Gaming Thread

my new video card is making mass effect 2 look like pure 100% SEX.

Running it on 1080p everything maxed out and getting a good 45-50fps.

so much better looking then the xbox.
God damn it... Patched NWN and it made my game not run. Reinstalled, and the save games (which I was prompted on weather or not I wanted to keep) are lost.

Still can't get Baldurs Gate to install no matter what I do.

Fucking Bioware I HATE YOU!
On the positive side, what a month October will be!

Gothic 4, Fallout New Vegas, Castlevania, (and although the first one sucked this is supposed to not suck) Two Worlds 2. And eh, I'll rent Fable 3 just to keep with the tradition of disappointment.

Can't wait. :)
So Stormo, did you ever play the original NWN expansions? The original campaign is absolutely wretched but I finally beat the expansions. (which go together, same character having nothing to do with original.)

I thought the expansions, especially the second, were really cool. In the second you actually go to the 9 hells (River Styx and all that shit) The second and to a lesser extent first expansions were written much better, had better pacing, better voice acting, better story, better atmosphere, better character interaction, actual companions, including four who were good enough to care about.

I give the original a 4/10 and the expansions a 7/10. Second is on it's way, plus Mask of The Betrayer. By the beard of Heimdal, please let me be able to run it. Everything passes minimum requirements (in some cases way over min), but my video card.
I've heard that SoU and HotU are pretty good, but I was so appalled with the original campaign that I didn't even play the expansions.

It seems it's got the same issues as NWN2 - original campaign is poor, but expansions rock. I'm telling you, Mask of the Betrayer is one of the most engrossing games I've ever played. You should be able to play it very smoothly, by the way, don't worry too much about that.
Does Mask follow the story from the original campaign? Same character? I also noticed the Drow in all the pictures. Is there a way to pick a more modern Dark Elf color?

Two last questions for anyone. While waiting on this, is Golden Sun worth a download? How long is the first one?

Thanks so much, you guys are awesome and help me a lot.
MotB picks up where the NWN2 campaign left off. So you'll be continuing with your old character, unless you prefer to make a new one (but don't, it's more immersive if you keep your old character). I have no idea about the Drow, I never play them, can't help you there.

I have no idea what Golden Sun is.

Question from my end: does anyone know about the Shadow Hearts series (PSX2)? They any good?
Halo was always overrated IMHO. The gameplay was solid, but it just never really did anything for me. Couldn't stand the multiplayer though. And I'm sick to death of the gamers acting like the story is some incredible epic. Story was bullshit.

The only reason I'm even going to bother renting Reach is because my friend wants a coop partner.