Gamers Thread

fucking PSN is still down. ive been practicing the shit out of my Mortal Kombat combos and am dying to use them on real people. HURRY THE FUCK UP AND FIX IT, SONY
I played Killing Floor when there was a free trial a while back. It was cool, but I remember the days when they had mods like that for free for HL1...not worth $20.
fucking PSN is still down. ive been practicing the shit out of my Mortal Kombat combos and am dying to use them on real people. HURRY THE FUCK UP AND FIX IT, SONY

PS3 = Fail end of story

Xbox is where it's at man! I don't see anyone hacking Xbox Live itself, especially with the constantly updated security protocols that they have.
I was mostly just saying how Live should be a free service if it's going to use outdated ways of connecting and how it's a ripoff.
PC > Xbox > PS3

Honestly this gen is a letdown compared to the last one, PC gets consolized games, Nintendo has focused too much on soccer moms and old people and finally the PS3 and Xbox are trying to be too much like PCs or copying Nintendo(More so Microsoft then Sony).

I'm hoping Nintendo's new console will help out the gaming industry.
It's all leading up to Battlefield 3. As soon as that's released, we will truly know the state of PC gaming.

Will there actually be 64 pop maps? Will Dice fuck everything up?

If that game blows then we'll probably be in for more shitty ports.
Well if they aren't lying then it should push PC gaming forward. I probably won't be able to run it at max settings, but I'll be glad if it sets new standards for graphics and just pushing everything forward in general.
It's all leading up to Battlefield 3. As soon as that's released, we will truly know the state of PC gaming.

Will there actually be 64 pop maps? Will Dice fuck everything up?

If that game blows then we'll probably be in for more shitty ports.

64 Player maps for Battlefield 3 on pc, 32 for consoles. And that game is gonna rule!
I can see where PC games are becoming consolized. Though playing online is free aswell as the downloadable content.
I havn't played a console for quite a while now. One thing I would love to see dissapear is the whole "Vegas" this or "Zombies" that bullshit. Not every fucking game needs a Vegas or Zombies version.

[EDIT] Just watched some vids on BF3. Looks pretty sick!
Consider all the stupid zombie shit that's come out lately, you'd think someone would make a proper zombie game. Not like L4D2/Killing Floor/shit like that. I mean a proper zombie game. Survival horror. I'm not counting Resident Evil because RE4, which was supposed to be the greatest thing since tits, doesn't include mouse support for the PC. Also, that's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about actual survival horror. The mood cultivated by STALKER and to a lesser extent Fallout, where it's all apocalypsy and you don't have much ammo and have to find shelter and supplies and shit...only with fucking ZOMBIES.
Currently playing FFXIII on PS3. I'm almost finished with it. Initially I was going for a platinum trophy, but then i got bored of farming traps/platinum ingots.

Will finish it, and get Yakuza 4 ASAP.

Xbox is probably better for online gamers, as it offers a more reliable service and more fun online exclusives, such as Halo and Gears of War.

However, I prefer PS3 because of the quality of its exclusives. Metal Gear Solid, Heavy Rain, God of War series, Uncharted series, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Valkyria Chronicles, Yakuza series etc.
So I bought a SNES off Ebay and was wondering what are some good games for it? Already getting Donkey Kong Country and Super Mario World.
single player:
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
Super Mario RPG - Legend of the Seven Stars
Chrono Trigger

for 2 players
Donkey Kong Country 2
NBA Jam T.E.
Super Mario Kart
Super Mario All-Stars
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time
Well let me second Chrono Trigger and go further on the RPG line.

Seiken Densetsu 3 (must have if you like Chrono Trigger)
Lufia 2
Bahamut Lagoon
Tales of Phantasia
Currently playing FFXIII on PS3. I'm almost finished with it. Initially I was going for a platinum trophy, but then i got bored of farming traps/platinum ingots.

Will finish it, and get Yakuza 4 ASAP.

Xbox is probably better for online gamers, as it offers a more reliable service and more fun online exclusives, such as Halo and Gears of War.

However, I prefer PS3 because of the quality of its exclusives. Metal Gear Solid, Heavy Rain, God of War series, Uncharted series, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Valkyria Chronicles, Yakuza series etc.

Metal Gear Solid used to be a PS3 Exclusive, now it's the other way around, with Metal Gear Solid: Rising coming out on the XBOX 360