Beat AssCreedBro. Not at all satisfied with the ending...all that time building up Rome and training my assassins and getting snazzy items and it doesn't even matter because I just use the invincible mcguffin the whole time? At the last confrontation in Rome they should have let you have all the assassins you trained be present. Or at least have them present at some point, you know? It might be a balance thing, since when fully trained those guys are fucking lethal.
The final showdown with Cesare was cool, but it was really unclear what the fuck was going on. It skips ahead 4 years...why didn't Ezio just go and stab the dude when he was a prisoner? And how'd the guy manage to go all Napoleon?
The game was also really really similar to AssCreed2. I was disappointed to find out the next one is with Ezio as well. They'd better change things up a lot, because it's getting stale. And enough stupid city renovations.
Presumably the one after the next one will have a new ancestor. I wonder what setting they'll use. One of the world wars would be cool, and make a fair amount of sense, but idk.
Another thing: I recognize that Desmond moves exactly the same as Ezio because that's where he gets his moves from, but the next ancestor had better have his own style (/her own....could be a woman, although if it were would the bleeding effect give Desmond some identity issues?).
That said, I enjoyed the game. Some nit-picked, especially with the handling in tight spaces, but overall the controls are fluid, the combat system is excellent, and...well, it really really reminds me of Prince of Persia, which is rarely a bad thing.