Baldur's Gate but don't have the time (it's really not that long though), pick up the first Fallout game.
I recently got a pretty decent gaming laptop (desktop is not an option for me) which, compared to what I had earlier, is just ridiculous. I have at least half a decade of gaming to catch up on now. Recommendations are welcome but I don't really trust you guys' judgement that much.
Bought Lead and Gold today, Steam has a free weekend for it and it's on sale for $2.50. It's basically an old west, third-person Team Fortress 2, without the stupid hats and RPG stuff that doesn't belong in shooters. Pretty fun game.
Yeah I got it back when there was some sale on it, fun stuff!

Anyways, asides from about 4 hours of Mass Effect 2, I haven't been playing anything since January. Bad Company 2 won't work on my laptop :(
Anyways, asides from about 4 hours of Mass Effect 2, I haven't been playing anything since January. Bad Company 2 won't work on my laptop :(
I know that feel, I don't even think I've logged onto steam lately, I've mostly just been playing DotA pubs every once in awhile. Right now I'm mostly just waiting for GW2 and Dota 2.

There are a bunch of games I could play, but I just haven't really felt like playing them.
Yeah its good so far. Graphics are fine as expected. Suit powers are wank though.

about how long is the story? also is it pretty stand alone or would i benefit a lot by playing the original/crysis warhead? my new comp is coming wednesday and i wanted to start crysis 2 right away since i'm not so much a fan of the giant island sandbox thing (done it in too many games) but if playing the first one and the expansion does make a difference i'd consider it
The first one isn't all that sandboxy. Like, large areas, but not that large and it's a straight progression from one to the other. It's very similar to Far Cry 1.
I've been enjoying Crysis 2 alot surprisingly as I didn't really like the first game that much. It's a breath of fresh air from "shoot shoot cutscene" shooters like CoD and BF.

The graphics are nothing short of amazing and the Cryengine 3 means it works better and pretty good on slower machines. I have to agree though, suit powers are kinda meh, but it's more about how you use it according to how little power you have. Which makes it pretty tactical to play. Enemy AI gets a bit glitchy at times though which is a big let down. :(

Multiplayer is rather fun, considering the most servers are broken right now and the whole player lobby thing doesn't suit it well. Still overall a pretty damn good game.