Gaming Thread

FUUCK what is their problem? why do they keep making everything more action oriented and gay? it looks like a generic action fantasy game now...just keep it the way it was there is a reason it was so popular in the first place...
Was that console or PC? Because supposedly the combat mechanics for consoles are pretty different for the from the PCs, but the PC system is pretty much the same (so I've read, anyway) as it was in Origins. It really is a whole new visual design. Not sure how I feel about the new look, but I'm not going to judge it based on a minute of gameplay footage. Fuck I want the game now!
First day they come, and catch everyone
Second day they beat us, and eat some for meat
Third day the men are all gnawed on again
Fourth day we wait and fear for our fate
Fifth day they return and its another girl's turn
Sixth day her screams we hear in our dreams
Seventh day she grew as in her mouth they spew
Eighth day we hated as she is violated
Ninth day she grins and devours her kin
Now she does feast, as she's become the beast
Max-I read it would be the same but then earlier some guys were whining on the forum that the PC version, would in fact, not have the overhead view. Apparently everyone is giving Bioware a hard time right now. Rightfully so. We don't want Mass Effect 2 again, and with the monopoly Bioware has on the Western RPG market right now, we have little choice.
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow will be released this week and I'm planning to pick it up. Looks great and albeit it looks (a bit) like God of War instead of Castlevania, it's a positive thing. It's good they are taking a bit different route this time, considering how bad previous 3D Castlevanias are.

In three weeks my most anticipated game of the fall will be released and that's Fallout: New Vegas. I'm big fan of the first two and I did enjoy 3rd quite a bit too (despite it's differences and flaws). I'm fairly sure New Vegas will be a great game. Some people who worked on the first 2 are working for Obsidian Entertainment (developer of F:NV) now.

PS. Games I have played lately are StarCrat II, Civilization 5, Red Dead Redemption, Mafia II, F1 2010 and Halo: Reach.
I'm not holding my breath.

The Black Isles guys are with Obsidian but that doesn't mean they don't have a horrible track record. KOTOR 2 was a buggy mess, from what I understand NWN2 was equally wretched. Their last game, I forgot what it was called, was just plain bad. Among others.

Still, I can't wait. Nothing beats the feeling of first entering a massive, open world RPG for the first time with no equipment and levels.
Yes it fucking did. Beat it in a day and a half and it was basically a half-assed GTA sans cool. It had so much potential.

It didn't even feel like it was mafia game, more like "Random Hoodlum II".
The Black Isles guys are with Obsidian but that doesn't mean they don't have a horrible track record. KOTOR 2 was a buggy mess, from what I understand NWN2 was equally wretched.
Whoa, that's not entirely correct. NWN2 was decent, far better than the original campaign, and Mask of the Betrayer was one of the best expansions ever released.

In three weeks my most anticipated game of the fall will be released and that's Fallout: New Vegas. I'm big fan of the first two and I did enjoy 3rd quite a bit too (despite it's differences and flaws).
Yep, I already have New Vegas preordered. I'm not the type to hype about a game, but I'm sure it will be entertaining :)
Obsidian does really have a bad reputation though, for good reasons. I've yet to play one of their games that wasn't terribly buggy and awkward. They seem less professional than other studios.
Obsidian does really have a bad reputation though, for good reasons. I've yet to play one of their games that wasn't terribly buggy and awkward. They seem less professional than other studios.
NWN2 wasn't terribly buggy. It didn't hold up to Black Isle standards in terms of story (even though I still think it was very decent), but it was stable. And like I said, Mask of the Betrayer was worthy of the Black Isle name.