Gamers Thread

Modern Wallclocks 3 looks like more of the same except slightly different/better, which means I'll probably love it:

There are laptops that have no problems with games. My ~10,000 SEK laptop runs Oblivion just fine. (Or Crysis even, and many other modern games. Not sure what the benchmark games are today.) Reasonably quietly, and with no overheating whatsoever.

Yeah I can't even run the Elder Scrolls on my laptop, unfortunately. Next time I buy a new laptop I'll make sure to buy one that's a bit more gaming compatible.
Even though BF3 will be the better game, CoD will still probably sell more. Although BF3 will contain a much larger audience then BFBC2
Why anyone would ever use a laptop for any reason but business travel and taking notes for class is beyond me. Tiny keyboards. Overpriced for the hardware you get. Trendy. Useless machines IMO.
Why anyone would ever use a laptop for any reason but business travel and taking notes for class is beyond me. Tiny keyboards. Overpriced for the hardware you get. Trendy. Useless machines IMO.

It is necessary when you don't live in one place for very long at a time.
Battlefield will win this war if they don't fuck up.

Trust me, I don't think they'll fuck up, it looks fantastic and the gameplay looks fucking incredible.

Even though BF3 will be the better game, CoD will still probably sell more. Although BF3 will contain a much larger audience then BFBC2

No doubt...but Battlefield 3 won't be far behind I think. I don't think I've seen a shooter with so much realism in a long ass time, and that alone could bring people to buy the game. I wont' be surprised if BF3 wins best FPS of the year and possibly Game of the year at Spikes VGA. Though I mean It'll be tough with Mass Effect 3, Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception knocking on the doorstep.
Why anyone would ever use a laptop for any reason but business travel and taking notes for class is beyond me. Tiny keyboards. Overpriced for the hardware you get. Trendy. Useless machines IMO.

If you like lugging around fucking desktops everywhere then good for you.
If you like lugging around fucking desktops everywhere then good for you.

Why would you lug your PC around with you? If you're going to be on the PC just stay home. If you're going to be out with friends why on earth do you need your PC? I really don't see the overlap here. And I'm very likely one of the most hardcore gamers on this board.

You really are allowed to be away from the computer/cellphone for more than 5 minutes.
Some people like doing LAN's in the same room with their friends, which in turn would require lugging around PC's.
fucking DXHR beta, i seriously cannot wait for that game to come out and the day it comes out, my semester starts. i haven't been this excited for a game ever (that i can remember) and waiting for it is painful. it baffles me that more developers aren't able to make innovative/unique games with deep gameplay, lots of different elements, interesting art direction and intense immersion that really draw you in and make you feel a part of the universe (aside from bethesda). yet modern warfare 3 will probably sell more than dxhr and skyrim combined, disgusting. i hope the rise in popularity of these games brings about more as there have been more indie/unique games being released nowadays, but still not enough and i find myself replaying old games over and over instead of buying the newest war shooter/football/racing rehash.
So apparently there's going to be quite a few weapons in Battlefield 3, one of the developers revealed that there's over 100,000 Weapon Combinations. That boggles my mind. Apparently you can have 3 slots to add something to your weapons. Bad Company 2 had 2 slots, So it should be interesting.
More games should do the on-the-fly weapon modification from Crysis but then again now it's all about the unlockable shit and the DLC and basically making them pay to play the same map over and over and over against the same 15 year old douchebags. I'm with Enemy on this, the direction shooters have gone in is pretty disappointing. Needs more HL3. I know, a sequel, but frankly it's thing I can think of that could buck this trend and conceivably through force of sales convince other devs to start making games you can play on your own again.
FPS's are definently in the toilet. It makes me think "Who the fuck designs games these fucking days?"

Saw some shit on youtube for ArmA 3. Looks pretty good. Battlefield 3 looks very interesting. I hope they take the gameplay in the direction of the old PC ones. Far cry 3 should be a lot of fun aswell, love the map editor.
So...sequel/reboot wishlist time. Not including games actually in development that I know about...
A Rainbow Six game that goes back to the tactical roots
Half-Life 3
Dark Messiah of Might and Magic 2
Hitman 5
Star Wars: Jedi Knight 4
Freelancer 2
Fallout 4
You guys?
Dungeon Keeper 3
a new Soul Reaver game
a sequel to Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines