Gamers Thread

Currently I'm on a gaming binge due to new computer/school out/preparing for new job/colossal douche who has halted the release of my bands cd and I can't believe how much shit they pack into them. I've suck so many hours it's pathetic into fallout:NV, fallout 3, the witcher 2 and yet i still have yet to finish every aspect of all of them despite beating the main quest. despite the dated engine and graphics and redundant textures NV has so much stuff in it I can hardly believe the developers managed to make this thing, even with the ability to re-use a lot of stuff. Duke Nukem Forever is finally almost here but by the time November hits and all the holiday games are coming out I'll be in video game debt O_o (skyrim, rage, DX:HR, NV DLC, MW3, BF3, DNF, portal2)
I'm fucking loving Mass Effect. Late to the party, I know but it's incredible.

Hell yes.
Speaking of late to the party...finally tried Batman: Arkham Asylum.'s awesome. Game length was great, movement was fluid, controls were great for mouse and keyboard, graphics were pretty...basically all around a very well made game. I didn't love every moment of it, but I would definitely recommend it to anyone who digs stealth/action games.

Also been playing Metro 2033. I found this pretty disappointing. It's really linear (not surprising for a game set almost entirely in subways), all objects of interest are obnoxiously shiny, the voice acting and script and plot are stupid, the weapons are unsatisfying, the firefights are blah, the mutants are not fun to fight...overall not a very good game. I was hoping for a STALKER vibe, but this is nowhere near that good. Not terrible, I guess.

Also been playing AssCreedBro. So far...I like AssCreed2 better. The new mechanics so far seem poorly implemented (Borgia Towers, fuckloads of city renovations, counter-kill-chains, and the less-PoP-y tomb sequences). Also, the arbitrary boundaries are more annoying than ever. Like, fuck you. At least the first game had the decency to put up a wall there, albeit one that you could climb over.

Most anticipated:
Modern Warfare 3
Human Revolution
AC2 is actually the last game I finished. I liked it a great deal, but found it overlong. And although the characters and dialogue were excellent, the plot was really unengaging. I found myself actually wishing for more Desmond stuff, even if he's an extremely bland character at least his storyline isn't just "go here, assassinate badguy" ad nauseum.

Looking forward to Human Revolution, even if it is disgustingly yellow.
I blew through Portal 2 and La Noire this last week, because I have no job or life purpose right now.
Anyways, good games! Portal 2 is unreal. But I am honestly a little let down with La Noire. It reminds me of Mafia 2, in the sense that its a well made game and all o that, but repetitive.
I blew through Portal 2 and La Noire this last week, because I have no job or life purpose right now.
Anyways, good games! Portal 2 is unreal. But I am honestly a little let down with La Noire. It reminds me of Mafia 2, in the sense that its a well made game and all o that, but repetitive.

fuck yeah, i started playing portal 2 on my old pc (gaming pc and regular pc that i use for random stuff) because i didn't feel like firing up my gaming pc and didn't expect much, holy shit was i blown away. game is hilarious, fun, challenging yet not hair rippingly bothering etc. I got so into it i'm going to transfer all my saves over to my gaming pc and play both the original and the 2nd on it since the monitor is way better and the art design is awesome (plus somehow i never got around to playing either despite knowing they exist).
I am done with my finals tomorrow can’t decide what to play first...Mass Effect or Witcher? Any recommendations?

I plan on playing ME1 and 2 , Witcher 1 and 2...just no idea what to start with.

I also have Portal 2 ready :) gonna have a busy couple of weeks.
The first Witcher game is an atrocity that you should skip. The only reason I want to play the second game is because everything indicates that it's nothing like the first one.

Think ugly graphics, poorly written dialogue, shitty combat, a bad plot, uneven had a great premise, and that's about it.
I just reinstalled Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind the other day and been playing it a bit. I forgot just how huge the game is. Playing the Imperial Legion quest line a bit, thinking it could be better. I might dabble in the editor and see if I can write a more streamlined story for it, something like how the Fighters Guild is. Still a great game after all these years though. Install a few mods and good to go.
fuck yeah, i started playing portal 2 on my old pc (gaming pc and regular pc that i use for random stuff) because i didn't feel like firing up my gaming pc and didn't expect much, holy shit was i blown away. game is hilarious, fun, challenging yet not hair rippingly bothering etc. I got so into it i'm going to transfer all my saves over to my gaming pc and play both the original and the 2nd on it since the monitor is way better and the art design is awesome (plus somehow i never got around to playing either despite knowing they exist).

I'm pretty sure your Portal 2 games are saved on the steam cloud, so all you need to do is install it on your other computer and you're good to go.
Really? I have always heard good stuff about the witcher.

Yeah, The Witcher was damn good.

Did you guys play a different game than me? The game got a decent reception, but I don't understand it. The combat was a simple rhythmic button mashing that got incredibly repetitive after the first fight and stayed the same till the end. The plot was written by a 14 year old, apparently, given how much random sex was forced in and how incredibly unsubtle the various themes were (a bunch of guys standing around a dwarf making fun of him for being a dwarf =/= any sort of interesting commentary on racism). It had one good plot twist (not the one at the end, that one felt like someone watched too many Shamalan movies). There was an incredible amount of pointless back and forthing, a certain amount of unclear objectives, and a whole lot of kill-10-of-this. On the other hand...dice poker was pretty rad. Although why the fuck was the king the best dice poker player ever? Does he spend all his time playing dice poker? That would explain why everything is so run-down and on fire.
I just reinstalled Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind the other day and been playing it a bit. I forgot just how huge the game is. Playing the Imperial Legion quest line a bit, thinking it could be better. I might dabble in the editor and see if I can write a more streamlined story for it, something like how the Fighters Guild is. Still a great game after all these years though. Install a few mods and good to go.

Love that game. A lot of the plot lines are pretty blah and the NPCs lack any sort of personality (with a few exceptions), but nothing matches the sense of adventure that game has.
Just beat Planescape: Torment for the first time, and having not beaten a "new" RPG in a few years, I left with mixed feelings of orgasm and sadness. So few games have an interesting and sensible storyline, let alone one that reaches a proper climax. Games like it make modern RPGs so hard to enjoy.