That's good thinking. Yeah, it takes a few hours to complete the tutorial, but you'll be glad you did. Also, ask plenty of questions because there is a lot to learn...the learning curve is more like a fjord.
We and our sister corporation run wormholes just about every day...I can put you in touch with one of my guys who does it often. I think they're stuck in one right now, collapsed on them and now they have to find a way back.

You can make tons of money doing wormholes, but you need to have your skills up.
Easiest way to make money is high level missions, but that's gonna take a while for you to get there. Don't worry, I'll help you. Go ahead and start getting your Ammatar standing up since we're in Ammatar space. Mining is cool in the higher levels and with big mining ops, but it's like stabbing your eyes out if you do it by yourself. Can't wait, man! It'll be nice to have you in our corp; we're pretty small but our alliance is formidable. 10% taxes, though...any missions or bounties you are awarded, 10% goes to the corp wallet. Don't worry, it'll all come back to you in the end. It's all for keeping up POSs and manufacturing fleets, modules, etc.
John, when you make yer character, get with Steve and you guys can sorta do the intro's much faster that way. If you still wanna play after two weeks, go ahead and apply to my corporation and I'll hook you up and get you started on the right path. We've got skill books for people who need them, as in the beginning that's gonna be your big asspain.