Gamers Thread

Well, that's understandable. Terran is overpowered.

Edit: There's a build I use with Zerg that's pretty effective against all races. The only problem is it takes a while to develop. Basically, you have a bunch of brood lords (I think 24 is a good number), a bunch of hydralisks (around 24) and as many mutalisks as you can have. This creates a pretty much unstoppable attack force.

that build, while nice, needs too much gas. you probably need 3-4 bases to achieve it efficiently. and enemy aggression while you're building towards it can set you behind but more likely outright kill you.

also, build is important, but not as much as having a large population and economic advantage over the opponent, because terran and protoss deathballs (big clumps of whatever units) are inherently stronger than zerg, and also easier to control (attack-move and fire a few spells).

zerg on the other hand needs much more micro to maneuver around forcefields (fucking hate those), siege tanks and other shit, and also needs a unit composition that perfectly counters the enemy's.
some general tips
- constant creep spreading and larva injections
- always build speed banelings against terran infantry
- always build corrupters vs colossi
- roaches beat zealots and marines, but lose to stalkers and marauders
- speedlings beat stalkers and marauders, but lose to marines and zealots
- ultralisks break forcefields, roaches can burrow-move under them

- try to win by mid-game
- speedling+baneling+hydra vs marines+marauders+medivacs
- replace hydras with mutas if they have considerable siege tanks, and snipe them
- mass roaches+mutas if they go pure mecha
- mass hydra+roach+speedlings is solid vs midgame protoss. never build banelings vs protoss

- in larger battles, waypoint-killing is pretty efficient (select a group of your units, hold shift, and right click a sequence of enemy units, so they focus fire and kill them in quick succession)

- if it goes lategame, hydras+broodlords is definitely a solid foundation. what you add to that army depends on the enemy unit composition (see above tips). lead the attack with broodlords but hide the rest of your army, and when enemy attacks your broodlords get a nice surround on his units out of position.

my common cheese
- 7 roach rush is always a good opener vs protoss (look it up if you don't already know)
- nydusworm+baneling+zergling rush is a good opener against terran if the map allows it
- muta harass enemy workers to have them waste money on defensive structures, then stop building mutas and go broodlords
The only problem with brood lords is that they give the enemy too much time. When using the build I talked about above (that I call Broodalisk), I generally make hydralisks and corruptors first, that way my army is more mobile than it would be if I just rushed to brood lords. I then morph to brood lords at the enemy base or whenever my corruptors is severely damaged.

I wish the Xel'Naga would be made into a playable race. It would be cool to have a race that has some of the advantages of the Protoss and Zerg, since the Xel'Naga were said to need the purity of essence and form to complete their "cycle," and that they could find those things in the Zerg and the Protoss.
but pretty much anything beats hydras if they dont have roaches/speedlings/banelings to tank for them.

also, massing corruptors without the enemy having considerable air threat is a waste of money and leaves your ground firepower weak.
I usually use mass zerglings to tank for my hydralisks. Since they're strictly melee, they don't block hydralisks from hitting targets which I've had happen a lot with roaches. Roaches do have less range than hydralisks, but they still can end up cutting down on the maximum use of my army's firepower. Zerglings are small and can end up creating a great addition to the DPS. Not to mention they fare better against units that have high ratings against armored units like siege tanks and immortals.

I try to keep the mass corruptors up at first because it'll help me get rid of air threats before I switch to brood lords. After I have brood lords and hydralisks and my enemies have nothing but ground units left, they're pretty much fighting a losing battle.
Excited about GTA V, but I would have preferred a return to Miami instead, or if they were going to do somewhere new, Baltimore/DC would have been awesome. As much as I'd love to see Chicago in that kind of game, the city is so rigidly based on a grid that driving would get boring, and there's no interesting geography outside the city.

I hope it's true that the new protagonist starts out as a cop. That would be a lot of fun early in the game, and it definitely would make for lots of fun missions.
Super excited for Skyrim. In full hype-mode now that I've discovered there are werewolves in the game. And more importantly, that the devs never bothered to mention it. I found out from screenshots of the leaked xbox game. The message this sends is "there's so much shit in this game that the fact that you can become a werewolf isn't even worth mentioning." I have a serious chubby for this game.
I didn't enjoy Oblivion too much, but Skyrim just looks way too awesome for me not to enjoy. I pre-ordered it and I hope my computer can handle it. I don't have windows on my computer yet, so I may just pawn my copy of Skyrim off to someone who didn't pre-order and just buy my own copy later.
Mildly looking forward to Skyrim I guess. Computer should be able to handle it alright, the system requirements for Skyrim have been revealed to be really lenient. I have many other games on my list though, so I doubt I'll start Skyrim until a few months after the release. Oblivion was shit so my expectations aren't too high.
Super excited for Skyrim. In full hype-mode now that I've discovered there are werewolves in the game. And more importantly, that the devs never bothered to mention it. I found out from screenshots of the leaked xbox game. The message this sends is "there's so much shit in this game that the fact that you can become a werewolf isn't even worth mentioning." I have a serious chubby for this game.

Actually they specifically withheld that information when everyone asked about it. I've heard it's a beefy ass transformation, and that you're literally able to throw people across the room with one hit.

Some of the screens I've seen for the consoles are garbage, whatever though, I'm getting it for PC. No reason to play an Elder Scrolls game without mod support.
GTA V trailer is indeed lookin' pretty awesome, and although it's in Cali/LA, looks/seems much much different then San Andreas.

Haven't been playing/paying attention to anything gamingwise, but probably once the semester is over I'll pickup Skyrim and/or Battlefield 3.
Actually they specifically withheld that information when everyone asked about it. I've heard it's a beefy ass transformation, and that you're literally able to throw people across the room with one hit.

Some of the screens I've seen for the consoles are garbage, whatever though, I'm getting it for PC. No reason to play an Elder Scrolls game without mod support.

Absolutely. I'm sure there'll be a ton of shit wrong when it comes out. Not just bugs, but like downright bad. And I'm equally sure there'll be mods to fix it within days. Like the UI reskins, redone maps, redone textures, pop-in fixes, etc for Oblivion. One thing I can already see being needed is something to get rid of the finishing moves. I mean, maybe they won't suck, but I find it unlikely that I won't want them to go away. I'm sure there'll be a mod for that quickly, if it's not something that can be turned off in the game options (like in Jedi Knight 3). And some of the textures (like the rocks) just aren't very good. I'm sure in a couple months those'll all be redone. Etc.

Werewolf thing sounds awesome. Vampirism was a little underwhelming in Oblivion. Never played as a vamp or werewolf in Morrowind.

Just finished The Witcher 2. That's a really good game. By no means perfect, but I'm already looking forward to The Witcher 3. I would have liked it if the game was longer, but at 30-40 hours it's not like I feel short-changed.

Looking forward to Modern Warfare 3 and Skyrim in the next couple days. I figure I'll have more than enough time to beat MW3 before Skyrim hits.
I'm curious how they're going to handle vampirism in Skyrim. In Oblivion it was awful, so here's hoping that they got their shit together and made being a vampire awesome.
If they made werewolves awesome, they probably did. I remember in Oblivion there was a book about vampire clans that mentioned the types of vampire native to each province and their combat styles and powers and shit. I wonder if they'll try to be consistent to that, or say fuck it and just give us Vampire Classic. Anyhow, if they do have vampires there should be vampire clans like in Morrowind, with specific vampire missions. Anything less would be a let-down. I mean, it's already M-rated...why not?
Well, on the Skyrim wiki they mention one of the vampire clans in Skyrim which sound amazing:

The Volkihar vampires of eastern Skyrim live under haunted, frozen lakes and only leave their dens to feed. They have the power to freeze their victims with icy breath, and can reach through the ice of their frozen lake dens without breaking the ice. Since this vampire type only leaves its den to feed then it can be assumed they are quite feral and inhuman in appearence. However, this is only the Volkihar clan, and doesn't account for any others that live in Skyrim.

Hopefully they have a few different clans, with a few different effects.
A few of my friends have already cleared a month out for just playing Skyrim. :lol:

Recently saved enough money to get Battlefield 3. I have to say that I am very impressed with it.
Haha, holy shit. When in werewolf form, you get a lot of kill finishers, including one where you eat the dead. As a bonus, eating the people you kill extends your transformation time as a werewolf.