A Rainbow Six game that goes back to the tactical roots
A Rainbow Six game that goes back to the tactical roots
And btw there is a new Hitman game on the way. Whether it'll be as good as Blood Money though is still not clear...
Heard anything to imply it won't be? I think Hitman is a rare case of a series that refines and improves its gameplay with every game, even though the second had by far the best storyline. Definitely looking forward to a new one.
A new mario game that doesn't have some fucking stupid mechanic behind it. No, I don't want to squirt shit with a watergun. No, I don't want to run around in outer space. I want fucking Mario 64 with better graphics and new levels.
Heard anything to imply it won't be? I think Hitman is a rare case of a series that refines and improves its gameplay with every game, even though the second had by far the best storyline. Definitely looking forward to a new one.
One thing I'd like would be to not feel like I failed when I shoot people. The customizable weapons were awesome in Blood Money, but if you ever use them (particularly the non-concealable ones) you're not playing the game "properly." Getting rid of the telepathic AI would be good as well...like if I could have a quick shoot out in a closed location, then just walk out a door and get lost in the crowd. Having a stronger storyline for some (not all) of the missions would be quite helpful.
Oh yeah, good video. The first one with a Necromancer using axe skills too!
You must really like the color yellow.
Oh yeah, good video. The first one with a Necromancer using axe skills too!
And they really need to deal with the way hills are dealt with if they're gonna have a lot of mountains. Running up incredibly steep slopes is kinda lame, but of course with a more natural grade the mountains become fucking colossal. Still...they need to figure something out.
More games should do the on-the-fly weapon modification from Crysis but then again now it's all about the unlockable shit and the DLC and basically making them pay to play the same map over and over and over against the same 15 year old douchebags. I'm with Enemy on this, the direction shooters have gone in is pretty disappointing. Needs more HL3. I know, a sequel, but frankly it's thing I can think of that could buck this trend and conceivably through force of sales convince other devs to start making games you can play on your own again.
FPS's are definently in the toilet. It makes me think "Who the fuck designs games these fucking days?"
Saw some shit on youtube for ArmA 3. Looks pretty good. Battlefield 3 looks very interesting. I hope they take the gameplay in the direction of the old PC ones. Far cry 3 should be a lot of fun aswell, love the map editor.