Gamers Thread

A new mario game that doesn't have some fucking stupid mechanic behind it. No, I don't want to squirt shit with a watergun. No, I don't want to run around in outer space. I want fucking Mario 64 with better graphics and new levels.

A Rainbow Six game that goes back to the tactical roots

YES TO THIS. The new ones are so fucking terrible in comparison it hurts. Played through the original and Rogue Spear so many times. And the first Ghost Recon!

And btw there is a new Hitman game on the way. Whether it'll be as good as Blood Money though is still not clear...
Rogue Spear was the fucking best, lost so many hours of my life playing the campaign in rogue mode. Fuck that shit was mad hard at times lol...And seriously online was pretty fun too.
And btw there is a new Hitman game on the way. Whether it'll be as good as Blood Money though is still not clear...

Heard anything to imply it won't be? I think Hitman is a rare case of a series that refines and improves its gameplay with every game, even though the second had by far the best storyline. Definitely looking forward to a new one.

EDIT: And a new STALKER is in development too.
Heard anything to imply it won't be? I think Hitman is a rare case of a series that refines and improves its gameplay with every game, even though the second had by far the best storyline. Definitely looking forward to a new one.

One thing I'd like would be to not feel like I failed when I shoot people. The customizable weapons were awesome in Blood Money, but if you ever use them (particularly the non-concealable ones) you're not playing the game "properly." Getting rid of the telepathic AI would be good as if I could have a quick shoot out in a closed location, then just walk out a door and get lost in the crowd. Having a stronger storyline for some (not all) of the missions would be quite helpful.
A new mario game that doesn't have some fucking stupid mechanic behind it. No, I don't want to squirt shit with a watergun. No, I don't want to run around in outer space. I want fucking Mario 64 with better graphics and new levels.

The Mario Galaxy series has been fucking fun. Sunshine wasnt so great though... annoyed me quite a bit.
Heard anything to imply it won't be? I think Hitman is a rare case of a series that refines and improves its gameplay with every game, even though the second had by far the best storyline. Definitely looking forward to a new one.

Arkham Asylum-esque "instinct" mode where you can see through walls and the routes that guards walk. Apart from that (which can probably be turned off if you play on a harder difficulty) it is sounding pretty decent so all hope is not lost.

edit: See here

Nice little summarised overview of what's been seen thus far.
That does sound pretty lame if not optional, especially since it replaces the map. "Safe spots", too. Now I'm pessimistic.

One thing I'd like would be to not feel like I failed when I shoot people. The customizable weapons were awesome in Blood Money, but if you ever use them (particularly the non-concealable ones) you're not playing the game "properly." Getting rid of the telepathic AI would be good as if I could have a quick shoot out in a closed location, then just walk out a door and get lost in the crowd. Having a stronger storyline for some (not all) of the missions would be quite helpful.

To be honest half the time I end the level with a 'Mass Murderer' title. They do need to bring back the possibility of an "all 0" (meaning nothing done outside of non-gun target assassinations) game, though, as it was only possible in Contracts. Improvements on AI would always be welcome, but no one seems to get it perfectly so I don't hope for that, and the Hitman AI "cheats" far less with each new one, so I'm not too worried there.
You must really like the color yellow.

yeah, i like the fact that they actually choose a unique theme and stick to it, same with the use of the pentagons/hexagons int he futuristic art. soooo much better than every bland or space-futuristic thing out there (doom 3?). the witcher 2 which i'm playing again has a great art design too and the story behind all of it adds to it even more and looks great.

i'm hoping in skyrim they go back to more unique landscapes and designs as opposed to the traditional forest of oblivion. morrowind had tonss of different areas and a really unique and different feel but as much as i loved oblivion, it didn't absorb me in as much. here's hoping they don't just make an entire map of mountains.
And they really need to deal with the way hills are dealt with if they're gonna have a lot of mountains. Running up incredibly steep slopes is kinda lame, but of course with a more natural grade the mountains become fucking colossal. Still...they need to figure something out.
And they really need to deal with the way hills are dealt with if they're gonna have a lot of mountains. Running up incredibly steep slopes is kinda lame, but of course with a more natural grade the mountains become fucking colossal. Still...they need to figure something out.

definitely. they need to come up with more paths or some sort of system for scaling mountains. i heard from someone wayyy more into TES than I that there is going to be lots of different types of terrain like in morrowind but i really do hope they fix the mountains because in oblivion it was weird just running straight up a mountain slamming on the spacebar and moving sideways every once in a while when i'd get stuck and basically jumping up a fucking gigantic mountain. also hoping the pc has a lot more optimizations with this new engine and options so i can get massive draw distances and better looking distance LOD's if i want. using mods is ok but sometimes they just don't cut it and with how powerful pc's can get, they should do like the witcher 2 did and have options that are insanely high like ubersampling and gigantic texture levels for those that want them. i doubt it'll happen because of the console aspect but it'd show the pc crowd they do still give a decent fuck about them. current desktop laughs at Oblivions maximum requirements and yet it won't let me render grass more than 50 feet away. Really annoying, I think I might rather just not have grass than have it pop in constantly.
More games should do the on-the-fly weapon modification from Crysis but then again now it's all about the unlockable shit and the DLC and basically making them pay to play the same map over and over and over against the same 15 year old douchebags. I'm with Enemy on this, the direction shooters have gone in is pretty disappointing. Needs more HL3. I know, a sequel, but frankly it's thing I can think of that could buck this trend and conceivably through force of sales convince other devs to start making games you can play on your own again.

FPS's are definently in the toilet. It makes me think "Who the fuck designs games these fucking days?"

Saw some shit on youtube for ArmA 3. Looks pretty good. Battlefield 3 looks very interesting. I hope they take the gameplay in the direction of the old PC ones. Far cry 3 should be a lot of fun aswell, love the map editor.

What we need is an arcade styled FPS revival. No trying to be realistic, no lame DLC, no perks, just old school twitching and fast running with updated graphics.