I would like to eventually start a corporation with people I know, or join a corporation with a CEO that I know. I know all to well about the hilarious trade scams, spying and wardecks and I refuse to trust many on Eve. I'm paranoid to even touch 0.0 space anyway. Fuck....that. I rarely feel safe in 0.5 space.
I never post in here because I'm not a PC gamer, just Wii and 360, so I can't be bothered to look if it's already been posted. If it has, ignore it. But if not, Duke Nukem Forever finally comes out in May, after 12 years of waiting.
Man I love the Ishkur. I'm a little rusty so I started a mission with my Dominix, and I kept on having to warp out before I got 'sploded. Then I changed to an Ishkur, and the fuckers couldnt hit me. 800 m/s, bitches!
My ex-corpmate and I are probably gonna start a new small corporation once we get some more people...would like maybe 10 more people for small roams, baiting, mishes, etc. Need to throw up a tower pretty soon and start making our arsenal. Hell, even 5 more people would be fine. We're in Gal space, Sinq Laison/Essence regions.