So I was putt-putting around in my frigate the other day in low sec space when I saw a war target on a gate. It was an Amarr Battlecruiser, one of the guys who keeps poking his head in and out of our part of space, and it was just one else, bored to death. FUCK IT. Locked him up and in two shots I was dead. 10 mil down the drain. LOL. Buuuuuuuuut...there's a better story.
I got three kills the other day. One of the guys I pissed off the other day for KILLING HIS DRAKE WITH MY T1 THORAX CRUISER


has been trying to gank me ever since, so I formed a fleet with my friends and used one of their Drakes to bait this asshole's fleet in an asteroid belt in the Old Man Star system. Stayed just on the other side of the warp gate in the Heyd system and they all warped in on him with a bunch of T2 frigs, a Vagabond Heavy Assault Cruiser (150 million isk), and an Absolution Command Ship (200 million isk). We warped in on them just as they killed the bait ship and massacred them all. All told they lost probably about 400 million isk. We were in a T2 Assault Frigate, a T1 Battlecruiser, and my faithful T1 Thorax. I killed the Vagabond, the T2 Assault Hawk and the Absolution.
Haven't been fucked with since
It's times like these that make the whole permanent ship loss aspect of Eve so worth it. When you spend a shitload of isk on fitting a nice ship and then some dude with less than half of your skill points sets a trap for you because you're a bully and a dick and you lose said ship and I take the rest of your modules that didn't blow up in your ship, it makes it all worth it.