XCOM: Enemy Unknown is danker than the dankest dank. Play it.
I just love this picture. I want Far Cry 3 now!
Any thoughts of Halo 4 yet? After a few hours of playing i must say im little disappointed. The overall feel is like c.o.d to me and some of the maps seems pretty linear. Visually its beautiful and overall a good game but it still couldnt keep up with the quality Bungie always ensured. Music isnt anywhere near O'Donnells epicness and the theater option failed miserably.
Bungie set the standarts too high and the production shouldn't regress when doing a sequel. Atleast it didn't in Bungie's era. There's still a lot of good but i miss the old Halo vibe, which is missing. This's what happens when messing with a trusted brand.
I'm really looking forward to Far Cry 3. It looks like they've dealt with everything I didn't like in FC2. You can capture outposts, instead of those perpetually respawning outposts. There's a functional stealth system. There seem to be more guns, and more importantly - modifications like silencers, scopes, etc. They got rid of weapon degradation. The AI seems to be a lot better, and the shooting mechanics look dramatically better, although I'll have to play it to know for sure. And they kept the sandbox vibe, but by adding those things they've made it more meaningful. I definitely have high hopes for that game.
I'm looking forward to the story and characters more than anything.
Have I ever told you the definition of insanity?
It's buying a Far Cry game for the story, are you fucking kidding?
The emergent gameplay will provide far more interesting stories than the lame stuff they've cooked up. You're lost on an island and there are bad guys? How'd they come up with that.
I really liked the first Far Cry, but I thought Far Cry 2 was one of the worst modern shooters I've ever spent my money on. The controls were shit (how do you fuck that up in an FPS?), the missions were so fucking repetetive, the endlessly respawning enemies. Also, who taught these Africans to shoot? These fuckers should be competing in the Olympics with their tremendous accuracy. Also, did they develop telepathy? Everytime I got spotted by one guy, everyone knew where I was at all times. Not that it mattered because I'd get shot in the head from a guy 130 yards away with a fucking assault rifle about 5 seconds after getting seen.