Gamers Thread

ff15 is meh yeah

i still love viii, i may have to play the remaster. not sure i wanna play the vii remake though, why sully perfection with shitty voice acting and an inferior soundtrack? they even reduced tifa's breast size ffs

The biggest issue is the changing of the combat system! I loved the material system and all of its combinations and nuances. This looks crap.
I gave FFXV a fair chance and meh. The combat isn’t fun and the story and characters are dull.

I love FFVIII despite its flaws and I’ll definitely be playing the remaster.

I’ll at least be playing the FFVII remake but I’m trying to keep my expectations low. It’ll be worth it to me if the translation is better than the original.
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The biggest issue is the changing of the combat system! I loved the material system and all of its combinations and nuances. This looks crap.

I get this complaint, but at the same time if I want to play FF7 I'll just play the original, I feel like the remake should do more than just update the graphics.
What flaws with 8? Think it's the best FF

My biggest problem is the characters, most of which I find irritating and there are some stupid things about the plot (orphanage scene anyone?). Also, even though I thought Junction was a cool system overall, grinding to maximize certain spells got pretty tedious after a while.
If you’re good with the junction system and farm the right stuff you become very overpowered very early on. That’s its biggest problem imo. I know the mobs scale with your level but that doesn’t matter when you’re spamming limit breaks and have absurd amounts of HP.

I love 8, always have. But yeah definitely has issues in the plot and the pacing of the game is off at times. The most annoying character is definitely Zell, eugh.
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Yeah, Zell is the worst. Irvine, Selphie, and Quistis are mostly forgettable with little to no character development.

Squall was also somewhat irritating but he was relatable at least and had decent character development. Same with Rinoa.

FFIX has the best characters bar none.
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Meh. I felt like she almost dropped out of the story as a relevant character pretty quickly after her interactions with Squall in the beginning. But I don’t know, it’s been a while since I’ve played it.
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While 7 is my favorite, 8 is a close second. I think 8 had the best summoning system in the entire series and hunting down all the hidden GF's was my favorite part of the game (and that card game). Having said that, the game was way too easy as mentioned. Also, Zell and Seifer were my favorite characters from 8 lol. Agile kickboxer with a tribal facetattoo appealed to young me I guess.
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I think FF8 is pretty garbage in a lot of ways. The story feels like it was written by an 8-year old employing the stream of consciousness method, the junction system is totally busted and the level scaling is so aggressive that fighting enemies instead of running actually makes you weaker. But I find it strangely endearing in all its flaws and would probably pick it over the objectively-superior FF9 any day of the week.
I suppose I'll contradict myself here since this is an objective flaw, but the one big thing that keeps me from replaying FF9 is that the battle system is so sluggish. The long pauses at the end of combat animations and all that. I do quite love the story and characters.
Nier Automata is super fun

Crazy ass anime style action game with huge swords and axes, mechs, bullet hell sections, gigantic boss battles, and an extremely waifu material protagonist whose impressive combat moves provide gratuitous upskirts