Gamers Thread

The Testament of Sherlock Holmes looks really interesting. I'll probably wait for the price to go down a bit before picking it up though.

this looks like a great game
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Been playing Borderlands 2. I like it considerably more than the first one. Still not perfect, though. My main problem is the way the guns handle. Firing from the hip is absurdly inaccurate, but the game is simply not built for ironsights aiming. Similarly, the Halo-style health system seems to encourage caution and cover, but the way the enemies behave and the amount of life they have pretty much demands otherwise. I'm sure I'll get used to it in a few hours.
The only other quibble I have is that I'm level 7 and yet I'm a level 55 badass. I mean, that's pretty damn badass. It kinda feels like the game is trying to jerk me off while I play it.

I don't know where the disconnect is for you, I've had zero issues with accuracy in tight spots where firing from the hip is essential and otherwise have little to no problem jumping in between zooming with the iron sights on numerous enemies. My abilities in 'twitch' type gaming has significantly dropped over the course of the last few years as well.

As far as your positioning during combat goes it purely has to do with your class, spec, and situation. You can't stick to one strat like many shooters have you do throughout, you do have to switch it up to accommodate; however if you're paying attention to your surroundings it shouldn't wield problems. I suppose this is more of a problem earlier on than it is later, if one could view it as a problem.

As far as the badass rankings goes, come on man. It's part of the blatant tongue in cheek vibe the game offers. Nothing is being stroked.
Having gotten deeper into the game...I still feel like guns are a bit too inaccurate, but eventually you get a feel for it. Definitely feels very different from other shooters, as you have the movement of old-school twitch-based run-and-gun shooters and the spray-and-pray accuracy of firing from the hip in more modern shooters. Ironsights are fucking useless, although scopes are tits. Overall, definitely like the game. I wish I hadn't gone with a gunzerker, as my playstyle is not at all gunzerky, but that's my fault.

Sweet jesus Dishonored is good.
Great visual style. Fluid gameplay. Unscripted. Multiple solutions, and not like the first Deus Ex where there was a hacking route, a stealth route, and a combat route. The combat is great. First person melee combat is really hard to pull off, but they did a pretty good job. Not as elegant as something like Mount and Blade, but it does the job quite nicely. If you stick mainly to stealth and only resort to fisticuffs when you mess up, you're gonna have a good time. If you run through the game sword-fighting every enemy, I imagine you'll get bored of it fairly quickly, especially since fighting multiple enemies is quite clusterfuck-y (as it should be).
Overall, I had really high expectations for this game and it's totally lived up to them so far.
The game is incredibly short, but the multiple ways to play the game likely makes up for that. I did as much of a low chaos run as I could and enjoyed the outcome, but next playthrough is going to be a KILL FUCKING EVERYTHING run.
About how long is it? I just finished the mission at the brothel...doesn't really feel like it's time for it to be over, at all. I'd expect 3 more missions of equal length at the bare minimum, given that the two missions I've had since getting my powers took place in substantially the same area.
About how long is it? I just finished the mission at the brothel...doesn't really feel like it's time for it to be over, at all. I'd expect 3 more missions of equal length at the bare minimum, given that the two missions I've had since getting my powers took place in substantially the same area.

Well, it took me about a night and a half of playing and I'm not exactly sure how long but I'd say no more than like 10-12 hours? Maybe.

Though the amount of times I restarted due to getting killed or not finishing the objective the way I wanted to probably added time to it.
10-12 is a pretty respectable length nowadays, sadly, except for stuff like Skyrim and Kingdoms of Amalur that try to stretch everything out for hundreds of hours. There aren't enough Human Revolutions and Witcher 2s, that 20-30 hour sweet spot where you can play it for a week or so and really relish it, but it doesn't drag on and on. Crysis 2 had a pretty respectable campaign, more recently Ghost Recon: Future Soldier's campaign had a good length to it. But then there's games like Rage...all that build-up, and then the campaign is maaaybe 8 hours if you do all the side missions, and zero replay value.
10-12 hours is a good length for Dishonored, as it won't be too intimidating to pick up again and play through with a different playstyle.
Started playing Dishonored and the new XCOM. A bit conflicted on the former. It feels like they just threw a bunch of AWESOME elements together without the brilliant underlying game design of spiritual predecessor Deus Ex. Hey let's make a stealth game, with freedom of choice, in a steampunk setting, with magic, and whatever other AWESOME thing comes to mind. The setting just rubs me the wrong way, keeps shoving all its SUBSTANCE and DARKNESS in my face and going HEYWEPUTTHOUGHTINTOTHISHEYWEPUTTHOUGHTINTOTHISHEYWEPUTTHOUGHTINTOTHIS. I found this book containing a lyric or a poem whose sole purpose seemed to be to tell us the names of some of the months as well as reinforce the DARKNESS of the setting. And then there's the talking heart that keeps spouting DEEP dialogue.
And what's the deal with player characters that aren't voice-acted? Do people actually feel this makes games more immersive? The third person cutscenes of Deus Ex made me feel like I was JC Denton. Playing a character whose face I never see and whose voice I never hear makes me feel like I'm no one at all.
With that said I don't think it's bad. I'm only 2-3 hours into the game, and I think it might be fantastic, just a very ham-fisted kind of fantastic.

The new XCOM is just plain awesome though.
It seems retarded that you actually choose dialogue and whatnot but your character isn't voiced. It made sense in Dragon Age where there were a lot of choices and different possible player characters, but here it just seems stupid.
I'm enjoying the setting. I haven't really been reading the books, though.

There's definitely a few design issues. For one, on normal it's just not very difficult at all. More than that, some of the powers are crap. Specifically, the shadow kill one. Useless. I've gone on fucking killing sprees and never had a body found because patrol routes just don't overlap that much. The rat power also has the effect of hiding corpses, which means there's some serious overlap here. The rat power also seems useless - I haven't used it, but I don't see why I would, since there's never a shortage of rats to possess if that's what you're into and it's pretty fucking easy to kill one or two guards quickly and quietly using blink, so why would you need a power that loudly kills maybe two?

It occurs to me that I could be looking at this wrong - maybe it's mostly useful as a distraction? But if you're going for the ghost accomplishment you're probably also doing a no-kills run and then there goes that.

Ultimately, I find that blink is so insanely useful that I very rarely use anything else. The fact that everything else except dark vision takes more mana than you can regenerate doesn't help.
I've been meaning to play it. All I hear is phenomenal reviews of how awesome it is.

It's seriously worth playing. I haven't read the comics (though I'm planning to) but from what I've heard about them, the game really catches their essence. You actually care about these characters but they can be killed off at any moment. There was a certain character death that almost made me throw my controller through the screen due to how shocked and angry I was about it. The voice acting is also top-notch. It's more like a highly interactive narrative than a game but if you accept it for what it is then you will have a very good time with it.
Still Playing Guild Wars 2 some. There are still lots of bugs needing fixing and many weapons/traits are useless- I'm waiting on more balance changes before I delve back into it. Also Terraria, Skyrim, and League of Legends.
Beat Dishonored a second time, clean hands/ghost in every level. Hardest difficulty. Took me like 5-6 hours. This game is too easy. I used the freeze time power exactly once (to get the key from granny rags without killing the guy), and dark vision a couple times, but really blink was pretty much all that was needed.
Definitely a good game, but...short and easy. A little disappointed.
I haven't actually tried the game, but sounds like it's a Lot longer if you actually go outside the main path, lots of side material. I'd recommend turning off the quest markers if you didn't already.

That blink power does sound rather overpowered though.
I did all the sidequests...
I wish I'd turned off the quest markers the first time through. That said, the game is designed to be played with them on - it doesn't really give you clues or anything, just shows you with a marker.
Has anyone else been playing The Walking Dead game. If you haven't, you really should be.

I played it briefly for an hour, I really don't get the hype, was kind of boring. Although admittedly I probably haven't played the game long enough to be involved in the story, but I just found it.. meh.