Gaming Thread

Christopher, i'm going to finish up my career training missions before I travel to your area. Its going to take awhile to get there. I'll just put my shitty frigate on autopilot and SLEEP!
Fuck the old republic! I don't play MMORPG's (too complex, internet sucks, don't wanna deal with it) so th efact that a new star wars bioware game is online only drives me INSANE!!!111 If they did teh same plot but with the me3 engine oh man, that game could fucking rule. With all the ideas and technology bioware has now they could make the most epic star wars game ever (kotor 3 anyone? C'MON!)
John if you do start playing Eve Online let us know. I can help you run through the career missions fast. Its best that you do them all. I already got 2 Sigil Industrial Ships from them and they are easy missions. Sigils are great too. Put some warp drives on those things and they are very fast cargo ships (helps when you are mining in harsh areas).
Goonswarm separated for the most part. I could of joined Goonswarm but all that is now left are just a couple of the thick wallet sister corps. Apparently they got bored of Eve and have moved on to something else to completely destroy.

John I have 2 extra ships and a bunch of extra things in my hanger if you are interested...or anyone else who wants to play besides Chris.
Goonswarm separated for the most part. I could of joined Goonswarm but all that is now left are just a couple of the thick wallet sister corps. Apparently they got bored of Eve and have moved on to something else to completely destroy.

I guess you didn't hear about their escapades in Star Trek Online? FUCKING HILARIOUS.
Stormo in particular but anyone, we talked about traditional fantasy writing before. I've been writing for a bit, but mostly developing lore and such. In addition to generic elves who I can't put a unique take on for the life of me, I opted using real cutures for humans the way Bethesda did. Men of the west being English influenced, the East being Roman influenced and ruled by a council/dictator, south being Indian influenced, north of course Scandinavians.

Is this lame?