Gaming Thread

sweet did you get final fantasy 7? or Driver?

*thinks of other playstation 1 games*

FUUUU- League of legends is awesome minus random players, guys keep running in and are then killed by enemy players which gives them money to buy powerful shit and then we lose, stupid fucking people.
Day Two!

DAY 1 – Answers

1.Which game has a gun that shoots out shurikens and lightning?

2.What breed is the Grey Warden's dog?
Mabari (not Minbari you sci-fi geeks :D )

3.In the original Legend of Zelda, you receive your first sword from an old man. What does he say when he gives it to you?
It's dangerous to go alone! Take this!

4.What was the name of the cat-like enemies in the Wing Commander series?
The Kilrathi

5.The main character of the second Valkyrie Profile game is called Silmeria. What's the name of the Valkyrie in the first game?
Lenneth, not Hrist, she's the antagonist in the second.

6.What happens to Arthur when takes his first (and only survivable) hit from a monster in the classic Ghosts 'n' Goblins game?
He loses his armour and is forced to complete the rest of the game in his skivvies

7.If it's pitch black, what are you likely to be eaten by?
It is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a grue.

8.What is the major difference between the protagonist of the first Silent Hill game, and the protagonist of the Silent Hill film?
Gender bender! The game protagonist is Harry, the father, in the film it's Rose, the mother.

9.Starring: Roland as the Soldier, Lilith as the Siren, Mordecai as the Hunter, and Brick as...?
Trick question: NOT the Berserker, but Himself!

10.In the grim darkness of the far future there is only what?
WAAAAAARGH!... I mean, War.

THE SCORE after day 1

1. WanderingRogue (TESF) - 9

2. Xetirox (TESF) - 8

3. Lord Foul (NM) - 7
-. Silverbolt (SL, and returning champion!) - 7

4. Cecilff2 (TESF) – 6
-. Defaulted (TESF) – 6
-. Cliffworms (TESF) – 6
-. CptJoker (TESF) – 6
-. Wolf101(TESF) – 6

5. Ewoklord (TESF) – 5
-. Nami88 (TESF) – 5

6. Det Som Engang Var (NM) – 4
-. Karmic (NM) – 4
-. Qawsed Asap (TESF) – 4
-. Spork The Slightly Insane (TESF) – 4

7. yiasemi (BGSFn) – 3
-. titan357 (TESF) – 3
-. Nuck (TESF) – 3
-. Aianna (TESF) – 3

8. Septiego (TESF) – 2
-. Wasp (TESF) – 2
-. SpakyTheElf (TESF) – 2
-. Alecto (TESF) – 2
-. Liverslapper (NM) – 2
-. BoonProtR3 (TESF) – 2
-. Valdo' (TESF) – 2

9. Frozenaffairs (TESF) – 1
-. Rumblyguts (TESF) – 1
-. vtastek (TESF) – 1
-. AMP (TESF) – 1

DAY 2 - Obligatory Quote Round!
Place the Quotes: what game are they from?

1.“Excuse me, human, puh-rivate conver-say-shee-un? Ugh.”

2.“A bomb is a poor choice for close-range combat.”

3.“You almost became a Jill sandwich!”

4.“Evil always finds a way.”

5.“No temeré mal, no temeré mal, no temeré mal!”

6.“I should have been the one to fill your dark soul WITH LIGHT!” (… ight… ight… ight…)

7.“Give a man a bullet and he’ll want a gun. Give a man a gun and he’ll be giving away the bullets.”

8.“What greater power is there than to turn an enemy to your cause? To use their knowledge against them?”

9.“Right… today we’ll be discussing the philosophy of putting a bullet in someone’s head.”

10.“Come on, Cranky! Take it to the fridge!”

Good luck, and again DO NOT ANSWER IN THE THREAD!
This is really fun Stormo, thanks for taking the time to organize it.
It's great fun for me too. A lot of work, but fun :)

Woo, this game looks like it could be a challenge... *sends guesses*
Damn, you cleaned up, Anvil. Keep this up and you'll beat the shit out of all the competitors.

Also, since today is Saturday and I will be going for one, two or a huge lot of drinks with my girlfriend, time to answer this day is lengthened by 24 hours - which means the opportunity to answer for day 2 will extend until same time tomorrow!

Incidentally, it'd be awesome if one of you guys won, and beat all the people at the Bethesda forum :D
All the good new games I want to play seem to be out yet I still don't have my upgraded computer to play them all, arghhhhh!!!!!11

still waiting for the new MGS and Deus Ex though. The slicing physics in MGS look super awesome but hopefully they don't end up being boring and a gimmick; Deus Ex obviously is going to be awesome so no doubts about that haha
I don't have an Xbox 360, just PC and old NTSC Xbox and PS2.

I always set my shit to English, however. If the game is in English it should play it...however you gotta be careful when buying games in Italy, as some of them will be only in Italian. Just order them from Amazon to get around that.
I don't have an Xbox 360, just PC and old NTSC Xbox and PS2.

I always set my shit to English, however. If the game is in English it should play it...however you gotta be careful when buying games in Italy, as some of them will be only in Italian. Just order them from Amazon to get around that.

If I buy the actual machine (XBOX) here in Italy, games bought in the USA will play on it?

1.“Excuse me, human, puh-rivate conver-say-shee-un? Ugh.”
Even Mass Effect has[ame=]Valley Girls[/ame]

2.“A bomb is a poor choice for close-range combat.”
Classic Deus Ex horrible voice acting quote

3.“You almost became a Jill sandwich!”
Classic [ame=]Resident Evil[/ame] horrible voice acting

4.“Evil always finds a way.”
Gnarl says it in just about every Overlord game.

5.“No temeré mal, no temeré mal, no temeré mal!”
Aztec's final words in Crysis

6.“I should have been the one to fill your dark soul WITH LIGHT!” (… ight… ight… ight…)
Classic awful voice acting from [ame=]Devil May Cry[/ame]

7.“Give a man a bullet and he’ll want a gun. Give a man a gun and he’ll be giving away the bullets.”
From Serious Sam – Second Encounter

8.“What greater power is there than to turn an enemy to your cause? To use their knowledge against them?”
One of the best game quotes ever, carrying an enormous load, from [ame=]Knights of the Old Republic[/ame]

9.“Right… today we’ll be discussing the philosophy of putting a bullet in someone’s head.”
Classic narmy Gears of War quote.

10.“Come on, Cranky! Take it to the fridge!”
From the god-awful Donkey Kong 64 rap.


1. Anvil (NM) – 8

2. Silverbolt (SL) – 7

3. WanderingRogue (TESF) – 6
-. Xetirox (TESF) - 6

THE TOTAL SCORE after day 2

1. WanderingRogue (TESF) – 15

2. Silverbolt (SL) – 14

3. Xetirox (TESF) – 13

4. CptJoker (TESF) – 11

5.Cliffworms (TESF) – 9
-. Wolf101(TESF) – 9

6. Ewoklord (TESF) – 8
-. Anvil (NM) – 8

7. Lord Foul (NM) – 7
-. Alecto (TESF) – 7
-. Det Som Engang Var (NM) – 7

8. Cecilff2 (TESF) – 6
-. Defaulted (TESF) – 6
-. Liverslapper (NM) – 6
-. Qawsed Asap (TESF) – 6
-. Spork The Slightly Insane (TESF) – 6
-. titan357 (TESF) – 6
-. yiasemi (BGSFn) – 6

9. Wasp (TESF) – 5
-. Nami88 (TESF) – 5
-. SpankyTheElf (TESF) – 5
-. Metrophor (TESF) – 5

10. and following...
Karmic (NM) – 4
Rhekarid (TESF) – 4
Nuck (TESF) – 4
Aianna (TESF) – 4
vtastek (TESF) – 4
Zeno (BSGn) – 3
Septiego (TESF) – 2
BoonProtR3 (TESF) – 2
Valdo' (TESF) – 2
Alaisiagae (TESF) – 2
Frozenaffairs (TESF) – 2
Soulwithlife (TESF) – 2
Suffca (TESF) – 2
Rumblyguts (TESF) – 1
AMP (TESF) – 1
Northwind Fusilier (TESF) – 1


1.Even though I'm a major character (despite the fact that I don't have a head during most of the game) and my genes are a catalyst of important events, I only get a single line of dialogue, and in that one line, they even misspelled a word!

2.I am not a Sir! I work for a living! You will address me as sergeant, or sergeant <BLANK>! If I like you, you get to call me sarge, but guess what? I don't like you!

3.I wear sunglasses, do splits, share my last name with a (rather awful) real-life colleague, and sometimes punch enemies in the nether regions.

4.My suit is white, my head is balding, I'm a pretty sad little figure, to be honest, and the search I'm on does not exactly entail saving the world.

5.I’m the finger down your spine when all the lights are out. I’m the name on all the men’s room walls. When I pout, the whole world wants to make me smile, and everyone always wants to know, who… is… that… girl?

6.I am a pathetic creature of meat and bone, and I run, sweating and panting, through corridors.

7.You don't even know I'm actually still alive until late in the game. I try to kill you with something yellow, and as I die, I don't know what family is.

8.I wear a long dark fur-lined coat and provide guidance to a private investigator as he tries to find a young missing lad. That is, until I get shot outside a church.

9.I’ve always been supportive of the protagonist’s bloody rise to fame, until he killed my gray friend, who strangely didn't fight back. You don’t need to get my name, just a description’s fine, but make it accurate.

10.I’m good with science and technology, I can’t stand light, and I’ve been the main villain in more than ten games.