Gaming Thread

i.e. Two people sit down and melee while the other two fire over their heads.

The Spitter and Charger nicely made that tactic worthless, thankfully.

Aha, yeah. I personally refuse to indulge in such "Strategy's" but yeah; some people chose to break the game in such a manner.
Damn, wish I could run that.
Yeah, even for machines these days, TLR is taxing. It's a great game, though sadly infected by Squeenix disease (random drops)

Aha, yeah. I personally refuse to indulge in such "Strategy's" but yeah; some people chose to break the game in such a manner.
Mind you, good Infected players (Smokers especially) can wreck such a tactic. Unfortunately, the computer isn't all that strategically sound.
Even aside from all the broken promises Peter makes, and aside from the fact that they're dumbed down non open ended RPGs, I find them very lacking. I've beat both games and I won't hold my breath for this one. I'll give it a rent, though.
"Dragon Age".

And I'd recommend anything Bioware, really. Mass Effect 2 is definitely worth trying, but play Mass Effect 1 first, both are exceptionally good games. You can always try The Witcher, it's excellent but it's not exactly the most woman-friendly game. Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines is a bit older, and you need to install an unofficial patch to get the most out of it, but it's definitely a game every RPG fan should have played.