Gamers Thread

oh god, that reminds me. you guys might remember that twitch plays pokemon thing where every command spammed in the chat room was converted into a button push, and a collective that peaked at like 100,000 people managed to painstakingly complete the game after a couple of weeks.

what you probably don't know there was also a twitch plays ffVII channel, and i can't even begin to tell you how long they/we were stuck at that minigame. forget the weapons or demon's gate or whatever, that mini-game was the hardest fucking boss imaginible in that format. they did eventually get past it i think, no idea if they ever completed the game though.
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it was way less popular and happening simultaneously with the pokemon one iirc, one of many offshoots. there have probably been several attempts at the same since then. i'm not sure there was even like 100 people in there, if there was they would NEVER have got past that minigame lol
I wonder if they ever finished it?

There was a "Twitch play Dark Souls" I saw going on for weeks. Pretty sure they never finished it. I don't think it would be possible.
Xenogears' plot was great/maybe amazing (and definitely fits my description of the FF series' plots above) but the gameplay was such a chore, I never want to play that game again :/ I was outright relieved when their budget ran out after disc one and it turned into a visual novel.

How so? Xenogears easily trumps any FF title when it comes to gameplay for me.
It's been too long since I played it for me to criticize it in great detail, but from what I remember; the on-foot combat was ridiculously simplistic, it barely mattered which of the different attack types you used aside from some sequences being more effective in unlocking new deathblows or something. I don't recall any meaningful distinction between characters in terms of gameplay abilities or much in the way of customization either. Can't remember if the mech fighting was any better but I recall hating that too. The dungeons were repetitive and boring and the platforming was awful. I might be misremembering some or all of those things but I strongly recall the feeling of finding the gameplay thoroughly repetitive and unstimulating. And I was chatting regularly with a friend who knew that game inside-out when I played it, so I doubt I missed out on some major aspect of its mechanics.

You know what, I feel stupid trying to tell you you're wrong for liking the gameplay when I can barely even remember how the game played. Instead why don't you tell me what you liked about it? 'Cause I seriously cannot recall anything remotely exciting about the mechanics.
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I can agree with you when it comes to the platforming. Dreadful. I don't know man. I just found deathblows intensely fun, and their subsequent animations equally fun to watch.

It could also be that I don't find most turn-based RPG combat all that much fun, or at least not fun enough to call them "addicting".

Plus, I can't get enough of the battle theme...

I finally got my 4 in 1 RCA splitter :D not to mention 2 in 1 hdmi and coaxial. Been revisiting this gem of tactics:


Overkilling majin then grinding them up is so immensely satisfying.
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^Haven't played a ton, but so far its a slaughter fest, returning to fast paced mayhem. It's refreshing for me, but I barely ever touch FPS's these days.
I have a close friend who obsessively tries multiplayer FPS games one after another looking for the one that gets it "right" and he thinks the new Doom is amazing.
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Finally got the platinum trophy in Dark Souls III. A bit tedious farming all the covenant items for spells and rings but I enjoyed pvp enough for it to be worth it.

Now back to Demon's Souls. I was unaware of world tendency when I last played it. Pure brutality.
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I finally pulled the trigger and ordered an Oculus Rift, I was going to get the Vive for the longest time, but I realized I'm not going to walk around in my apartment, I just want a sit down experience, plus the rift was a little lighter in weight and $200 cheaper.

I can't wait to get this thing, and try out some cool p̶o̶r̶n̶ games, when it ships in.... August :smug:
so everything about The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild looks amazing. Bloodstained looks like its making good progress as well, can't wait for the demo.
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