Gamers Thread

I'm currently wondering how I've gone this far in my life without playing Unreal Tournament (the first one). What an amazingly fun game.
I'm currently wondering how I've gone this far in my life without playing Unreal Tournament (the first one). What an amazingly fun game.

hell yes. I used to play the skyscraper level with tons of bots and just fucking destroy everything. 2k3 wasn't that bad either if i remember right.
edit: i was thinking of 2k4 but 2k3 is good as well; are they ever going to do a new one or did they retire all that?
It still amazes me how many people throw a bitch-fit because people aren't using mic's. Newsflash morons, it's a game and I'll play it how I want to.

Me and another micless person just got kicked in Left for Dead 2. Ironically they kicked the two people who were continuously saving there paltry asses and were making the most kills. I am making an oath, whenever someone starts complaining about that shit, it will be my goal to just team-kill them till I am kicked or they leave.
finished the Mortal Kombat demo on PS3 about 20 times and am sooo psyched to buy the game.
checked their site just now and i know what my GW2 class is gonna be.. the thief! she will be the one to carry on my GW1 assassin's legacy (pwning random arena).
Just bought Gothic 3 Enhanced edition ($2.50), and really want a refund. The only reason I played it for an extended period of time today was because I turned dev mode and god mode on and just went to town killing person after person.

Already deleted the crap off my computer.
Just bought Gothic 3 Enhanced edition ($2.50), and really want a refund. The only reason I played it for an extended period of time today was because I turned dev mode and god mode on and just went to town killing person after person.

Already deleted the crap off my computer.

Gothic 3 is awesome, it's not a game that appeals to masses though, so no wonder the series has mostly a cult following. Unfortunately the game was really unfinished when released, and should not be played without the Community Mod, which fixes most shit in the game (most importantly the bad AI and combat system).

I don't know why they released it in such an incomplete state, since Gothic 2 was a very solid game (and a lot better than 3 IMO). Gothic 2 was a little smaller game than 3 however, but more detailed and polished. Seems like they made 3 too massive, and didn't have time to finish it properly.
Decided to pick up Batman Arkham Asylum for PC today off Steam for $7.50. I haven't played it before and I'm pretty impressed, and I haven't actually been that impressed with alot of games lately.

It's an amazing game, only gets better the further you get. The fighting never gets tiresome. It's refreshing with a game that includes hand to hand combat without being a button-masher in the slightest.
Just bought Gothic 3 Enhanced edition ($2.50), and really want a refund. The only reason I played it for an extended period of time today was because I turned dev mode and god mode on and just went to town killing person after person.

Already deleted the crap off my computer.

I remember reading all these previews where it was compared to Oblivion, and the devs behind it being all sneering and haughty and claiming it was more polished than Oblivion. Then I remember it coming out, and my friend got it and we went to play it and we were like WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SHIT. Goddamn unplayable.

Gothic 4 is pretty decent, but really easy, completely linear, barely an RPG tbh. Looks nice, though. Although all the cinematics are done with motion-comics that scream "We blew our whole budget on making the game look extremely pretty and aren't smart enough to just use in-game graphics for this."
Gothic 4 is pretty decent, but really easy, completely linear, barely an RPG tbh. Looks nice, though. Although all the cinematics are done with motion-comics that scream "We blew our whole budget on making the game look extremely pretty and aren't smart enough to just use in-game graphics for this."

I thought Gothic 4 sucked hard. As you said, it's linear, easy and hardly an RPG anyway, it's got nothing, that made the earlier games good. It wasn't even made by the same team, so the only Gothic in it is the title.
As far as read, the enhanced edition was made by both the devs and the community modders. Yeah, it had a few more monsters than Oblivion, and the world had no loading instances between wilderness and city, but combat sucked, ai really didn't matter much when you got swarmed in combat, the "new, enhanced, better combat system!" was totally lame as hell, and the voice acting/main character were just... ugh, fucking awful.

Truly, I will just have to wait for Skyrim to come out.
I thought Gothic 4 sucked hard. As you said, it's linear, easy and hardly an RPG anyway, it's got nothing, that made the earlier games good. It wasn't even made by the same team, so the only Gothic in it is the title.
I wouldn't really say it was a good game, was polished and pretty and the combat was was basically a flash-in-the-pan kinda thing. Not impressive or memorable, but mindlessly kinda fun. Sort of the Modern Warfare of RPGs, except not as good.

Truly, I will just have to wait for Skyrim to come out.

This is the conclusion I've come to. I've been trying to find another open world game along those lines and just can't. Daggerfall is unplayable, Gothic is just fucking unfinished, everything else is just too old. I tried getting into Baldur's Gate but while the writing is great and everything seems really cool, it's supposed to take 150 hours to complete, at a minimum...that's just fucking intimidating. And then there's an expansion, a sequel that's just as long, and a sequel to that. That's probably like 400 hours...fuck me.
Shadows of Amn was fun, but I couldn't get into it this last time I tried to play it (prob around Sept. 2010). It just looks too dated for me.

It's true, I am vain as fuck when it comes to my games.
I tried getting into Baldur's Gate but while the writing is great and everything seems really cool, it's supposed to take 150 hours to complete, at a minimum...that's just fucking intimidating. And then there's an expansion, a sequel that's just as long, and a sequel to that. That's probably like 400 hours...fuck me.

Who said that? :lol: I'd say the original campaign takes more like 45-55 hours and the expansion takes about 25-30 hours. That's about how much it took when I first finished them. It was 10 ago though, so I'm not that sure, but for a normal gamer they can't possibly take even 100 hours combined. They could be long as fuck though, since Shadows of Amn is the best game ever made :goggly: