

New Metal Member
May 25, 2002
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I was wondering if anyone likes games of any kind?

I mostly like RPG's and stuff like that. any Final Fantasy is usually good (except for 8) Diablo 2 is good, legend of legaia, etc

what are ya'll favorites
All hail Wolfenstein!

I'm playing the demo for about 6 months now, I don't have the money to buy the original game because I spend all my money on music. The multiplayer simply SLAYS!
Everquest obsessively, along with Halflife - Counterstrike when im really bored and someones hogging my everquest account heh.

system shock 2 and deus ex are great fun too

i was disappointed with return to castle wolfenstein , was too easy and the AI sucked
Originally posted by LiB
yea i got severance blade of darkness, completed it easy with the paladin human knight guy and havent bothered with the others, it is the same game afterall.


I haven't get trough that one mission, where are so much fog or something like that... do u remember? Could u help me with that mission?:rolleyes:
I used to play heaps of video games. Now I dont get much time to do anything but fuckin school work and in my small amount of free time I play guitar. Games that i like are:
Final Fantasy (4,5,6,7,8,9, Tactics), Chrono Trigger, Xenogears, WWF No Mercy, Diablo (1,2), WarCraft II, Metal Gear Solid (1,2), Quake 1.

Heaps more RPG's but its hard to remember all the games! (Oh and Sonic The Hedgehog was sweet too!) :D