Gaming Thread

Honestly, the whole "no inventory screen, magic room where you walk up and equip things" concept is probably going to ensure I never play it.

I've done nearly everything in New Vegas already, except lame little quest not worth mentioning and to finish up the main story line. I think it's GOTY, a notch above Mass Effect 2 if only for the higher replay value (and the fact that it wasn't practically a shooter). There was a certain part of the main quest that was so spine chilling and creative I had to pick my feet off the floor and back the hell up with my gun ready to mash the trigger for dear life if it moved any closer to me.
I am so jealous every time I read this thread. I have no time to play games anymore and I realllyyyyy miss playing. The sad thing is I don't foresee myself having time in the future either. shitty :-( I've missed out on so many great games.
Well, no. But not having the free time implies you're doing something more important like work, school, relationship.

yeah thats why i haven't been playing as much, i'm way too busy. this weekend I went back and started playing half life 2 again because i haven't played episode 1 or 2 but i only get like 2 hours per weekend to play it making it totally disjointed and fucked up. maybe during thanksgiving break i'll just stay in my room and play all of half life, all of half life 2 and all of the episodes and fuel myself with mountain dew and jalapeno chips.
half life is the best. i love that fucking game, even given today's sick technology. the game play of HL is second to none.

fuckin right. I'm playing hl2 on max settings and even though it came out in 2006 it still looks fucking great, runs great and it grabs me and keeps me engrossed every time (I'm even noticing things I didn't on my first playthrough such as the g-man randomly appearing like in water hazard he's on a bridge when you get the heavy gun, i tried shooting him to no avail though). I never played more than an hour of hl1 though so I'm definitely going to go back and do that so I get the full backstory/all the little things and then I can play all of hl2 and the episodes with that backstory. I'm only where you first get the gravity gun (so i'm not that far in, I've already beaten hl2 once) so I think I can wait so I can beat hl1 and then go back and do 2. Any one know of any mods that update hl1's graphics? thats one of the things that turned me off to it so if there were a mod like the deus ex htp or whatever where it added in bloom lighting and higher textures (deus ex's graphics are better than hl1 even without that) that'd be awesome.

anyone know when episode 3 is coming out? IGN says tba 2010 and I haven't heard anything about it which is getting quite ridiculous. I mean hl2 came out 2006, episode 1 came out in 2007 i think, episode 2 in like 2008 or 2009 and i haven't heard anything about episode 3. I remember episode 1 as being pretty lacking so I'm pumped to play episode 2 (never got around to it) because I heard its better and then I realllyy hope episode 3 finally gives some closure for once.
My husband picked up Fable III for me on his way into work (we work at the same place)... now it is sitting on my desk, and I have the rest of the work day until I can go play it.... *cough cough* I think I'm feeling sick and need to go home and "rest" now ;)