Sorry couldn't help it.
I don't care for Treyarch's product, so I'll be playing MW3 until IW's next release. That's why I asked.
Sorry couldn't help it.
Ah, ok! Thnx for the answer!The new ending is free DLC, so I don't think it will be on the disk if that's what you're asking.
I don't care for Treyarch's product, so I'll be playing MW3 until IW's next release. That's why I asked.
This is definitely true. I was really hoping the south island would at least be a bit different, but it really isn't. I feel like it wouldn't have been that hard to give each region a more distinctive feel and it would have gone a long way to making the game more interesting.The game certainly has beautiful environments and stunning graphics, but the main problem for me is that you're always in the same type of landscape, even though the topography is indeed unique. After 7-8 hours I started to find the environment a bit bland because I got so used to it. In Borderlands you have deserts, tundras, futuristic cities, djungles etc.
This doesn't bother me as much. I feel like the diversity of the weapons and the strength of the AI and stealth mechanics means that there's potential for an infinite number of tactically interesting scenarios in FC3, although I don't think that they're really using this to its full potential. Comparatively, enemies in Borderlands feel like enemies in Diablo - different colors and shapes, yes, but they're all meat pinatas.Another difference concerns the enemies. In Far Cry there's only something like 5 or 6 enemy types, while in Borderlands there are probably hundreds, and every one has its own strengths and weaknesses. This means that you constantly have to adapt yourself to new situations, which is really fun and challenging.
Metal Gear Solid 5?
Absolutely Metal Gear Solid 5.
Hideo Kojima is just fucking with us. And it seems to be working lol.
Well, the guy sure looks like snake and even crawls the same way. And ive never heard of moby dicks studiosthey seem to have pretty tremendous budget, the game looks phenomenal.
At last night's Video Game Awards, major announcements were rather thin on the ground. And while we're hyped about the prospect of Dark Souls II, one announcement trailer grabbed our attention, and the attention of internet forumites and rumour-mongers the world over. It is of course, 'The Phantom Pain', what we thought to be a new IP from a new studio could in fact be a new Metal Gear game.
It was everyone's initial thought when they saw the trailer for the first time, but when the Moby Dick logo popped up, it threw us a bit. And the absence of a Konami logo (or any publisher logo for that matter) is also odd.
But who is Moby Dick? Apparently they're a new studio founded by CEO Joakim Mogren operating out of Stockholm, Sweden, according to the company's website. Joakim Mogren, some keen-eyed conspiracy theorists have noted is also an anagram of 'Kojima' and M-'Ogre'-n. Project Ogre is of course something that Kojima Productions has had in the pipeline for some time. Mogren is also the name of a football club in Montenegro, which is where the opening of Platinum Games' Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance takes place.
but they're all meat pinatas.
^fuck yeah i loved that game, and finished it with every clan! i liked Tremere the most because they blow shit up. and i had sex with that crazy Malkavian slut.