Gamers Thread

Consider all the stupid zombie shit that's come out lately, you'd think someone would make a proper zombie game. Not like L4D2/Killing Floor/shit like that. I mean a proper zombie game. Survival horror. I'm not counting Resident Evil because RE4, which was supposed to be the greatest thing since tits, doesn't include mouse support for the PC. Also, that's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about actual survival horror. The mood cultivated by STALKER and to a lesser extent Fallout, where it's all apocalypsy and you don't have much ammo and have to find shelter and supplies and shit...only with fucking ZOMBIES.

Agreed. There definitely needs to be a true survival game where you scavenge for parts/food, have to hide during the night, can craft new weapons, explore to find alternate hiding spots, etc. Would be epic.
So I bought a SNES off Ebay and was wondering what are some good games for it? Already getting Donkey Kong Country and Super Mario World.


Seiken Densetsu 3 (must have if you like Chrono Trigger)
Bahamut Lagoon
Tales of Phantasia

To the best of my knowledge, none of these games ever received official translations for the SNES. (Translation patches, though.)
Agreed. There definitely needs to be a true survival game where you scavenge for parts/food, have to hide during the night, can craft new weapons, explore to find alternate hiding spots, etc. Would be epic.

So basically you want STALKER with a bit more horror elements.

Don't worry, I do too :(
Agreed. There definitely needs to be a true survival game where you scavenge for parts/food, have to hide during the night, can craft new weapons, explore to find alternate hiding spots, etc. Would be epic.

There is, it's called Minecraft.
fuck i'm excited for too many games, it was manageable back when i was just ridiculously excited for skyrim, dnf, dxhr because thats 3 games and i just have to beat a bunch of bethesda games (already done all the main quests on fallout 3, oblivion, new vegas, just doing all the rest of the shit) before i take on those but now i'm super excited for skyrim, dnf, dxhr, me3, rage (had no idea it was id and bethesda, should be AMAZING) and battlefield 3 to an extent. i can't possibly play all these O_o
My internet connection at home is so slow it's taking forever to download shit. Gonna play Homefront, cause I'm in the mood for some pointless shooting, then gonna try Starcraft 2 and Crysis 2. Also pumped for Portal 2.
Been playing MOH: Airborne, which is shit. Too bad, cause there are a lot of good ideas.
PSN is still down so i finally decided to pick up Crysis 2. it looks amazing on my PC but damn i suck at multiplayer. my biggest complaint is that stealth is super gay. im gonna get better though.
Haven't bought any games yet, only the three that came with it, them being Donkey Kong country, Super Mario World and Mortal Kombat 3
Homefront is appalling. The singleplayer campaign is like a really short, unpolished, terrible clone of Modern Warfare. Haven't played multiplayer, but the $60 price tag is just insulting.

Starcraft 2 is fucking awesome. Really really polished. Blizzard are a class many genius touches on that. And of course the core gameplay is untouchable.

Crysis 2 is also awesome. Nice long campaign, pretty well-polished. The AI has some glitches but when it works it works really well. If they work on it, Crysis 3 could be fucking amazing. Human enemies are still more fun than aliens, but these aliens are a lot more fun to fight than the ones in Crysis 1.

Sniper: Ghost Warrior is pretty shitty. Has a real budget feel.
Decided to buy BF: BC2 with the expansion and the unlocked content because it was barely $20 yesterday on steam. I've played it before, and unlocked everything anyway on a friends account, so I figured that it would be good to get my own steam version.

Other than that, just been doing Minecraft multiplayer with somethingawful goons. Penislandia has the largest rendered map I have ever fucking seen in my life.