Gamers Thread

It looks like a great, fun game but I bet it will bomb and go cheap very quickly, and spectator mode looks lame as fuck (then again I don't play anything online).
It looks like a great, fun game but I bet it will bomb and go cheap very quickly, and spectator mode looks lame as fuck (then again I don't play anything online).

You have to look at it in comparison to the other fighting games out there where you just wait for the 2 people fighting to finish without even seeing the match in moat cases. It's an offering to the older arcade players really, that feeling of being at a tournament and having 8 guys around the machine cheering people on will never be matched in online gaming, BUT this is a million times closer than it has been.
oh my god that looks so fucking sweet! just one more week!


meanwhile i just became a 4th Lord in MvC3 with a 61% w/l ratio.

I worked my way up to 6th whatever its called and then set the game down. The annoyance of sentinel spammers and simple mode players smashing buttons was getting to me. It's not that they were all too difficult to beat...they just made matches lame and repetitive.
I worked my way up to 6th whatever its called and then set the game down. The annoyance of sentinel spammers and simple mode players smashing buttons was getting to me. It's not that they were all too difficult to beat...they just made matches lame and repetitive.

since the nerf ive been seeing less sentinels. i dunno how it is on XBL but on PSN there are noobs and spammers too but i do get legit competition sometimes, especially the higher-ranked players.


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since the nerf ive been seeing less sentinels. i dunno how it is on XBL but on PSN there are noobs and spammers too but i do get legit competition sometimes, especially the higher-ranked players.


I really only played once for a few matches since the patch, but now that you mentioned it there weren't any sentinel spammers for those 3 matches. I'll keep that in mind, wasn't aware a nerf came with the patch.

Those vids make me happy. This entire fighting game revival is sexy.
HOARD. Holy shit this game is great. Easy to learn, but it has a lot of intricacies you can use to get more gold. I bought it and Magicka on Steam yesterday morning. Was really more excited about Magicka, played it for an hour or so then gave HOARD a try. Haven't touched Magicka since.
How about the top 5 you're currently enjoying, and top 5 "of all time".

League of Legends
Team Fortress 2
Anno 1404
Guild Wars 2 (Okay so it's not out yet, but it goes here anyway!)

Of All Time
Mario Bros 3
Sonic 2
Age of Empires 1
Return To Castle Wolfenstein
World of Warcraft

I do wish there was a way to get rid of the time limit in single player, so I could enjoy me some actual hoarding.
So as you all know the Gears Of War 3 Multiplayer Beta is well underway and there have been a few ways to access it, Bulletstorm owners gained access last week, and for everyone who has pre-ordered it gained access today.

So has anyone else tried it out? What are your thoughts?

My initial review is this, it fucking rules, Yeah it feels a bit weird at times, but I mean it's a beta right? The part I love the most now, is the dedicated servers you can see how Host doesn't mean shit anymore, you can easily take someone down close range with none of that host overpowering bullshit.

The Maps have been pretty awesome aswell, I have yet to try out King of The Hill yet, but I will get to that eventually!

Also, I love the whole unlock system, like unlocking weapon executions, weapon skins, characters, etc...

And the Medal system is really cool aswell!

So yeah what do you guys think?
How about the top 5 you're currently enjoying, and top 5 "of all time".

League of Legends
Team Fortress 2
Anno 1404
Guild Wars 2 (Okay so it's not out yet, but it goes here anyway!)

Of All Time
Mario Bros 3
Sonic 2
Age of Empires 1
Return To Castle Wolfenstein
World of Warcraft

Not currently playing many games, but my all-time top 5 would be:

Deus Ex
Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!!
Baldur's Gate 1&2 (though I never actually finished 2)
Final Fantasy VII
Anybody play ArmA 2/ ArmA 2 OA??

Just downloaded the Alfa Group units. Pretty sick.

Honestly if you like military/combat simulators you can't beat ArmA 2.
I tried Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising. It was cool, but barely functional as a game. When I got into it, though, it could be pretty cool...clunky interfaces, somewhat weak AI and whatnot, but...very authentic. I understand it's basically the same thing as ArmA 2.
I'm interested in the forthcoming OFP game. It looks like more of a game, but I really hope they keep the realism cause that was pretty cool. Extended periods of time without encountering hostiles, and then barely even seeing them when you do encounter them was really cool. Would have liked a little urban action with that same realism, but the engine clearly isn't built for that.
I'm looking forward to the new OFP aswell. OFP: DR is complete crap compared to ArmA 2 for PC. I've played OFP: DR for Xbox and from what I remember reading the game was just kinda thrown togethor at the last minute. For example you were supposed to be able to select/customize weapons (It's even in the booklet) but the took the feature out. I don't know much about the PC version but I doubt it's any better. ArmA's editor + the massive selection of addons/mods is what does it for me. Compared to OFP I'd say ArmA has a more open-world fealing to it. The only downside is unless you download/modify some stuff the CQB can be kinda slow and is very poor for AI.
A guy on reddit gifted me Killing Floor. It's a survival horror (though it's not that scary) co-op game with zombies. Kind of like Left 4 Dead but the only similarity is that it's zombie co-op. You earn money by killing to purchase weapons, kind of like Counter-Strike, but the store changes position in the map after each wave of zombies. Obviously the objective is to survive each wave and the boss after the final wave. There are perks, which are kind of like classes, that give you bonuses for certain weapon types. You only have about a minute to get to the store, buy your stuff, and find a good place to hold out for the wave of zombies. A cool thing is the ability to weld doors shut, but the zombies can break it down. Since the waves only end after you kill all the zombies (as opposed to a timer counting down) you still have to kill the zombies you block out eventually.

I've only tried it on solo mode so far. It's fun and looks good.