Gamers Thread

You guys rip on's funny because, you guys are basically going with the mentality that you wouldn't widen your audience to buy your product...give me a fucking break...You would all do it to get more money.

Errrr not at all. I couldnt care less about the money making aspect just the quality of the product, and the games.

Voice commands on Mass Effect are pointless and Ghost Recon looked espicially bad, maybe not the game, but the way to shoot will give the user arthritis.

On that note Star Wars and Fable Journey both looked balls. Just an opinion.
You guys rip on's funny because, you guys are basically going with the mentality that you wouldn't widen your audience to buy your product...give me a fucking break...You would all do it to get more money.
It's just a stupid gimmick and I find it annoying when it takes up time that could be used showing cool new games instead.
It's just a stupid gimmick and I find it annoying when it takes up time that could be used showing cool new games instead.

There's a reason they call it the Electonic Entertainment Expo. It's not just for games which you guys seem to be forgetting, It's to show what they've been working on.

If you want to talk about something stupid. PS Vita, who the fuck cares about a 3G Gaming can do that with an IPOD.

Kinect isn't a stupid gimmick, it's actually fun, it let's you do you things you couldn't do with a controller, Core games are starting to role in, and yeah it has Kinect, don't like it, you can still play the game without it, so what's the big fucking deal.

There not forcing you to use it in core games. It's just to add variation to the way people play them.

Ubisoft & EA showed there games away from the 3 big companies. You can't have all 3 companies show everything they've been working on. What fun would that be to the actual game companies who work on this stuff to not show it themselves.

Kinect Is incredibly cool & Fun. Fuck anyone who says otherwise.
Kinect Is incredibly cool & Fun.

I thought the same thing with the Wii but then after a certain point in time I got bored of it. Anyways, the best part about E3 was EA's conference, BF3 looks amazing, Sony pretty much just tried shoving 3D down everyone's throat(although Sly 4 looks pretty cool), Microsoft most just showed Kinect and stuff that I don't care about like youtube and Nintendo's new controller looks pretty pointless and overly large.
LAN last night was really fun, tons of Halo 3, LFD2, CSS, AoM etc. Also first time playing LoL, everyone else was smurfing and I was a nubcake so it was a bit tough, especially when people were raging at how bad I was :lol: Fun stuff though, can't believe a game like that is free!
I thought the same thing with the Wii but then after a certain point in time I got bored of it.

True, I feel the same way, but that's because there wasn't much variation on what to play. I'm sure with alot of stuff being compatible with it now will make it more useful to play games in a more varied way.
The new Elder Scrolls looks nice.

I hope, however, that they've fixed the leveling system so that the enemies don't level up when you do. For me, this ruined Elder Scrolls Oblivion. It could have been the greatest game of all time, but that stuff took it down to just being ok.
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From what I've heard, the leveling system will return in Skyrim, but it'll be more similar to Fallout 3's leveling system than Oblivion's. I've never played Fallout 3, so I don't know what that entails. But if the leveling system is the only problem you have with Oblivion, there are mods that can fix that.

I managed to endure Oblivion for about ten hours. It bored me to tears. The story was unengaging, the quests were boring and unrewarding, the characters were dull, etcetera. I can't think of a single thing I actually liked about it that isn't done better by some other game.
Reinstalling Oblivion with the expansions and DLC and a shitton of other mods. All the Skyrim previews have me nostalgic.
Is anyone interested in playing a free MMORPG and forming a UM group? I really like MMOs but it can be expensive and making a whole new group of online friends can be a lot of work. There are a bunch of really good free MMOs now apparently and it would be fun to try some of them out.
I'd be down for this actually. I've been looking into a free one called Twelve Sky 2 since it's apparently great for PvP, but I've yet to try it.
Why not. Lemme know if any of you guys find any? I wish we could get a cool Minecraft server going honestly.

I had a server going a while ago, you guys could've joined. Then my computer crashed and I lost all the world information, and haven't had time to make a new one.

If someone wants to host one, I'll join, Minecraft is the shit.
Is anyone interested in playing a free MMORPG and forming a UM group? I really like MMOs but it can be expensive and making a whole new group of online friends can be a lot of work. There are a bunch of really good free MMOs now apparently and it would be fun to try some of them out.
I think it would be fun, but right now I can probably only
spare something like 5-15 hours a week. I'd probably be most open to something browser-based with low system requirements so I can still multi-task.
So Nintendo still hasn't announced an MMO Pokemon for consoles? The technology is there now to make trading super easy in a way it would not have been on N64 or Gamecube. This is a goldmine. There's the nostalgia market, and a younger generation that still is into the games. It helps that the games were really solid too. It's not like the graphic limitations would hold them back. Since there's no need for photorealistic graphics, it's a perfect fit for the lagging capabilities of the new system.
This website has a lot of free MMOs if people are curious:

Me and WAIF tried doing a DnD online thing awhile ago and tried to get people to join in, but that never really worked out.

Once GW2 comes out someone should make a guild and everyone can join in. It does cost money, but it's only a onetime purchase, and then the rest is free. Plus it's looking out to be an incredible game anyways.