Day Two!
DAY 1 Answers
1.Which game has a gun that shoots out shurikens and lightning?
2.What breed is the Grey Warden's dog?
Mabari (not Minbari you sci-fi geeks

3.In the original Legend of Zelda, you receive your first sword from an old man. What does he say when he gives it to you?
It's dangerous to go alone! Take this!
4.What was the name of the cat-like enemies in the Wing Commander series?
The Kilrathi
5.The main character of the second Valkyrie Profile game is called Silmeria. What's the name of the Valkyrie in the first game?
Lenneth, not Hrist, she's the antagonist in the second.
6.What happens to Arthur when takes his first (and only survivable) hit from a monster in the classic Ghosts 'n' Goblins game?
He loses his armour and is forced to complete the rest of the game in his skivvies
7.If it's pitch black, what are you likely to be eaten by?
It is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a grue.
8.What is the major difference between the protagonist of the first Silent Hill game, and the protagonist of the Silent Hill film?
Gender bender! The game protagonist is Harry, the father, in the film it's Rose, the mother.
9.Starring: Roland as the Soldier, Lilith as the Siren, Mordecai as the Hunter, and Brick as...?
Trick question: NOT the Berserker, but
10.In the grim darkness of the far future there is only what?
WAAAAAARGH!... I mean, War.
THE SCORE after day 1
1. WanderingRogue (TESF) - 9
2. Xetirox (TESF) - 8
3. Lord Foul (NM) - 7
-. Silverbolt (SL, and returning champion!) - 7
4. Cecilff2 (TESF) 6
-. Defaulted (TESF) 6
-. Cliffworms (TESF) 6
-. CptJoker (TESF) 6
-. Wolf101(TESF) 6
5. Ewoklord (TESF) 5
-. Nami88 (TESF) 5
6. Det Som Engang Var (NM) 4
-. Karmic (NM) 4
-. Qawsed Asap (TESF) 4
-. Spork The Slightly Insane (TESF) 4
7. yiasemi (BGSFn) 3
-. titan357 (TESF) 3
-. Nuck (TESF) 3
-. Aianna (TESF) 3
8. Septiego (TESF) 2
-. Wasp (TESF) 2
-. SpakyTheElf (TESF) 2
-. Alecto (TESF) 2
-. Liverslapper (NM) 2
-. BoonProtR3 (TESF) 2
-. Valdo' (TESF) 2
9. Frozenaffairs (TESF) 1
-. Rumblyguts (TESF) 1
-. vtastek (TESF) 1
-. AMP (TESF) 1
DAY 2 - Obligatory Quote Round!
Place the Quotes: what game are they from?
1.Excuse me, human, puh-rivate conver-say-shee-un? Ugh.
2.A bomb is a poor choice for close-range combat.
3.You almost became a Jill sandwich!
4.Evil always finds a way.
5.No temeré mal, no temeré mal, no temeré mal!
6.I should have been the one to fill your dark soul WITH LIGHT! (
7.Give a man a bullet and hell want a gun. Give a man a gun and hell be giving away the bullets.
8.What greater power is there than to turn an enemy to your cause? To use their knowledge against them?
today well be discussing the philosophy of putting a bullet in someones head.
10.Come on, Cranky! Take it to the fridge!
Good luck, and again