Gamers Thread

I started playing that. The story was really cool, but the combat was really bad (I'm talking ~2 hours of playing) and I ultimately stopped. Great art style, cool story, really good dialogue...although maybe a little too much dialogue? I like a game to show things visually now and then.
anyone play the DXHR beta? 10 hours of the game from a leaked journalist copy that's an early build but not super buggy and all that, pretty finished supposedly except people have said it doesn't have all the polish/features of the full game (unlike crysis 2 leak which was buggy as shit, i actually tried that one before i bought it and the leak was just awful). considering how pumped i am for DXHR and how I've been waiting for a real sequel (not you invisible war) since 2000 I imagine playing that beta of an entire segment of the game is like fucking a supermodel. only better.
I started playing that. The story was really cool, but the combat was really bad (I'm talking ~2 hours of playing) and I ultimately stopped. Great art style, cool story, really good dialogue...although maybe a little too much dialogue? I like a game to show things visually now and then.

I'm generally not huge into raw dialogue and having heard so many people say "Yeah man, each ale a bartender sells comes with a large paragraph describing it" I was wary, but I really didn't find it excessive, except at parts where you have a fifteen minute dialogue with a boss to get ass-kicked at the end and having to do it all over again. The combat was basic, but I liked it that way. Then again, I'm a rare nerd that has never played D&D and has little desire to, so simplification of combat mechanics does not matter to me. I'm not sure how much they could have shown visually considering the engine, unless you mean through cutscenes, which admittedly there weren't many of. At a certain point I just set the difficulty down and let Morte bite everyone to death, so I could just focus on the storyline and turn it into more of an adventure game.

anyone play the DXHR beta? 10 hours of the game from a leaked journalist copy that's an early build but not super buggy and all that, pretty finished supposedly except people have said it doesn't have all the polish/features of the full game (unlike crysis 2 leak which was buggy as shit, i actually tried that one before i bought it and the leak was just awful). considering how pumped i am for DXHR and how I've been waiting for a real sequel (not you invisible war) since 2000 I imagine playing that beta of an entire segment of the game is like fucking a supermodel. only better.

Sounds like fucking a supermodel, not being permitted to climax for months, and once you do all there is left to do is jerking off on her back. Deus Ex is my favorite game, but for some reason I'm just not excited about it. Probably because of the wall-cover system, fuck to I hate that, although Mafia II pulled it off well. I'll probably buy in winter when prices are lower and when I have a break to play it uninterrupted, but I'm trying to set no expectations.
Love that game. A lot of the plot lines are pretty blah and the NPCs lack any sort of personality (with a few exceptions), but nothing matches the sense of adventure that game has.

I roleplay my character so I like that most of the NPCs are blah. I like making up shit about them and their lives when I'm not standing right there talking with them. Makes the game more fun.

And the adventure is great - any region you go in, there's always something new to explore. I just like running around the countryside killing stuff. Good stress relief too.
Beat AssCreedBro. Not at all satisfied with the ending...all that time building up Rome and training my assassins and getting snazzy items and it doesn't even matter because I just use the invincible mcguffin the whole time? At the last confrontation in Rome they should have let you have all the assassins you trained be present. Or at least have them present at some point, you know? It might be a balance thing, since when fully trained those guys are fucking lethal.
The final showdown with Cesare was cool, but it was really unclear what the fuck was going on. It skips ahead 4 years...why didn't Ezio just go and stab the dude when he was a prisoner? And how'd the guy manage to go all Napoleon?
The game was also really really similar to AssCreed2. I was disappointed to find out the next one is with Ezio as well. They'd better change things up a lot, because it's getting stale. And enough stupid city renovations.
Presumably the one after the next one will have a new ancestor. I wonder what setting they'll use. One of the world wars would be cool, and make a fair amount of sense, but idk.
Another thing: I recognize that Desmond moves exactly the same as Ezio because that's where he gets his moves from, but the next ancestor had better have his own style (/her own....could be a woman, although if it were would the bleeding effect give Desmond some identity issues?).

That said, I enjoyed the game. Some nit-picked, especially with the handling in tight spaces, but overall the controls are fluid, the combat system is excellent, and...well, it really really reminds me of Prince of Persia, which is rarely a bad thing.
So yeah, I see you people aren't talking about L.A. Noir....which is a really badass game.
^ I'm currently on the arson desk. It's certainly a great game but I feel like there's something missing. I never really feel compelled to play it. I'm definitely gonna go back and try to get five stars on all cases once I finish it though. Also, all DLC for the game is at a reduced price until the 13th if anyone is interested.
They should be fucking embarrassed that DLC exists. Every time I hear about this shit I get more and more pissed off. I expect the game to function fully when I buy it, and any problems to be patched for free. If additional content is released, it should either be as a free update (TF2, anyone?) or as an expansion pack that costs less than the base game and has a substantial amount of content. Releasing DLC at the same time as the base game just means they took things out of the game and are charging you extra for it. Meaning that the already inflated price you're paying for the game is increased even more and you're still not getting as much content as you should. I have completely lost any respect for the industry as a whole, as game after game becomes another bland, creatively vacant cash grab. I respect the hard work of the artists and programmers, I have sympathy for the designers whose actually creative ideas are squelched in favor of what-if-there-was-a-boss-fight-that-was-all-quick-time-events bullshit, and I admire the companies that are making real, full-featured games (Valve come to mind).

Somehow I suspect Skyrim's PC version will have a screen that says Press Start To Play and have about 10 hours of content but hey, multiplayer.
all righty peeps, I need a few suggestions for some single player games for da PC, got of course Diablo 2 and WC3, thinking of getting Hellgate again since I havent played that since it first came out, anything else? Pretty sure my laptop is pretty shitty so I won't be able to enjoy my civ4/5 addiction but who I missing anything? Running windows 7 home 64bit so I sadly can't enjoy too many older games unless it's been updated
I don't care what anybody says, Minecraft can be one of the scariest games I've ever played. Exploring caves can be some creepy shit, especially during the night with the game sounds on.

A favorite game "mode" of mine: You have one day. Gather all the supplies you can and then venture into a cave. You can never come out again. Explore as far into the cave as possible. If you reach a dead end start digging. Go until you die or run out of sufficient materials to continue digging.
People with PS3s can get 2 free games of these 5 off Playstation Store. I'm getting Infamous and LittleBigPlannet

Dead Nation
WipEout HD Bundle
Super Stardus HD

The Kinect is shit and for children.

You guys rip on's funny because, you guys are basically going with the mentality that you wouldn't widen your audience to buy your product...give me a fucking break...You would all do it to get more money.

If you guys think that Ghost Recon isn't going to be awesome with Kinect, then there's something wrong with you. Not to mention Voice commands on Mass Effect 3.

We all know Nintendo is gonna destroy everyone tomorrow with there new console.