Gamers Thread

Abstaining from the PS4/XB1/WiiU generation for the time being - no real interesting games outside of Watch Dogs so far, and that isn't something that is selling me on any system just yet

I've got more than enough on my 3DS that I've yet to finish anyways, plus the new Zelda which is getting great reviews everywhere from what I've seen and its a sequel to one of the best games ever made in A Link To The Past so that will do me well for some time.
So I got my PS4 in the mail yesterday...I hooked it up, went to turn it on and.....NOTHING. The fucking thing doesn't work. The light is just a blue pulse and it never boots up. Apparently, this is happening to MANY people. Sony fucked up. Now I have a $400 brick just sitting here and everywhere is now sold out. So much for per-ordering it way back in June... God damn I'm pissed.
That's why i never pre-order consoles, the first few batches always end up having a shit load of defective units.

I have it. It's actually really good. The Streak mode (Undertaker) is also awesome. And hard as shit. The highest difficulty is "Legend" and in The Streak mode, the Defeat the Streak part of it is hard as fuck, because his difficulty is set to higher than Legend. I can't tell you how many times, I've been Hell's Gated out of fucking nowhere, when he has no finisher built up so many times it's bullshit lol. Although I've played alot of WWE 13. Finding ways to beat him weren't that difficult, but the amount of shit you have to hit him with is absurd.

1000/1000 Gamerscore points :p

Hopefully i can get it for a good price on black friday.
That's why i never pre-order consoles, the first few batches always end up having a shit load of defective units.

Hopefully i can get it for a good price on black friday.

Not to diss on sony, but when it comes to software, Sony lacks conviction. I had a feeling it was going to happen.

Microsoft might have some problems, but I doubt it'll be like what Sony is enduring right now.
LOL. I dont know if you're being serious or just joking around. Microsoft consoles have a higher system failure rate than any other video game company out there by far, they're practically known for that. I don't know a single person who didnt have their 360 give out on them, not a single person. If im not mistaken that system has the highest failure rate of all time.
I'm currently on my 4th 360. In retrospect, I'm an idiot for continuing to buy more, but whatever. I own both consoles now and will probably end up owning both next gen consoles at some point. I'm leaning more towards the PS4 at the moment though.
Systematic Riffage is the biggest Xbox fanboy on the forum. As a matter of fact, I don't think we have a more biased poster than him when it comes to absolutely anything :lol: the man certainly doesn't lack conviction.
LOL. I dont know if you're being serious or just joking around. Microsoft consoles have a higher system failure rate than any other video game company out there by far, they're practically known for that. I don't know a single person who didnt have their 360 give out on them, not a single person. If im not mistaken that system has the highest failure rate of all time.

I wasn't serious lol. and besides I was talking about Software... not Hardware. Christ...

I've had 3 of them, I've never had the system fail on any of them. The only problem I had on my first one was the disc reader when it gave out. The other 2 were just upgrades to higher HDD.

And Fuck you Cyanide Christ, Yeah my console of choice is Xbox, but that makes me Biased how? I happen to own a PS3 for your information. So before you spout useless garbage that you absolutely know fuck all about. Keep it to yourself.
And Fuck you Cyanide Christ, Yeah my console of choice is Xbox, but that makes me Biased how? I happen to own a PS3 for your information. So before you spout useless garbage that you absolutely know fuck all about. Keep it to yourself.

The truth hurts don't it?
I just wanna say that I finally picked up Diablo 3 for 360, and it transferred over surprisingly well. Doesn't fuckin touch 2, but that's the fault of the game, not the platform. BRING BACK THE NECROMANCER AND PALADIN! Apparently there's an expansion in the works, so we shall see.

Video games I dig overall:

-SEGA GENESIS/NOMAD: All the Sonics, all the Mortal Kombats, all Shinobi, Beavis & Butthead, Revolution X, Double Dragon, Golden Axe, Castlevania, Primal Rage, Bugsy, Loony Tunes, Lion King, Captain America & the Avengers, Ecco, Columns, Aladdin
-PS1/PS2: Bard's Tale, Baldur's Gate, all Soul Calibers available, all Spyro's available, Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Eternal Poison, God of War 1 & 2, Bloodrayne 1 & 2, Sims 2: Castaway, Champions of Norrath, The Mummy, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, all Zelda available, Guilty Gear X2
-GAMEBOY STUFF: All pokemon, all Dragon Warrior, all Dragon Warrior Monsters
-PC: Diablo 1 & 2, Fable (Lost Chapters), Castle of the Winds, Torchlight
-N64: Paper Mario, Super Smash Brothers, Pokemon Snap, Banjo Kazooie and Banjo Tooie, Pokemon Stadium, Golden Eye 007, All Zelda available,
-XBOX 360: All Elder Scrolls available, Puzzlequest, Fable 2, Defense Grid, Diablo 3, Red Dead Redemption, all Dragon Ages available, Magic the Gathering, All Gears of War available, Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings

Also I generally hate anime-style animation in games. Maybe I just hate Asians, I’m not friends with any. I don’t know.
Bought a 2DS on Amazon along with Pokemon Y. Never played a Pokemon game and never owned a handheld, so this should be interesting.

Oh pokemon's good, its worth playing at least once. I heard the pokemon themselves have gotten really fruity the last few game blocks though.
Picked up A Link Between Worlds, and got Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen. Pretty sweet so far. The only thing that bothered me was that Hyrule Castle's theme wasn't the same from A Link To The Past, which was one of my favorite themes. Petty, probably. But anyway, the game is fantastic, the only thing that stopped me from playing was that my battery died.
Bought a 2DS on Amazon along with Pokemon Y. Never played a Pokemon game and never owned a handheld, so this should be interesting.

If you want to play online,save yourself the migraine and play pokemon showdown online instead.

I play here and there and I'm not bad, I think.
I downloaded WoW on Sunday. That's all I wanted to do at the time and I've had the urge to play since Sunday night but haven't. Should I wave good bye to my social life?