Vegard Pompey
If I remember right, you get enough GFs for three party members to have all stat junction abilities. Not right off the bat though.
Yeah, those moments are part of why I even like the game. Though you also have some real shit parts like that fucking prison at the start of disc 2 with a billion identical floors.
While we're on the topic of FF, what are you fellow FF nerds' favorite themes from the series?
Limiting myself to one pick per game;
FFV - Home Sweet Home
FFVI - Coin Song
FFVII - Anxious Heart (impossible to name any one song as the best on that OST, but I've always found this one the most representative of that game's atmosphere)
FFIX - Freya's Theme
Is it controversial to not give a single damn about the FFF?
the main appeal for me is that they're some of the most atmospheric and emotionally charged games ever. i know purists think everything should be about the gameplay, and i get why those people wouldn't rank most of the FF games as highly (though they're still generally good in those departments) but the experience of playing a good story-heavy RPG is quite different from any of the more passive mediums it's sometimes derogatively compared to (like cinema or literature) and i'm glad they exist.