Currently I'm on a gaming binge due to new computer/school out/preparing for new job/colossal douche who has halted the release of my bands cd and I can't believe how much shit they pack into them. I've suck so many hours it's pathetic into fallout:NV, fallout 3, the witcher 2 and yet i still have yet to finish every aspect of all of them despite beating the main quest. despite the dated engine and graphics and redundant textures NV has so much stuff in it I can hardly believe the developers managed to make this thing, even with the ability to re-use a lot of stuff. Duke Nukem Forever is finally almost here but by the time November hits and all the holiday games are coming out I'll be in video game debt
(skyrim, rage, DX:HR, NV DLC, MW3, BF3, DNF, portal2)