Gaming Thread

Fallout New Vegas

So far great game. Did Bethesda have to release it with all these bugs!

Only problem so far. Its buggy as all hell.

I have lost recent saved games. My head became one with my weapon and i looked like a snake (when i died). I loaded up my last saved game only to find 6 ghouls surrounding me (I saved the game with nothing around me). I have had items just vanish, like stimpacks. I've had characters talk to me facing the opposite direction.

This is just what I have experienced so far. I have heard of many other bugs that are even worse.

Bethesda. You need to work on your beta testing. These are obvious problems that could of been documented and looked at. They decided to release it anyway...

Oh well. Still a great game so far, just a bit aggravating at times.


Patches are on the way for all versions of Fallout: New Vegas.

Bethesda has recognised a series of bugs and graphical glitches in the game including floating bodies, computers going missing and dogs walking backwards.

"We are currently working on releasing patches/updates as quickly as possible for Fallout: New Vegas, for all platforms. Announcements regarding the patches are forthcoming," said a spokesperson to Kotaku.

It was added that a particular head-turning bug on the PC version can be fixed by re-verifying files on Steam.
I just picked up Left 4 Dead 2 this week. What an awesome shitload of fun.

And did you guys hear Aliens: Colonial Marines is still alive after all? It was rumored to become vaporware, but man - Gearbox working on a tactical Alien-based shooter? Count me in!
Games Ive been playing regularly over the last few months....

World of Warcraft - Lvl 80 Death Knight. Not doing much other then grabbing gear and testing out all the new changes they are making for Cataclysm.

Xbox 360 - Mostly playing older games and XBox Live Arcade stuff since I cant afford all the new games I want right now. Add me to your friends though. Gamertag is Sentient777
It cost TEN bucks to rent a game for five days now? Holy shit, ridiculous. I remember being a kid and being able to get two for five.

Anyway, I have New Vegas sitting right here. Only problem is I let my friend rent out my 360 until tomorrow.
I'm playing it now! Character creation was AWESOME. I'm just now about to exit the beginning and venture into the world. I have a hard on. This is great.

Edit-The music is chilling and fantastic. And this feels WAY more like an RPG than Fallout 3 did. And the Iron's like the difference in combat between Morrowind and Oblivion, there's no comparison. This doesn't feel like a broken shooter.
The best bug I have ever encountered so far...

I took a fatal hit from the Nightkins hammer and it locked up my entire computer. I had to manually restart the PC. Never have I been hit so hard in a game, that made my computer crash.
I'm pretty much not touching the main quest until I max my level out. In case you guys get ahead of me, I'm wondering if I'm missing any companions by doing so. I think I decided I'd side with Ceasers Legion. I respect TNC, but the Legion's ideals fit my gameplay style way more.

I'm happy, guys. This is the best game since Mass Effect 2.
i'm thinking of buying a not sure yet though, but im looking for a small console for a while now and i mentioned it to my girlfriend and she was like "YEH! buy that one so i can watch movie's when we go on vacation!" i'm still not sure though haha, any suggestions?
20 hours in New Vegas and I have to say, this game shits all over Fallout 3. I have no desire to play Fallout 3 again as long as I live, it's vastly inferior in just about every aspect imaginable.