Gamers Thread

Can anyone help me? I'm trying to get the original Fallout running in Windows 7 x64. I have it installed and patched to 1.2 with the high resolution patch. This took care of the funky color issue, and the game runs. However, when I get into gameplay (walking around, combat), most of the screen goes black and I can only see the area around my cursor and everything kinda flickers. It renders the game pretty much completely unplayable and I'm not sure what to do.
So is anyone hear getting Shift II Unleashed? I think the NFS Is starting to pull into it's own, the past 3 games have been fucking incredible in terms off fun and this shouldn't be anhy different

The sounds off the game are fucking amazing too, check this shit:

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Alt-tab isn't working. The only way to do it is to minimize with ctrl-alt-del, and then maximize again, which seems to be working. It still flickers a bit, but it's playable. Now the main problem is that I don't have the manual and there's absolutely no tutorial. Which I guess makes the game more realistic, but I wish I knew how to bring up VATS and the pip-boy.
So is anyone hear getting Shift II Unleashed? I think the NFS Is starting to pull into it's own, the past 3 games have been fucking incredible in terms off fun and this shouldn't be anhy different

I haven't played Shift, but I hope this doesn't make such gratuitous use of the rubberband effect (computer forces other cars to speed up when they're behind you, slow down when they're in front of you) like Hot Pursuit did. That crap is really annoying.
Alt-tab isn't working. The only way to do it is to minimize with ctrl-alt-del, and then maximize again, which seems to be working. It still flickers a bit, but it's playable. Now the main problem is that I don't have the manual and there's absolutely no tutorial. Which I guess makes the game more realistic, but I wish I knew how to bring up VATS and the pip-boy.
I haven't played Shift, but I hope this doesn't make such gratuitous use of the rubberband effect (computer forces other cars to speed up when they're behind you, slow down when they're in front of you) like Hot Pursuit did. That crap is really annoying.

Yeah, well now that I think about it the first game didn't really have that problem, when you got ahead you could pretty much pull away if you knew the cornering of the tracks by heart.

Hopefully they haven't Changed that.
Sweet, thanks. Now it's back to the black screen and ctrl-alt-del isn't fixing it, but I'll try and work it out. I want to play this motherfucker!

Just one tip - keep more than one save file running. Especially if you are planning to visit The Glow (make a new save before entering). Trust me on this one. I had to restart my entire progress because of that shit.
One of the few IP's where despite its extremely buggy releases, I always forget about the bugs until I go back to play them.
Picked up a Nintendo 3DS today,i've only had a quick look at it in the shop on the adjustable 3d screen and it looks quite impressive.I can't wait to get home and muck around with it tonight.
So anyone know any online games somewhere between the absolute kill/explosion fest that of first person shooters/MMOs and the drawn out experience of RTS/TBS type titles? I'm getting kind of annoyed with the extremes. Maybe I just need to make a Team Fortress 2 server and triple everyone's health :P
So I played the demo of Civ 5 and really liked it. Too bad I'm not paying $60. Hopefully someone I know will... share... a copy.
I'm more of an RPG guy myself. Final Fantasy is probably my favorite series ever. My other favorite series would have to be the Metal Gear and Resident Evil.